Source code for molSimplify.Classes.mol3D

# @file
#  Defines mol3D class and contains useful manipulation/retrieval routines.
#  Written by HJK Group
#  Dpt of Chemical Engineering, MIT

import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
    from openbabel import openbabel  # version 3 style import
except ImportError:
    import openbabel  # fallback to version 2
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Any
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from molSimplify.utils.decorators import deprecated

from molSimplify.Classes.atom3D import atom3D
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import globalvars
from molSimplify.Scripts.geometry import (distance, connectivity_match,
                                          vecangle, rotation_params,
from molSimplify.Scripts.rmsd import rigorous_rmsd, kabsch_rmsd, kabsch_rotate
from itertools import permutations

    import PyQt5  # noqa: F401
    from molSimplify.Classes.miniGUI import miniGUI
    # PyQt5 flag
    qtflag = True
except ImportError:
    qtflag = False

[docs]class mol3D: """Holds information about a molecule, used to do manipulations. Reads information from structure file (XYZ, mol2) or is directly built from molsimplify. Please be cautious with periodic systems. Example instantiation of an octahedral iron-ammonia complex from an XYZ file: >>> complex_mol = mol3D() >>> complex_mol.readfromxyz('') # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, name='ABC', loc='', use_atom_specific_cutoffs=False): # List of atom3D objects self.atoms: List[atom3D] = [] # Number of atoms self.natoms = 0 # Mass of molecule self.mass = 0 # Size of molecule self.size = 0 # Charge of molecule self.charge = 0 # Force field optimization settings self.ffopt = 'BA' # Name of molecule (analogous to three_lc in AA3D) = name # Holder for openbabel molecule self.OBMol = False # Holder for bond order matrix self.BO_mat = False # Holder for bond order dictionary self.bo_dict = False # List of connection atoms = [] # Denticity self.denticity = 0 # Identifier self.ident = '' # Holder for global variables self.globs = globalvars() # Holder for molecular graph self.graph = np.array([]) self.xyzfile = 'undef' self.updated = False self.needsconformer = False # Holder for molecular group self.grps = False # Holder for metals self.metals: Optional[List[int]] = None # Conformation (empty string if irrelevant) self.loc = loc # Temporary list for storing conformations self.temp_list = [] # Convex hull self.hull = [] # Holder for partial charge for each atom self.partialcharges: List[float] = [] # ---geo_check------ self.dict_oct_check_loose = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()[ "dict_oct_check_loose"] self.dict_oct_check_st = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()[ "dict_oct_check_st"] self.dict_oneempty_check_loose = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()[ "dict_oneempty_check_loose"] self.dict_oneempty_check_st = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()[ "dict_oneempty_check_st"] self.oct_angle_ref = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()["oct_angle_ref"] self.oneempty_angle_ref = self.globs.geo_check_dictionary()[ "oneempty_angle_ref"] self.geo_dict = dict() self.std_not_use = list() self.num_coord_metal = -1 self.catoms = list() self.init_mol_trunc = False self.my_mol_trunc = False self.flag_oct = -1 self.flag_list = list() self.dict_lig_distort = dict() self.dict_catoms_shape = dict() self.dict_orientation = dict() self.dict_angle_linear = dict() self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = use_atom_specific_cutoffs def __repr__(self): return f"mol3D({self.make_formula(latex=False)})"
[docs] @deprecated("Preliminary testing showed this function is unreliable at best") def ACM(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, angle): """ Performs angular movement on mol3D class. A submolecule is rotated about idx2. Operates directly on class. Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom 1. idx3 : int Index of anchor atom 2. angle : float New bond angle in degrees. """ atidxs_to_move = self.findsubMol(idx1, idx2) atidxs_anchor = self.findsubMol(idx2, idx1) submol_to_move = mol3D() submol_anchor = mol3D() for atidx in atidxs_to_move: atom = self.getAtom(atidx) submol_to_move.addAtom(atom) for atidx in atidxs_anchor: atom = self.getAtom(atidx) submol_anchor.addAtom(atom) mol = mol3D() mol.copymol3D(submol_anchor) r0 = self.getAtom(idx1).coords() r1 = self.getAtom(idx2).coords() r2 = self.getAtom(idx3).coords() theta, u = rotation_params(r2, r1, r0) if theta < 90: angle = 180 - angle submol_to_move = rotate_around_axis( submol_to_move, r1, u, theta - angle) for i, atidx in enumerate(atidxs_to_move): asym = self.atoms[atidx].sym xyz = submol_to_move.getAtomCoords(i) self.atoms[atidx].__init__(Sym=asym, xyz=xyz)
[docs] def ACM_axis(self, idx1, idx2, axis, angle): """ Performs angular movement about an axis on mol3D class. A submolecule is rotated about idx2.Operates directly on class. Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom. axis : list Direction vector of axis. Length 3 (X, Y, Z). angle : float New bond angle in degrees. """ atidxs_to_move = self.findsubMol(idx1, idx2) atidxs_anchor = self.findsubMol(idx2, idx1) submol_to_move = mol3D() submol_anchor = mol3D() for atidx in atidxs_to_move: atom = self.getAtom(atidx) submol_to_move.addAtom(atom) for atidx in atidxs_anchor: atom = self.getAtom(atidx) submol_anchor.addAtom(atom) mol = mol3D() mol.copymol3D(submol_anchor) r1 = self.getAtom(idx2).coords() submol_to_move = rotate_around_axis(submol_to_move, r1, axis, angle) for i, atidx in enumerate(atidxs_to_move): asym = self.atoms[atidx].sym xyz = submol_to_move.getAtomCoords(i) self.atoms[atidx].__init__(Sym=asym, xyz=xyz)
[docs] def addAtom(self, atom: atom3D, index: Optional[int] = None, auto_populate_BO_dict: bool = True): """ Adds an atom to the atoms attribute, which contains a list of atom3D class instances. Parameters ---------- atom : atom3D atom3D class instance of added atom. index : int, optional Index of added atom. Default is None. auto_populate_BO_dict : bool, optional Populate bond order dictionary with newly added atom. Default is True. >>> complex_mol = mol3D() >>> C_atom = atom3D('C', [1, 1, 1]) >>> complex_mol.addAtom(C_atom) # Add carbon atom at cartesian position 1, 1, 1 to mol3D object. """ if index is None: index = len(self.atoms) # self.atoms.append(atom) self.atoms.insert(index, atom) # If partial charge list exists, add partial charge: if len(self.partialcharges) == self.natoms: partialcharge = atom.partialcharge if partialcharge is None: partialcharge = 0.0 self.partialcharges.insert(index, partialcharge) if atom.frozen: self.atoms[index].frozen = True # If bo_dict exists, auto-populate the bo_dict with "1" # for all newly bonded atoms. (Atoms indices in pair must be sorted, # i.e. a bond order pair (1,5) is valid but (5,1) is invalid. if auto_populate_BO_dict and self.bo_dict: new_bo_dict = {} # Adjust indices in bo_dict to reflect insertion for pair, order in list(self.bo_dict.items()): idx1, idx2 = pair if idx1 >= index: idx1 += 1 if idx2 >= index: idx2 += 1 new_bo_dict[(idx1, idx2)] = order self.bo_dict = new_bo_dict # Adjust indices in graph to reflect insertion self.graph = np.array(self.graph) # cast graph as numpy array graph_size = self.graph.shape[0] self.graph = np.insert( self.graph, index, np.zeros(graph_size), axis=0) self.graph = np.insert( self.graph, index, np.zeros(graph_size+1), axis=1) # Grab connecting atom indices and populate bo_dict and graph catom_idxs = self.getBondedAtoms(index) for catom_idx in catom_idxs: sorted_indices = sorted([catom_idx, index]) self.bo_dict[tuple(sorted_indices)] = '1' self.graph[catom_idx, index] = 1 self.graph[index, catom_idx] = 1 else: self.graph = [] self.natoms += 1 self.mass += atom.mass self.size = self.molsize() self.metals = None
[docs] def assign_graph_from_net(self, path_to_net, return_graph=False): """ Uses a .net file to assign a graph (and return if needed) Parameters ---------- path_to_net : str path to .net file containing the molecular graph return_graph : bool Return the graph in addition to assigning it to self. Default is False. Returns ---------- graph: np.array a numpy array containing the unattributed molecular graph """ with open(path_to_net, 'r') as f: strgraph = f.readlines() graph = [] for i, line in enumerate(strgraph): if i == 0: continue else: templine = np.array([int(val) for val in line.strip('\n').split(',')]) graph.append(templine) graph = np.array(graph) self.graph = graph if return_graph: return graph
[docs] @deprecated('Duplicate function will be removed in a future release. ' 'Use findAtomsbySymbol instead.') def find_atom(self, sym="X"): """ Find atoms with a specific symbol. Parameters ---------- sym: str element symbol, default as X. Returns ---------- inds: list a list of atom index with the specified symbol. """ inds = [] for ii, atom in enumerate(self.getAtoms()): if atom.symbol() == sym: inds.append(ii) return inds
[docs] def add_bond(self, idx1: int, idx2: int, bond_type: int) -> dict: """ Add a bond of order bond_type between the atom at idx1 and the atom at idx2. Adjusts bo_dict and graph only, not BO_mat nor OBMol. Parameters ---------- idx1: int Index of first atom. idx2: int Index of second atom. bond_type: int The order of the new bond. Returns ---------- self.bo_dict: dict The modified bond order dictionary. """ if not (isinstance(idx1, int) and isinstance(idx2, int) and isinstance(bond_type, int)): raise TypeError('Incorrect input!') # Error handling. The user gave input of the wrong type. # Keys in bo_dict must be sorted tuples, where the first index is smaller than the second. if idx1 < idx2: self.bo_dict[(idx1, idx2)] = bond_type elif idx2 < idx1: self.bo_dict[(idx2, idx1)] = bond_type else: raise IndexError('Indices should be different!') # can't have an atom bond to itself # Adjusting the graph as well. self.graph[idx1][idx2] = float(bond_type) self.graph[idx2][idx1] = float(bond_type) return self.bo_dict
[docs] def count_nonH_atoms(self): """ Count the number of heavy atoms. Returns ---------- count: integer the number of heavy atoms """ count = 0 for ii in range(self.natoms): if not self.getAtom(ii).symbol() in ["H", "h"]: count += 1 return count
[docs] def count_atoms(self, exclude=['H', 'h', 'x', 'X']): """ Count the number of atoms, excluding certain atoms. Parameters ---------- exclude: list list of symbols for atoms to exclude. Returns ---------- count: integer the number of heavy atoms """ count = 0 for ii in range(self.natoms): if not self.getAtom(ii).symbol() in exclude: count += 1 return count
[docs] def count_specific_atoms(self, atom_types=['x', 'X']): """ Count the number of atoms, including only certain atoms. Parameters ---------- atom_types: list list of symbols for atoms to include. Returns ---------- count: integer the number of heavy atoms """ count = 0 for ii in range(self.natoms): if self.getAtom(ii).symbol() in atom_types: count += 1 return count
[docs] def count_electrons(self, charge=0): """ Count the number of electrons in a molecule. Parameters ---------- charge: int, optional Net charge of a molecule. Default is neutral. Returns ---------- count: integer The number of electrons in the system. """ count = 0 for ii in range(self.natoms): count += self.getAtom(ii).atno count = count-charge return count
[docs] def alignmol(self, atom1, atom2): """ Aligns two molecules such that the coordinates of two atoms overlap. Second molecule is translated relative to the first. No rotations are performed. Use other functions for rotations. Moves the mol3D class. Parameters ---------- atom1 : atom3D atom3D of reference atom in first molecule. atom2 : atom3D atom3D of reference atom in second molecule. """ dv = atom2.distancev(atom1) self.translate(dv)
[docs] def BCM(self, idx1, idx2, d): """ Performs bond centric manipulation (same as Avogadro, stretching and squeezing bonds). A submolecule is translated along the bond axis connecting it to an anchor atom. Illustration: H3A-BH3 -> H3A----BH3 where B = idx1 and A = idx2 Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom. d : float Bond distance in angstroms. >>> complex_mol = mol3D() >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 0, 0])) >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 0, 1])) >>> complex_mol.BCM(1, 0, 0.7) # Set distance between atoms 0 and 1 to be 1.5 angstroms. Move atom 1. >>> complex_mol.coordsvect() array([[0. , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.7]]) """ bondv = self.getAtom(idx1).distancev(self.getAtom(idx2)) # 1 - 2 # compute current bond length u = 0.0 for u0 in bondv: u += (u0 * u0) u = np.sqrt(u) dR = [i * (d / u - 1) for i in bondv] submolidxes = self.findsubMol(idx1, idx2) for submolidx in submolidxes: self.getAtom(submolidx).translate(dR)
[docs] def BCM_opt(self, idx1, idx2, d, ff='uff'): """ Performs bond centric manipulation (same as Avogadro, stretching and squeezing bonds). A submolecule is translated along the bond axis connecting it to an anchor atom. Performs force field optimization after, freezing the moved bond length. Illustration: H3A-BH3 -> H3A----BH3 where B = idx1 and A = idx2 Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom. d : float Bond distance in angstroms. ff : str Name of force field to be used from openbabel. """ self.convert2OBMol() OBMol = self.OBMol forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() constr.AddDistanceConstraint(idx1 + 1, idx2 + 1, d) s = forcefield.Setup(OBMol, constr) if s is not True: print('forcefield setup failed.') exit() else: forcefield.SteepestDescent(500) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) self.OBMol = OBMol self.convert2mol3D()
[docs] def centermass(self): """ Computes coordinates of center of mass of molecule. Returns ------- center_of_mass : list Coordinates of center of mass. List of length 3: (X, Y, Z). """ center_of_mass = [0, 0, 0] mmass = 0 # loop over atoms in molecule if self.natoms > 0: for atom in self.atoms: # calculate center of mass (relative weight according to atomic mass) xyz = atom.coords() center_of_mass[0] += xyz[0] * atom.mass center_of_mass[1] += xyz[1] * atom.mass center_of_mass[2] += xyz[2] * atom.mass mmass += atom.mass # normalize center_of_mass[0] /= mmass center_of_mass[1] /= mmass center_of_mass[2] /= mmass else: center_of_mass = False print( 'ERROR: Center of mass calculation failed. Structure will be inaccurate.\n') return center_of_mass
[docs] def centersym(self): """ Computes coordinates of center of symmetry of molecule. Identical to centermass, but not weighted by atomic masses. Returns ------- center_of_symmetry : list Coordinates of center of symmetry. List of length 3: (X, Y, Z). """ # initialize center of mass and mol mass center_of_symmetry = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # loop over atoms in molecule for atom in self.atoms: # calculate center of symmetry xyz = atom.coords() center_of_symmetry[0] += xyz[0] center_of_symmetry[1] += xyz[1] center_of_symmetry[2] += xyz[2] # normalize center_of_symmetry[0] /= self.natoms center_of_symmetry[1] /= self.natoms center_of_symmetry[2] /= self.natoms return center_of_symmetry
[docs] def cleanBonds(self): """ Removes all stored openbabel bond order information. """ obiter = openbabel.OBMolBondIter(self.OBMol) bonds_to_del = [] for bond in obiter: bonds_to_del.append(bond) for i in bonds_to_del: self.OBMol.DeleteBond(i)
[docs] def convert2mol3D(self): """ Converts OBMol class instance to mol3D class instance. Generally used after openbabel operations, such as FF optimizing a molecule. Updates the mol3D as necessary. """ original_graph = self.graph self.initialize() self.graph = original_graph # atom3D_list = [] # get elements dictionary elem = globalvars().elementsbynum() # loop over atoms for atom in openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(self.OBMol): # get coordinates pos = [atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(), atom.GetZ()] # get atomic symbol sym = elem[atom.GetAtomicNum() - 1] # add atom to molecule # atom3D_list.append(atom3D(sym, pos)) self.addAtom(atom3D(sym, pos)) # self.atoms = atom3D_list # reset metal ID self.metals = None
[docs] def convert2OBMol(self, force_clean=False, ignoreX=False): """ Converts mol3D class instance to OBMol class instance. Stores as OBMol attribute. Necessary for force field optimizations and other openbabel operations. Parameters ---------- force_clean : bool, optional Force no bond info retention. Default is False. ignoreX : bool, optional Index of anchor atom. Default is False. """ # get BO matrix if exits: repop = False if not (self.OBMol is False) and not force_clean: BO_mat = self.populateBOMatrix() repop = True elif not (self.BO_mat is False) and not force_clean: BO_mat = self.BO_mat repop = True # write temp xyz fd, tempf = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".xyz") os.close(fd) # self.writexyz('', symbsonly=True) self.writexyz(tempf, symbsonly=True, ignoreX=ignoreX) obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInFormat("xyz") OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadFile(OBMol, tempf) self.OBMol = [] self.OBMol = OBMol os.remove(tempf) if repop and not force_clean: self.cleanBonds() for i in range(0, self.natoms): for j in range(0, self.natoms): if BO_mat[i][j] > 0: self.OBMol.AddBond(i + 1, j + 1, int(BO_mat[i][j]))
[docs] def convert2OBMol2(self, force_clean=False, ignoreX=False): """ Converts mol3D class instance to OBMol class instance, but uses mol2 function, so bond orders are not interpreted, but rather read through the mol2. Stores as OBMol attribute. Necessary for force field optimizations and other openbabel operations. Parameters ---------- force_clean : bool, optional Force no bond info retention. Default is False. ignoreX : bool, optional Index of anchor atom. Default is False. """ # get BO matrix if exits: obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInFormat('mol2') if not len(self.graph): self.createMolecularGraph() if not self.bo_dict: # If bonddict not assigned - Use OBMol to perceive bond orders mol2string = self.writemol2('temporary', writestring=True, ignoreX=ignoreX, force=True) OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadString(OBMol, mol2string) OBMol.PerceiveBondOrders() ##### obConversion.SetOutFormat('mol2') ss = obConversion.WriteString(OBMol) # Update atom types from OBMol. if "UNITY_ATOM_ATTR" in ss: # If this section is present, it will be before the @<TRIPOS>BOND section. lines = ss.split('ATOM\n')[1].split( '@<TRIPOS>UNITY_ATOM_ATTR')[0].split('\n')[:-1] else: lines = ss.split('ATOM\n')[1].split( '@<TRIPOS>BOND')[0].split('\n')[:-1] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if '.' in line.split()[5]: self.atoms[i].name = line.split()[5].split('.')[1] ###### self.OBMol = [] self.OBMol = OBMol BO_mat = self.populateBOMatrix(bonddict=True) self.BO_mat = BO_mat else: mol2string = self.writemol2('temporary', writestring=True, ignoreX=ignoreX) OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadString(OBMol, mol2string) self.OBMol = [] self.OBMol = OBMol BO_mat = self.populateBOMatrix(bonddict=False) self.BO_mat = BO_mat
[docs] def resetBondOBMol(self): """ Repopulates the bond order matrix via openbabel. Interprets bond order matrix. """ if self.OBMol: BO_mat = self.populateBOMatrix() self.cleanBonds() for i in range(0, self.natoms): for j in range(0, self.natoms): if BO_mat[i][j] > 0: self.OBMol.AddBond(i + 1, j + 1, int(BO_mat[i][j])) else: print("OBmol does not exist")
[docs] def combine(self, mol, bond_to_add=[], dirty=False): """ Combines two molecules. Each atom in the second molecule is appended to the first while preserving orders. Assumes operation with a given mol3D instance, when handed a second mol3D instance. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance containing molecule to be added. bond_to_add : list, optional List of tuples (ind1,ind2,order) bonds to add. Default is empty. dirty : bool, optional Add atoms without worrying about bond orders. Default is False. Returns ------- cmol : mol3D New mol3D class containing the two molecules combined. """ cmol = self if not dirty: # BondSafe cmol.convert2OBMol(force_clean=False, ignoreX=True) mol.convert2OBMol(force_clean=False, ignoreX=True) n_one = cmol.natoms n_two = mol.natoms n_tot = n_one + n_two # allocate jointBOMat = np.zeros([n_tot, n_tot]) # get individual mats con_mat_one = cmol.populateBOMatrix() con_mat_two = mol.populateBOMatrix() # combine mats for i in range(0, n_one): for j in range(0, n_one): jointBOMat[i][j] = con_mat_one[i][j] for i in range(0, n_two): for j in range(0, n_two): jointBOMat[i + n_one][j + n_one] = con_mat_two[i][j] # optional add additional bond(s) if bond_to_add: for bond_tuples in bond_to_add: # print('adding bond ' + str(bond_tuples)) jointBOMat[bond_tuples[0], bond_tuples[1]] = bond_tuples[2] jointBOMat[bond_tuples[1], bond_tuples[0]] = bond_tuples[2] # jointBOMat[bond_tuples[0], bond_tuples[1]+n_one] = bond_tuples[2] # jointBOMat[bond_tuples[1]+n_one, bond_tuples[0]] = bond_tuples[2] # add mol3Ds for atom in mol.atoms: cmol.addAtom(atom) if not dirty: cmol.convert2OBMol(ignoreX=True) # clean all bonds cmol.cleanBonds() # restore bond info for i in range(0, n_tot): for j in range(0, n_tot): if jointBOMat[i][j] > 0: cmol.OBMol.AddBond(i + 1, j + 1, int(jointBOMat[i][j])) # reset graph cmol.graph = [] self.metals = None return cmol
[docs] def coords(self): """ Method to obtain string of coordinates in molecule. Returns ------- coord_string : string String of molecular coordinates with atom identities in XYZ format. """ coord_string = '' # initialize returning string coord_string += "%d \n\n" % self.natoms for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() coord_string += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) return coord_string
[docs] def coordsvect(self): """ Method to obtain array of coordinates in molecule. Returns ------- list_of_coordinates : np.array Two dimensional numpy array of molecular coordinates. (N by 3) dimension, N is number of atoms. """ list_of_coordinates = [] for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() list_of_coordinates.append(xyz) return np.array(list_of_coordinates)
[docs] def symvect(self): """ Method to obtain array of symbol vector of molecule. Returns ------- symbol_vector : np.array 1 dimensional numpy array of atom symbols. (N,) dimension, N is number of atoms. """ symbol_vector = [] for atom in self.atoms: symbol_vector.append(atom.sym) return np.array(symbol_vector)
[docs] def typevect(self): """ Method to obtain array of type vector of molecule. Returns ------- type_vector : np.array 1 dimensional numpy array of atom types (by name). (N,) dimension, N is number of atoms. """ type_vector = [] for atom in self.atoms: type_vector.append( return np.array(type_vector)
[docs] def copymol3D(self, mol0): """ Copies properties and atoms of another existing mol3D object into current mol3D object. Should be performed on a new mol3D class instance. WARNING: NEVER EVER USE mol3D = mol0 to do this. It DOES NOT WORK. ONLY USE ON A FRESH INSTANCE OF MOL3D. Operates on fresh instance. Parameters ---------- mol0 : mol3D mol3D of molecule to be copied. """ # copy atoms for i, atom0 in enumerate(mol0.atoms): self.addAtom(atom3D(atom0.sym, atom0.coords(), if atom0.frozen: self.getAtom(i).frozen = True # copy other attributes = self.charge = mol0.charge self.denticity = mol0.denticity self.ident = mol0.ident self.ffopt = mol0.ffopt self.OBMol = mol0.OBMol = self.graph = mol0.graph self.bo_dict = mol0.bo_dict self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = mol0.use_atom_specific_cutoffs
[docs] def createMolecularGraph(self, oct=True, strict_cutoff=False, catom_list=None): """ Create molecular graph of a molecule given X, Y, Z positions. Bond order is not interpreted by this. Updates graph attribute of the mol3D class. Parameters ---------- oct : bool Defines whether a structure is octahedral. Default is True. strict_cutoff: bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs catom_list: list, optional List of indices of bonded atoms. """ if not len(self.graph): index_set = list(range(0, self.natoms)) A = np.zeros((self.natoms, self.natoms)) catoms_metal = list() metal_ind = None for i in index_set: if oct: if self.getAtom(i).ismetal(): this_bonded_atoms = self.get_fcs(strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff, catom_list=catom_list) metal_ind = i catoms_metal = this_bonded_atoms if i in this_bonded_atoms: this_bonded_atoms.remove(i) else: this_bonded_atoms = self.getBondedAtomsOct(i, debug=False, atom_specific_cutoffs=self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs, strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff) else: this_bonded_atoms = self.getBondedAtoms(i) for j in index_set: if j in this_bonded_atoms: A[i, j] = 1 if metal_ind is not None: for i in index_set: if i not in catoms_metal: A[i, metal_ind] = 0 A[metal_ind, i] = 0 if catom_list is not None: geo_based_catoms = self.get_fcs(strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff) for ind in geo_based_catoms: if ind not in catom_list: A[ind, metal_ind] = 0 A[metal_ind, ind] = 0 self.graph = A
[docs] def deleteatom(self, atomIdx): """ Delete a specific atom from the mol3D class given an index. Parameters ---------- atomIdx : int Index for the atom3D to remove. """ if atomIdx < 0: atomIdx = self.natoms + atomIdx if atomIdx >= self.natoms: raise IndexError('mol3D object cannot delete atom '+str(atomIdx) + ' because it only has '+str(self.natoms)+' atoms!') if self.getAtom(atomIdx).sym == 'X': self.atoms[atomIdx].sym = 'Fe' # Switch to Iron temporarily self.atoms[atomIdx].name = 'Fe' if self.bo_dict: self.convert2OBMol2() save_inds = [x for x in range(self.natoms) if x != atomIdx] save_bo_dict = self.get_bo_dict_from_inds(save_inds) self.bo_dict = save_bo_dict else: self.convert2OBMol() print(atomIdx, 'from inside mol3d') self.OBMol.DeleteAtom(self.OBMol.GetAtom(atomIdx + 1)) self.mass -= self.getAtom(atomIdx).mass self.natoms -= 1 if len(self.graph): self.graph = np.delete( np.delete(self.graph, atomIdx, 0), atomIdx, 1) self.metals = None del (self.atoms[atomIdx])
[docs] def deleteatoms(self, Alist): """ Delete a multiple atoms from the mol3D class given a set of indices. Preserves ordering, starts from largest index. Parameters ---------- Alist : list List of indices for atom3D instances to remove. """ for i in Alist: if i > self.natoms: raise IndexError('mol3D object cannot delete atom '+str(i) + ' because it only has '+str(self.natoms)+' atoms!') # convert negative indexes to positive indexes Alist = [self.natoms+i if i < 0 else i for i in Alist] for atomIdx in Alist: if self.getAtom(atomIdx).sym == 'X': self.atoms[atomIdx].sym = 'Fe' # Switch to Iron temporarily self.atoms[atomIdx].name = 'Fe' if self.bo_dict: self.convert2OBMol2() save_inds = [x for x in range(self.natoms) if x not in Alist] save_bo_dict = self.get_bo_dict_from_inds(save_inds) self.bo_dict = save_bo_dict else: self.convert2OBMol() for h in sorted(Alist, reverse=True): self.OBMol.DeleteAtom(self.OBMol.GetAtom(int(h) + 1)) self.mass -= self.getAtom(h).mass self.natoms -= 1 del (self.atoms[h]) if len(self.graph): self.graph = np.delete(np.delete(self.graph, Alist, 0), Alist, 1) self.metals = None
[docs] def freezeatom(self, atomIdx): """ Set the freeze attribute to be true for a given atom3D class. Parameters ---------- atomIdx : int Index for atom to be frozen. """ self.atoms[atomIdx].frozen = True
[docs] def freezeatoms(self, Alist): """ Set the freeze attribute to be true for a given set of atom3D classes, given their indices. Preserves ordering, starts from largest index. Parameters ---------- Alist : list List of indices for atom3D instances to remove. """ for h in sorted(Alist, reverse=True): self.freezeatom(h)
[docs] def get_submol_noHs(self): """ Get the heavy atom only submolecule, with no hydrogens. Returns ------- mol_noHs : mol3D mol3D class instance with no hydrogens. """ keep_list = [] for i in range(self.natoms): if self.getAtom(i).symbol() == 'H': continue else: keep_list.append(i) mol_noHs = self.create_mol_with_inds(keep_list) return mol_noHs
[docs] def deleteHs(self): """ Delete all hydrogens from a molecule. Preserves heavy atom ordering. """ hlist = [] for i in range(self.natoms): if self.getAtom(i).sym == 'H': # and i not in metalcons: hlist.append(i) self.deleteatoms(hlist)
[docs] def distance(self, mol): """ Measure the distance between center of mass of two molecules. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of second molecule to measure distance to. Returns ------- d_cm : float Distance between centers of mass of two molecules. """ cm0 = self.centermass() cm1 = mol.centermass() d_cm = distance(cm0, cm1) return d_cm
[docs] def draw_svg(self, filename): """ Draw image of molecule and save to SVG. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to save SVG to. """ obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetOutFormat("svg") obConversion.AddOption("i", obConversion.OUTOPTIONS, "") # return the svg with atom labels as a string svgstr = obConversion.WriteString(self.OBMol) namespace = "" ET.register_namespace("", namespace) tree = ET.fromstring(svgstr) svg = tree.find("{{{ns}}}g/{{{ns}}}svg".format(ns=namespace)) newsvg = ET.tostring(svg).decode("utf-8") # write unpacked svg file fname = filename + '.svg' with open(fname, "w") as svg_file: svg_file.write(newsvg) if qtflag: # Initialize fake gui fakegui = miniGUI(sys.argv) # Add the svg to the window fakegui.addsvg(fname) # Show window else: print('No PyQt5 found. SVG file written to directory.')
[docs] def aromatic_charge(self, bo_graph): ''' Get the charge of aromatic rings based on 4*n+2 rule. Parameters ---------- bo_graph: numpy.array bond order matrix ''' aromatic_atoms = np.count_nonzero(bo_graph == 1.5)/2 # print("aromatic_atoms: ", aromatic_atoms) if aromatic_atoms > bo_graph.shape[0] - 1: aromatic_n = np.rint((aromatic_atoms-2)*1./4) aromatic_e = 4 * aromatic_n + 2 return (aromatic_atoms - aromatic_e) else: return 0
[docs] def get_smilesOBmol_charge(self): """ Get the charge of a mol3D object through adjusted OBmol hydrogen/smiles conversion Note that currently this function should only be applied to ligands (organic molecules). """ # Use this as dummy mol3D class. Shouldn't interfere with other functionality. self.my_mol_trunc = mol3D() nh = len([x for x in self.symvect() if x == 'H']) # Get initial hydrogens count. smi = self.get_smiles(use_mol2=True, canonicalize=True) self.my_mol_trunc.read_smiles(smi, steps=0, ff=False) charge = self.my_mol_trunc.OBMol.GetTotalCharge() formula = self.my_mol_trunc.OBMol.GetFormula() if 'H' in formula: hs_tmp = formula.split('H')[1] nh_obmol = '' if len(hs_tmp) > 0: if hs_tmp[0].isnumeric(): for x in hs_tmp: if x.isnumeric(): nh_obmol += x else: break else: nh_obmol += '1' else: nh_obmol += '1' else: nh_obmol = '0' nh_obmol = int(nh_obmol) charge = charge - nh_obmol + nh return charge
[docs] def get_first_shell(self, check_hapticity=True): ''' Get the first coordination shell of a mol3D object with a single transition metal (read from CSD mol2 file) if check_hapticity is True updates the first shell of multiheptate ligand to be hydrogen set at the geometric mean Parameters ---------- check_hapticity: boolean whether to update multiheptate ligands to their geometric centroid Returns ---------- mol 3D object: first coordination shell with metal (can change based on check_hapticity) list: list of hapticity ''' from molSimplify.Informatics.graph_analyze import obtain_truncation_metal import networkx as nx mol_fcs = obtain_truncation_metal(self, hops=1) M_coord = mol_fcs.getAtomCoords(mol_fcs.findMetal()[0]) M_sym = mol_fcs.getAtom(mol_fcs.findMetal()[0]).symbol() G = nx.from_numpy_array(mol_fcs.graph) G.remove_node(mol_fcs.findMetal()[0]) coord_list = [c for c in sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)] hapticity_list = [len(c) for c in sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)] new_coords_mol = [] new_coords_sym = [] if not len(coord_list) == G.number_of_nodes(): for i in range(len(coord_list)): if len(coord_list[i]) == 1: coord_index = list(coord_list[i])[0] coord = mol_fcs.getAtomCoords(coord_index) sym = mol_fcs.getAtom(coord_index).symbol() new_coords_mol.append(coord) new_coords_sym.append(sym) else: get_centroid = [] for j in coord_list[i]: get_centroid.append(mol_fcs.getAtomCoords(j)) coordinating = np.array(get_centroid) coord = np.mean(coordinating, axis=0) new_coords_mol.append(coord.tolist()) new_coords_sym.append('H') new_mol = mol3D() new_mol.bo_dict = {} new_mol.addAtom(atom3D(M_sym, M_coord)) for i in range(len(new_coords_mol)): new_mol.addAtom(atom3D(new_coords_sym[i], new_coords_mol[i])) new_mol.graph = np.zeros([new_mol.natoms, new_mol.natoms]) for i in range(new_mol.natoms): if i != new_mol.findMetal()[0]: new_mol.add_bond(new_mol.findMetal()[0], i, 1) else: new_mol = mol3D() new_mol.copymol3D(mol_fcs) if check_hapticity: return new_mol, hapticity_list else: return mol_fcs, hapticity_list
[docs] def get_octetrule_charge(self, debug=False): ''' Get the octet-rule charge provided a mol3D object with bo_graph (read from CSD mol2 file) Note that currently this function should only be applied to ligands (organic molecules). Parameters ---------- debug: boolean whether to have more printouts ''' octet_bo = {"H": 1, "C": 4, "N": 3, "O": 2, "F": 1, "Si": 4, "P": 3, "S": 2, "Cl": 1, "Ge": 4, "As": 3, "Se": 2, "Br": 1, "Sn": 4, "Sb": 3, "Te": 2, "I": 1} self.deleteatoms(self.findAtomsbySymbol("X")) self.convert2OBMol2() ringlist = self.OBMol.GetSSSR() ringinds = [] charge = 0 for obmol_ring in ringlist: _inds = [] for ii in range(1, self.natoms+1): if obmol_ring.IsInRing(ii): _inds.append(ii-1) ringinds.append(_inds) charge += self.aromatic_charge(self.bo_graph_trunc[_inds, :][:, _inds]) arom_charge = charge for ii in range(self.natoms): sym = self.getAtom(ii).symbol() try: if sym in ["N", "P", "As", "Sb"] and np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) >= 5: _c = int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 5) elif (sym in ["N", "P", "As", "Sb"]) and (np.count_nonzero(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii] == 2) >= 1) and \ ("O" in [self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in np.where(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii] == 2)[0]]) and \ (np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) == 4): _c = int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 5) # Double Bonds == 3, Double bonded atom is O or N, Total BO == 6 elif sym in ["O", "S", "Se", "Te"] and np.count_nonzero(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii] == 2) == 3 and \ (self.getAtom(np.where(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii] == 2)[0][0]).symbol() in ["O", "N"]) and \ np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) == 6: _c = -int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 4) elif sym in ["O", "S", "Se", "Te"] and np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) >= 5: _c = -int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 6) elif sym in ["O", "S", "Se", "Te"] and np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) == 4: _c = int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 4) elif sym in ["F", "Cl", "Br", "I"] and np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) >= 6: _c = int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - 7) elif sym in ["H"] and np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) == 2: _c = 0 else: _c = int(np.sum(self.bo_graph_trunc[ii]) - octet_bo[sym]) if debug: print(ii, sym, _c) charge += _c except ValueError: return np.nan, np.nan return charge, arom_charge
[docs] def apply_ffopt(self, constraints=False, ff='uff'): """ Apply forcefield optimization to a given mol3D class. Parameters ---------- constraints : int, optional Range of atom indices to employ cartesian constraints before ffopt. ff : str, optional Force field to be used in openbabel. Default is UFF. Returns ------- energy : float Energy of the ffopt in kJ/mol. """ forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() if constraints: for catom in range(constraints): # Openbabel uses a 1 index instead of a 0 index. constr.AddAtomConstraint(catom+1) self.convert2OBMol() forcefield.Setup(self.OBMol, constr) if self.OBMol.NumHvyAtoms() > 10: forcefield.ConjugateGradients(200) else: forcefield.ConjugateGradients(50) forcefield.GetCoordinates(self.OBMol) en = forcefield.Energy() self.convert2mol3D() return en
[docs] def apply_ffopt_list_constraints(self, list_constraints=False, ff='uff'): """ Apply forcefield optimization to a given mol3D class. Differs from apply_ffopt in that one can specify constrained atoms as a list. Parameters ---------- list_constraints : list of int, optional List of atom indices to employ cartesian constraints before ffopt. ff : str, optional Force field to be used in openbabel. Default is UFF. Returns ------- energy : float Energy of the ffopt in kJ/mol. """ forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() if list_constraints: for catom in list_constraints: # Openbabel uses a 1 index instead of a 0 index. constr.AddAtomConstraint(catom+1) self.convert2OBMol() forcefield.Setup(self.OBMol, constr) if self.OBMol.NumHvyAtoms() > 10: forcefield.ConjugateGradients(200) else: forcefield.ConjugateGradients(50) forcefield.GetCoordinates(self.OBMol) en = forcefield.Energy() self.convert2mol3D() return en
[docs] def findcloseMetal(self, atom0): """ Find the nearest metal to a given atom3D class. Returns heaviest element if no metal found. Parameters ---------- atom_idx : atom3D atom3D class for atom of interest. Returns ------- close_metal : int index of the nearest metal, or heaviest atom if no metal found. """ close_metal = None mindist = 1000 for i in self.findMetal(): atom = self.getAtom(i) if distance(atom.coords(), atom0.coords()) < mindist: mindist = distance(atom.coords(), atom0.coords()) close_metal = i # if no metal, find heaviest atom if close_metal is None: maxaw = 0 for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.atno > maxaw: close_metal = i return close_metal
[docs] def findMetal(self, transition_metals_only: bool = True) -> List[int]: # transition_metals_only = False """ Find metal(s) in a mol3D class. Parameters ---------- transition_metals_only : bool, optional Only find transition metals. Default is true. Returns ------- metal_list : list List of indices of metal atoms in mol3D. """ if self.metals is None: metal_list = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.ismetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only): metal_list.append(i) self.metals = metal_list return self.metals
[docs] def findAtomsbySymbol(self, sym: str) -> List[int]: """ Find all elements with a given symbol in a mol3D class. Parameters ---------- sym : str Symbol of the atom of interest. Returns ------- atom_list : list List of indices of atoms in mol3D with a given symbol. """ atomlist = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.sym == sym: atomlist.append(i) return atomlist
[docs] def findsubMol(self, atom0, atomN, smart=False): """ Finds a submolecule within the molecule given the starting atom and the separating atom. Illustration: H2A-B-C-DH2 will return C-DH2 if C is the starting atom and B is the separating atom. Alternatively, if C is the starting atom and D is the separating atom, returns H2A-B-C. Parameters ---------- atom0 : int Index of starting atom. atomN : int Index of the separating atom. smart : bool, optional Decision of whether or not to use getBondedAtomsSmart. Default is False. Returns ------- subm : list List of indices of atoms in submolecule. """ if atom0 == atomN: raise ValueError("atom0 cannot be the same as atomN!") subm = [] conatoms = [atom0] if not smart: conatoms += self.getBondedAtoms(atom0) # connected atoms to atom0 else: conatoms += self.getBondedAtomsSmart(atom0) if atomN in conatoms: conatoms.remove(atomN) # check for idxN and remove subm += conatoms # add to submolecule while len(conatoms) > 0: # while list of atoms to check loop for atidx in subm: # loop over initial connected atoms if atidx != atomN: # check for separation atom if not smart: newcon = self.getBondedAtoms(atidx) else: newcon = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(atidx) if atomN in newcon: newcon.remove(atomN) for newat in newcon: if newat not in conatoms and newat not in subm: conatoms.append(newat) subm.append(newat) if atidx in conatoms: conatoms.remove(atidx) # remove from list to check return subm
[docs] @classmethod def from_smiles(cls, smiles, gen3d: bool = True): mol = cls() mol.getOBMol(smiles, "smistring", gen3d=gen3d) elem = globalvars().elementsbynum() # Add atoms for atom in openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(mol.OBMol): # get coordinates pos = [atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(), atom.GetZ()] # get atomic symbol sym = elem[atom.GetAtomicNum() - 1] # add atom to molecule # atom3D_list.append(atom3D(sym, pos)) mol.addAtom(atom3D(sym, pos)) # Add bonds mol.graph = np.zeros([mol.natoms, mol.natoms]) mol.bo_graph = np.zeros([mol.natoms, mol.natoms]) for bond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(mol.OBMol): i = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1 j = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1 bond_order = bond.GetBondOrder() if bond.IsAromatic(): bond_order = 1.5 mol.graph[i, j] = mol.graph[j, i] = 1 mol.bo_graph[i, j] = mol.bo_graph[j, i] = bond_order return mol
[docs] def getAtom(self, idx): """ Get atom with a given index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of desired atom. Returns ------- atom : atom3D atom3D class for element at given index. """ return self.atoms[idx]
[docs] def getAtomwithinds(self, inds): """ Get atoms with a given list of indices. Parameters ---------- idx : list List of indices of desired atoms. Returns ------- atom_list : list List of atom3D classes for elements at given indices. """ return [self.atoms[idx] for idx in inds]
[docs] def getAtomwithSyms(self, syms=['X'], return_index=False): """ Get atoms with a given list of symbols. Parameters ---------- idx : list List of desired atom symbols. return_index : bool True or false for returning the atom indices instead of atom3D classes. Returns indices if True. Returns ------- atom_list : list List of atom3D classes for elements with given symbols. """ temp_list = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.symbol() in syms: temp_list.append(i) if return_index: return temp_list else: return [self.atoms[idx] for idx in temp_list]
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """ Get all atoms within a molecule. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- atom_list : list List of atom3D classes for all elements in a mol3D. """ return self.atoms
[docs] def getAtomTypes(self): """ Get unique elements in a molecule Returns ------- unique_atoms_list : list List of unique elements in molecule by symbol. """ unique_atoms_list = list() for atoms in self.getAtoms(): if atoms.symbol() not in unique_atoms_list: unique_atoms_list.append(atoms.symbol()) return unique_atoms_list
[docs] def getAtomCoords(self, idx): """ Get atom coordinates with a given index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of desired atom. Returns ------- coords : list List of coordinates (length 3: [X, Y, Z]) for element at given index. """ return self.atoms[idx].coords()
[docs] def getNumAtoms(self): """ Get the number of atoms within a molecule. Returns ------- self.natoms : int The number of atoms in the mol3D object. """ return self.natoms
[docs] def getBondedAtomsBOMatrix(self, idx): """ Get atoms bonded by an atom referenced by index, using the BO matrix. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ self.convert2OBMol() OBMatrix = self.populateBOMatrix() # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i in range(len(OBMatrix[idx])): if OBMatrix[idx][i] > 0: nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsBOMatrixAug(self, idx): """ Get atoms bonded by an atom referenced by index, using the augmented BO matrix. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ self.convert2OBMol() OBMatrix = self.populateBOMatrixAug() # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i in range(len(OBMatrix[idx])): if OBMatrix[idx][i] > 0: nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getBondCutoff(self, atom: atom3D, ratom: atom3D) -> float: """ Get cutoff based on two atoms. Parameters ---------- atom : atom3D atom3D class of first atom. ratom : atom3D atom3D class of second atom. Returns ------- distance_max : float Cutoff based on atomic radii scaled by a factor. """ distance_max = 1.15 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.symbol() == "C" and not ratom.symbol() == "H": distance_max = min(2.75, distance_max) # 2.75 by 07/22/2021 if ratom.symbol() == "C" and not atom.symbol() == "H": distance_max = min(2.75, distance_max) # 2.75 by 07/22/2021 if ratom.symbol() == "H" and atom.ismetal(): # tight cutoff for metal-H bonds distance_max = 1.1 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.symbol() == "H" and ratom.ismetal(): # tight cutoff for metal-H bonds distance_max = 1.1 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) return distance_max
[docs] def getBondedAtoms(self, idx: int) -> List[int]: """ Gets atoms bonded to a specific atom. This is determined based on element-specific distance cutoffs, rather than predefined valences. This method is ideal for metals because bond orders are ill-defined. For pure organics, the OBMol class provides better functionality. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ if len(self.graph): # The graph exists. nats = list(np.nonzero(np.ravel(self.graph[idx]))[0]) else: ratom = self.getAtom(idx) # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) distance_max = self.getBondCutoff(atom, ratom) if (d < distance_max and i != idx): nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsByThreshold(self, idx, threshold=1.15): """ Gets atoms bonded to a specific atom. This method uses a threshold for determination of a bond. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. threshold : float, optional Scale factor for sum of covalent radii based cutoff. Default is 1.15. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ ratom = self.getAtom(idx) # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) distance_max = threshold * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.symbol() == "C" and not ratom.symbol() == "H": distance_max = min(2.75, distance_max) if ratom.symbol() == "C" and not atom.symbol() == "H": distance_max = min(2.75, distance_max) if ratom.symbol() == "H" and atom.ismetal: # tight cutoff for metal-H bonds distance_max = 1.1 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.symbol() == "H" and ratom.ismetal: # tight cutoff for metal-H bonds distance_max = 1.1 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.symbol() == "I" or ratom.symbol() == "I" and not (atom.symbol() == "I" and ratom.symbol() == "I"): distance_max = 1.05 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) # print(distance_max) if atom.symbol() == "I" or ratom.symbol() == "I": distance_max = 0 if (d < distance_max and i != idx): nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsByCoordNo(self, idx, CoordNo=6): """ Gets atoms bonded to a specific atom by coordination number. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. CoordNo : int, optional Coordination number of reference atom of interest. Default is 6. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] thresholds = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8] for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): nats = self.getBondedAtomsByThreshold(idx, threshold) if len(nats) == CoordNo: break if len(nats) != CoordNo: print( 'Could not find the number of bonded atoms specified coordinated to the atom specified.') print( 'Please either adjust the number of bonded atoms or the index of the center atom.') print('A list of bonded atoms is still returned. Be cautious with the list') return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsOct(self, ind, CN=6, debug=False, flag_loose=False, atom_specific_cutoffs=False, strict_cutoff=False): """ Gets atoms bonded to an octahedrally coordinated metal. Specifically limitis intruder C and H atoms that would otherwise be considered bonded in the distance cutoffs. Limits bonding to the CN closest atoms (CN = coordination number). Parameters ---------- ind : int Index of reference atom. CN : int, optional Coordination number of reference atom of interest. Default is 6. debug : bool, optional Produce additional outputs for debugging. Default is False. flag_loose : bool, optional Use looser cutoffs to determine bonding. Default is False. atom_specific_cutoffs: bool, optional Use atom specific cutoffs to determing bonding. Default is False. strict_cutoff: bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ ratom = self.getAtom(ind) nats = [] if len(self.graph): nats = list(np.nonzero(np.ravel(self.graph[ind]))[0]) else: for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): valid = True # flag d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) # default interatomic radius # for non-metalics if atom_specific_cutoffs: distance_max = self.getBondCutoff(atom, ratom) else: distance_max = 1.15 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.ismetal() or ratom.ismetal(): if flag_loose: distance_max = min(3.5, 1.75 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad)) elif strict_cutoff: distance_max = 1.2 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) else: distance_max = 1.37 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) # 1.37 by 07/22/2021 if debug: print(('metal in cat ' + str(atom.symbol()) + ' and rat ' + str(ratom.symbol()))) print(('maximum bonded distance is ' + str(distance_max))) if atom.symbol() == 'He' or ratom.symbol() == 'He': distance_max = 1.6 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) # print("distance_max: ", distance_max, str(atom.symbol())) if d < distance_max and i != ind: # trim Hydrogens if atom.symbol() == 'H' or ratom.symbol() == 'H': if debug: print('invalid due to hydrogens: ') print((atom.symbol())) print((ratom.symbol())) valid = False # Hydrogen catom control if d < distance_max and i != ind and valid: if atom.symbol() in ["C", "S", "N"]: if debug: print('\n') print(('this atom in is ' + str(i))) print(('this atom sym is ' + str(atom.symbol()))) print(('this ratom in is ' + str(self.getAtom(i).symbol()))) print(('this ratom sym is ' + str(ratom.symbol()))) # in this case, atom might be intruder C! possible_idxs = self.getBondedAtomsnotH(ind) # bonded to metal if debug: print(('poss inds are' + str(possible_idxs))) if len(possible_idxs) > CN: metal_prox = sorted( possible_idxs, key=lambda x: self.getDistToMetal(x, ind)) allowed_idxs = metal_prox[0:CN] if debug: print(('ind: ' + str(ind))) print(('metal prox: ' + str(metal_prox))) print(('trimmed to: ' + str(allowed_idxs))) print(allowed_idxs) print(('CN is ' + str(CN))) if i not in allowed_idxs: valid = False if debug: print(('bond rejected based on atom: ' + str(i) + ' not in ' + str(allowed_idxs))) else: if debug: print('Ok based on atom') if ratom.symbol() in ["C", "S", "N"]: # in this case, ratom might be intruder C or S possible_idxs = self.getBondedAtomsnotH(i) # bonded to metal metal_prox = sorted( possible_idxs, key=lambda x: self.getDistToMetal(x, i)) if len(possible_idxs) > CN: allowed_idxs = metal_prox[0:CN] if debug: print(('ind: ' + str(ind))) print(('metal prox:' + str(metal_prox))) print(('trimmed to ' + str(allowed_idxs))) print(allowed_idxs) if ind not in allowed_idxs: valid = False if debug: print(('bond rejected based on ratom ' + str( ind) + ' with symbol ' + ratom.symbol())) else: if debug: print('ok based on ratom...') else: if debug: print('distance too great') if (d < distance_max and i != ind): if valid: if debug: print(('Valid atom ind ' + str(i) + ' (' + atom.symbol() + ') and ' + str( ind) + ' (' + ratom.symbol() + ')')) print((' at distance ' + str(d) + ' (which is less than ' + str(distance_max) + ')')) nats.append(i) else: if debug: print(('atom ind ' + str(i) + ' (' + atom.symbol() + ')')) print(('has been disallowed from bond with ' + str(ind) + ' (' + ratom.symbol() + ')')) print((' at distance ' + str(d) + ' (which would normally be less than ' + str( distance_max) + ')')) if d < 2 and not atom.symbol() == 'H' and not ratom.symbol() == 'H': print( 'Error, mol3D could not understand connectivity in mol') return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsSmart(self, idx, oct=True, strict_cutoff=False, catom_list=None): """ Get the atoms bonded with the atom specified with the given index, using the molecular graph. Creates graph if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. oct : bool, optional Flag for turning on octahedral bonding routines. strict_cutoff: bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs catom_list: list, optional List of indices of bonded atoms. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ if not len(self.graph): self.createMolecularGraph(oct=oct, strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff, catom_list=catom_list) return list(np.nonzero(np.ravel(self.graph[idx]))[0])
[docs] def getBondedAtomsnotH(self, idx, metal_multiplier=1.35, nonmetal_multiplier=1.15): """ Get bonded atom with a given index, but do not count hydrogens. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. metal_multiplier : float, optional Multiplier for sum of covalent radii of two elements containing metal. nonmetal_multiplier : float, optional Multiplier for sum of covalent radii of two elements not containing metal. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded atoms. """ ratom = self.getAtom(idx) # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) # distance_max = 1.15 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if atom.ismetal() or ratom.ismetal(): distance_max = metal_multiplier * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) else: distance_max = nonmetal_multiplier * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if (d < distance_max and i != idx and atom.sym != 'H'): nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getBondedAtomsH(self, idx): """ Get bonded atom with a given index, but ONLY count hydrogens. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. Returns ------- nats : list List of indices of bonded hydrogens. """ ratom = self.getAtom(idx) # calculates adjacent number of atoms nats = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) if atom.ismetal() or ratom.ismetal(): distance_max = 1.35 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) else: distance_max = 1.15 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) if (d < distance_max and i != idx and atom.sym == 'H'): nats.append(i) return nats
[docs] def getfarAtomdir(self, uP): """ Get atom furthest from center of mass in a given direction. Parameters ---------- uP : list List of length 3 [dx, dy, dz] for direction vector. Returns ------- dist : float Distance of atom from center of mass in angstroms. """ dd = 1000.0 atomc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for atom in self.atoms: d0 = distance(atom.coords(), uP) if d0 < dd: dd = d0 atomc = atom.coords() return distance(self.centermass(), atomc)
[docs] def getFarAtom(self, reference, atomtype=False): """ Get atom furthest from a reference atom. Parameters ---------- reference : int Index of a reference atom. atomtype : bool, optional An element name for finding the furthest atom of a given element. Default is False. Returns ------- dist : float Distance of atom from center of mass in angstroms. """ referenceCoords = self.getAtom(reference).coords() dd = 0.00 farIndex = reference for ind, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): allow = False if atomtype: if atom.sym == atomtype: allow = True else: allow = False else: allow = True d0 = distance(atom.coords(), referenceCoords) if d0 > dd and allow: dd = d0 farIndex = ind return farIndex
[docs] def getfragmentlists(self): """ Get all independent molecules in mol3D. Returns ------- atidxes_total : list list of lists for atom indices comprising of each distinct molecule. """ atidxes_total = [] atidxes_unique = set([0]) atidxes_done = [] natoms_total_ = len(atidxes_done) natoms_total = self.natoms while natoms_total_ < natoms_total: natoms_ = len(atidxes_unique) for atidx in atidxes_unique: if atidx not in atidxes_done: atidxes_done.append(atidx) atidxes = self.getBondedAtoms(atidx) atidxes.extend(atidxes_unique) atidxes_unique = set(atidxes) natoms = len(atidxes_unique) natoms_total_ = len(atidxes_done) if natoms_ == natoms: atidxes_total.append(list(atidxes_unique)) for atidx in range(natoms_total): if atidx not in atidxes_done: atidxes_unique = set([atidx]) natoms_total_ = len(atidxes_done) break return atidxes_total
[docs] def getHs(self): """ Get all hydrogens in a mol3D class instance. Returns ------- hlist : list List of indices of hydrogen atoms. """ hlist = [] for i in range(self.natoms): if self.getAtom(i).sym == 'H': hlist.append(i) return hlist
[docs] def getHsbyAtom(self, ratom): """ Get hydrogens bonded to a specific atom3D class. Parameters ---------- ratom : atom3D Reference atom3D class. Returns ------- hlist : list List of indices of hydrogen atoms bound to reference atom3D. """ nHs = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.sym == 'H': d = distance(ratom.coords(), atom.coords()) if (d < 1.2 * (atom.rad + ratom.rad) and d > 0.01): nHs.append(i) return nHs
[docs] def getHsbyIndex(self, idx): """ Get all hydrogens bonded to a given atom with an index. Parameters ---------- idx : index of reference atom. Returns ------- hlist : list List of indices of hydrogen atoms bound to reference atom. """ nHs = [] for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.sym == 'H': d = distance(atom.coords(), self.getAtom(idx).coords()) if (d < 1.2 * (atom.rad + self.getAtom(idx).rad) and d > 0.01): nHs.append(i) return nHs
[docs] def getClosestAtom(self, ratom): """ Get hydrogens bonded to a specific atom3D class. Parameters ---------- ratom : atom3D Reference atom3D class. Returns ------- idx : int Index of atom closest to reference atom. """ idx = 0 cdist = 1000 for iat, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): ds = atom.distance(ratom) if (ds < cdist): idx = iat cdist = ds return idx
[docs] def getClosestAtomlist(self, atom_idx, cdist=3.0): """ Get hydrogens bonded to a specific atom3D class. Parameters ---------- atom_idx : int Reference atom index. cdist : float, optional Cutoff of neighbor distance in angstroms. Returns ------- neighbor_list : list List of neighboring atoms """ neighbor_list = [] for iat, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): ds = atom.distance(self.atoms[atom_idx]) if (ds < cdist): neighbor_list.append(neighbor_list) return neighbor_list
[docs] def getClosestAtomnoHs(self, ratom): """ Get atoms bonded to a specific atom3D class that are not hydrogen. Parameters ---------- ratom : atom3D Reference atom3D class. Returns ------- idx : int Index of atom closest to reference atom. """ idx = 0 cdist = 1000 for iat, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): ds = atom.distance(ratom) if (ds < cdist) and atom.sym != 'H': idx = iat cdist = ds return idx
[docs] def getDistToMetal(self, idx, metalx): """ Get distance between two atoms in a molecule, with the second one being a metal. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of reference atom. metalx : int Index of reference metal atom. Returns ------- d : float Distance between atoms in angstroms. """ d = self.getAtom(idx).distance(self.getAtom(metalx)) return d
[docs] def getAngle(self, idx0, idx1, idx2): """ Get angle between three atoms identified by their indices. Specifically, get angle between vectors formed by atom0->atom1 and atom2->atom1. Parameters ---------- idx0 : int Index of first atom. idx1 : int Index of second (middle) atom. idx2 : int Index of third atom. Returns ------- angle : float Angle in degrees. """ coords0 = self.getAtomCoords(idx0) coords1 = self.getAtomCoords(idx1) coords2 = self.getAtomCoords(idx2) v1 = (np.array(coords0) - np.array(coords1)).tolist() v2 = (np.array(coords2) - np.array(coords1)).tolist() angle = vecangle(v1, v2) return angle
[docs] def getOBMol(self, fst, convtype, ffclean=False, gen3d=True): """ Get OBMol object from a file or SMILES string. If you have a mol3D, then use convert2OBMol instead. Parameters ---------- fst : str Name of input file. convtype : str Input filetype (xyz,mol,smi). ffclean : bool, optional Flag for forcefield cleanup of structure. Default is False. gen3d: bool, optional Flag for 3D structure generation using openbabel.OBBuilder Returns ------- OBMol : OBMol OBMol class instance to be used with openbabel. Bound as .OBMol attribute. """ obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() if convtype == 'smistring': obConversion.SetInFormat('smi') obConversion.ReadString(OBMol, fst) else: obConversion.SetInFormat(convtype[:-1]) obConversion.ReadFile(OBMol, fst) if 'smi' in convtype: OBMol.AddHydrogens() if gen3d: b = openbabel.OBBuilder() b.Build(OBMol) if ffclean: forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField('mmff94') forcefield.Setup(OBMol) forcefield.ConjugateGradients(200) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) self.OBMol = OBMol return OBMol
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the mol3D to an empty object. """ self.atoms = [] self.natoms = 0 self.mass = 0 self.size = 0 self.graph = []
[docs] def maxdist(self, mol): """ Measure the largest distance between atoms in two molecules. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of second molecule. Returns ------- maxd : float Max distance between atoms of two molecules. """ maxd = 0 for atom1 in mol.atoms: for atom0 in self.atoms: if (distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) > maxd): maxd = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return maxd
[docs] def mindist(self, mol): """ Measure the smallest distance between atoms in two molecules. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of second molecule. Returns ------- mind : float Min distance between atoms of two molecules. """ mind = 1000 for atom1 in mol.atoms: for atom0 in self.atoms: if (distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) < mind): mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return mind
[docs] def mindistmol(self): """ Measure the smallest distance between atoms in a single molecule. Returns ------- mind : float Min distance between atoms of two molecules. """ mind = 1000 for ii, atom1 in enumerate(self.atoms): for jj, atom0 in enumerate(self.atoms): d = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) if (d < mind) and ii != jj: mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return mind
[docs] def mindisttopoint(self, point): """ Measure the smallest distance between an atom and a point. Parameters ---------- point : list List of coordinates of reference point. Returns ------- mind : float Min distance between atoms of two molecules. """ mind = 1000 for atom1 in self.atoms: d = distance(atom1.coords(), point) if (d < mind): mind = d return mind
[docs] def mindistnonH(self, mol): """ Measure the smallest distance between an atom and a non H atom in another molecule. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class of second molecule. Returns ------- mind : float Min distance between atoms of two molecules that are not Hs. """ mind = 1000 for atom1 in mol.atoms: for atom0 in self.atoms: if (distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) < mind): if (atom1.sym != 'H' and atom0.sym != 'H'): mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return mind
[docs] def molsize(self): """ Measure the size of the molecule, by quantifying the max distance between atoms and center of mass. Returns ------- maxd : float Max distance between an atom and the center of mass. """ maxd = 0 cm = self.centermass() for atom in self.atoms: if distance(cm, atom.coords()) > maxd: maxd = distance(cm, atom.coords()) return maxd
[docs] def overlapcheck(self, mol, silence=False): """ Measure the smallest distance between an atom and a point. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of second molecule. silence : bool, optional Flag for extra output. Default is False. Returns ------- overlap : bool Flag for whether two molecules are overlapping. """ overlap = False for atom1 in mol.atoms: for atom0 in self.atoms: if (distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) < 0.85 * (atom1.rad + atom0.rad)): overlap = True if not (silence): print() "#############################################################" print() "!!!Molecules might be overlapping. Increase distance!!!" print() "#############################################################" break return overlap
[docs] def populateBOMatrix(self, bonddict=False): """ Populate the bond order matrix using openbabel. Parameters ---------- bonddict : bool Flag for if the obmol bond dictionary should be saved. Default is False. Returns ------- molBOMat : np.array Numpy array for bond order matrix. """ obiter = openbabel.OBMolBondIter(self.OBMol) n = self.natoms molBOMat = np.zeros((n, n)) bond_dict = dict() for bond in obiter: these_inds = [bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()] this_order = bond.GetBondOrder() molBOMat[these_inds[0] - 1, these_inds[1] - 1] = this_order molBOMat[these_inds[1] - 1, these_inds[0] - 1] = this_order bond_dict[tuple( sorted([these_inds[0]-1, these_inds[1]-1]))] = this_order if not bonddict: return (molBOMat) else: self.bo_dict = bond_dict return (molBOMat)
[docs] def populateBOMatrixAug(self): """ Populate the augmented bond order matrix using openbabel. Parameters ---------- bonddict : bool Flag for if the obmol bond dictionary should be saved. Default is False. Returns ------- molBOMat : np.array Numpy array for augmented bond order matrix. """ obiter = openbabel.OBMolBondIter(self.OBMol) n = self.natoms molBOMat = np.zeros((n, n)) for bond in obiter: these_inds = [bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()] this_order = bond.GetBondOrder() molBOMat[these_inds[0] - 1, these_inds[1] - 1] = this_order molBOMat[these_inds[1] - 1, these_inds[0] - 1] = this_order self.convert2mol3D() self.createMolecularGraph() molgraph = self.graph error_mat = molBOMat - molgraph error_idx = np.where(error_mat < 0) for i in range(len(error_idx)): if len(error_idx[i]) > 0: molBOMat[error_idx[i].tolist()[0], error_idx[i].tolist()[1]] = 1 return (molBOMat)
[docs] def printxyz(self): """ Print XYZ info of mol3D class instance to stdout. To write to file (more common), use writexyz() instead. """ for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss = "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) print(ss)
[docs] def RCAngle(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, anglei, anglef, angleint=1.0, writegeo=False, dir_name='rc_angle_geometries'): """ Generates geometries along a given angle reaction coordinate. In the given molecule, idx1 is rotated about idx2 with respect to idx3. Operates directly on class. Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom 1. idx3 : int Index of anchor atom 2. anglei : float New initial bond angle in degrees. anglef : float New final bond angle in degrees. angleint : float; default is 1.0 degree The angle interval in which the angle is changed writegeo : if True, the generated geometries will be written to a directory; if False, they will not be written to a directory; default is False dir_name : string; default is 'rc_angle_geometries' The directory to which generated reaction coordinate geoemtries are written, if writegeo=True. >>> complex_mol = mol3D() >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('O', [0, 0, 0])) >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 0, 1])) >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 1, 0])) Generate reaction coordinate geometries using the given structure by changing the angle between atoms 2, 1, and 0 from 90 degrees to 160 degrees in intervals of 10 degrees >>> complex_mol.RCAngle(2, 1, 0, 90, 160, 10) [mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2)] Generate reaction coordinates with the given geometry by changing the angle between atoms 2, 1, and 0 from 160 degrees to 90 degrees in intervals of 10 degrees, and the generated geometries will not be written to a directory. >>> complex_mol.RCAngle(2, 1, 0, 160, 90, -10) [mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2), mol3D(O1H2)] """ if writegeo: os.mkdir(dir_name) temp_list = [] for ang_val in np.arange(anglei, anglef+angleint, angleint): temp_angle = mol3D() temp_angle.copymol3D(self) temp_angle.ACM(idx1, idx2, idx3, ang_val) temp_list.append(temp_angle) if writegeo: temp_angle.writexyz(str(dir_name)+"/rc_"+str(str("{:.4f}".format(ang_val)))+'.xyz') return temp_list
[docs] def RCDistance(self, idx1, idx2, disti, distf, distint=0.05, writegeo=False, dir_name='rc_distance_geometries'): """ Generates geometries along a given distance reaction coordinate. In the given molecule, idx1 is moved with respect to idx2. Operates directly on class. Parameters ---------- idx1 : int Index of bonded atom containing submolecule to be moved. idx2 : int Index of anchor atom 1. disti : float New initial bond distance in angstrom. distf : float New final bond distance in angstrom. distint : float; default is 0.05 angstrom The distance interval in which the distance is changed writegeo : if True, the generated geometries will be written to a directory; if False, they will not be written to a directory; default is False dir_name : string; default is 'rc_distance_geometries' The directory to which generated reaction coordinate geoemtries are written if writegeo=True. >>> complex_mol = mol3D() >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 0, 0])) >>> complex_mol.addAtom(atom3D('H', [0, 0, 1])) Generate reaction coordinate geometries using the given structure by changing the distance between atoms 1 and 0 from 1.0 to 3.0 angstrom (atom 1 is moved) in intervals of 0.5 angstrom >>> complex_mol.RCDistance(1, 0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.5) [mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2)] Generate reaction coordinates geometries using the given structure by changing the distance between atoms 1 and 0 from 3.0 to 1.0 angstrom (atom 1 is moved) in intervals of 0.2 angstrom, and the generated geometries will not be written to a directory. >>> complex_mol.RCDistance(1, 0, 3.0, 1.0, -0.25) [mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2), mol3D(H2)] """ if writegeo: os.mkdir(dir_name) temp_list = [] for dist_val in np.arange(disti, distf+distint, distint): temp_dist = mol3D() temp_dist.copymol3D(self) temp_dist.BCM(idx1, idx2, dist_val) temp_list.append(temp_dist) if writegeo: temp_dist.writexyz(str(dir_name)+"/rc_"+str(str("{:.4f}".format(dist_val)))+'.xyz') return temp_list
[docs] def returnxyz(self): """ Print XYZ info of mol3D class instance to stdout. To write to file (more common), use writexyz() instead. Returns ------- XYZ : string String of XYZ information from mol3D class. """ ss = '' for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) return (ss)
[docs] def readfromxyz(self, filename: str, ligand_unique_id=False, read_final_optim_step=False): """ Read XYZ into a mol3D class instance. Parameters ------- filename : string String of path to XYZ file. Path may be local or global. ligand_unique_id : string Unique identifier for a ligand. In MR diagnostics, we abstract the atom based graph to a ligand based graph. For ligands, they don't have a natural name, so they are named with a UUID. Hard to attribute MR character to just atoms, so it is attributed ligands instead. read_final_optim_step : boolean if there are multiple geometries in the xyz file (after an optimization run) use only the last one """ globs = globalvars() amassdict = globs.amass() self.graph = [] self.xyzfile = filename with open(filename, 'r') as f: s = try: atom_count = int(s[0]) except ValueError: atom_count = 0 start = 2 if read_final_optim_step: start = len(s) - int(s[0]) for line in s[start:start+atom_count]: line_split = line.split() # If the split line has more than 4 elements, only elements 0 through 3 will be used. # this means that it should work with any XYZ file that also stores something like mulliken charge # Next, this looks for unique atom IDs in files if len(line_split) > 0: lm ='\d+$', line_split[0]) # if the string ends in digits m will be a Match object, or None otherwise. if line_split[0] in list(amassdict.keys()) or ligand_unique_id: atom = atom3D(line_split[0], [float(line_split[1]), float( line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])]) elif lm is not None: print(line_split) symb = re.sub(r'\d+', '', line_split[0]) atom = atom3D(symb, [float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])], name=line_split[0]) else: print('cannot find atom type') sys.exit() self.addAtom(atom)
[docs] def readfrommol2(self, filename, readstring=False, trunc_sym="X"): """ Read mol2 into a mol3D class instance. Stores the bond orders and atom types (SYBYL). Parameters ------- filename : string String of path to XYZ file. Path may be local or global. May be read in as a string. readstring : bool Flag for deciding whether a string of mol2 file is being passed as the filename trunc_sym : string Element symbol at which one would like to truncate the bo graph. """ # print('!!!!', filename) globs = globalvars() amassdict = globs.amass() graph = False bo_graph = False bo_dict = False if readstring: s = filename.splitlines() else: with open(filename, 'r') as f: s = read_atoms = False read_bonds = False self.charge = 0 for line in s: # Get Atoms First if '<TRIPOS>BOND' in line: read_atoms = False if '<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE' in line: read_bonds = False if read_atoms: s_line = line.split() # Check redundancy in Chemical Symbols atom_symbol1 = re.sub('[0-9]+[A-Z]+', '', line.split()[1]) atom_symbol1 = re.sub('[0-9]+', '', atom_symbol1) atom_symbol2 = line.split()[5] if len(atom_symbol2.split('.')) > 1: atype = atom_symbol2.split('.')[1] else: atype = False atom_symbol2 = atom_symbol2.split('.')[0] if atom_symbol1 in list(amassdict.keys()): atom = atom3D(atom_symbol1, [float(s_line[2]), float( s_line[3]), float(s_line[4])], name=atype) elif atom_symbol2 in list(amassdict.keys()): atom = atom3D(atom_symbol2, [float(s_line[2]), float( s_line[3]), float(s_line[4])], name=atype) else: print('Cannot find atom symbol in amassdict') sys.exit() self.charge += float(s_line[8]) self.partialcharges.append(float(s_line[8])) self.addAtom(atom) if '<TRIPOS>ATOM' in line: read_atoms = True if read_bonds: # Read in bonds to molecular graph s_line = line.split() graph[int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1] = 1 graph[int(s_line[2]) - 1, int(s_line[1]) - 1] = 1 if s_line[3] in ["ar"]: bo_graph[int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1] = 1.5 bo_graph[int(s_line[2]) - 1, int(s_line[1]) - 1] = 1.5 elif s_line[3] in ["am"]: bo_graph[int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1] = 1 bo_graph[int(s_line[2]) - 1, int(s_line[1]) - 1] = 1 elif s_line[3] in ["un"]: bo_graph[int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1] = np.nan bo_graph[int(s_line[2]) - 1, int(s_line[1]) - 1] = np.nan else: bo_graph[int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1] = s_line[3] bo_graph[int(s_line[2]) - 1, int(s_line[1]) - 1] = s_line[3] bo_dict[tuple( sorted([int(s_line[1]) - 1, int(s_line[2]) - 1]))] = s_line[3] if '<TRIPOS>BOND' in line: read_bonds = True # initialize molecular graph graph = np.zeros((self.natoms, self.natoms)) bo_graph = np.zeros((self.natoms, self.natoms)) bo_dict = dict() X_inds = self.findAtomsbySymbol(trunc_sym) if isinstance(graph, np.ndarray): # Enforce mol2 molecular graph if it exists self.graph = graph self.bo_graph = bo_graph if len(X_inds): self.bo_graph_trunc = np.delete(np.delete(bo_graph, X_inds[0], 0), X_inds[0], 1) else: self.bo_graph_trunc = bo_graph self.bo_dict = bo_dict else: self.graph = [] self.bo_graph = [] self.bo_graph_trunc = [] self.bo_dict = []
[docs] def read_bo_from_mol(self, molfile): with open(molfile, 'r') as fo: for line in fo: ll = line.split() if len(ll) == 7 and all([x.isdigit() for x in ll]): self.bo_graph_trunc[int(ll[0])-1, int(ll[1])-1] = int(ll[2]) self.bo_graph_trunc[int(ll[1])-1, int(ll[0])-1] = int(ll[2])
[docs] def readfromstring(self, xyzstring): """ Read XYZ from string. Parameters ------- xyzstring : string String of XYZ file. """ # print('!!!!', filename) globs = globalvars() amassdict = globs.amass() self.graph = [] s = xyzstring.split('\n') try: s.remove('') except ValueError: pass s = [str(val) + '\n' for val in s] for line in s[0:]: line_split = line.split() if len(line_split) == 4 and line_split[0]: # this looks for unique atom IDs in files lm ='\d+$', line_split[0]) # if the string ends in digits m will be a Match object, or None otherwise. if lm is not None: symb = re.sub(r'\d+', '', line_split[0]) # number = # print('sym and number ' +str(symb) + ' ' + str(number)) atom = atom3D(symb, [float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])], name=line_split[0]) elif line_split[0] in list(amassdict.keys()): atom = atom3D(line_split[0], [float(line_split[1]), float( line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])]) else: print('cannot find atom type') sys.exit() self.addAtom(atom)
[docs] def readfromtxt(self, txt): """ Read XYZ from textfile. Parameters ------- txt : list List of lists that comes as a result of readlines. """ # print('!!!!', filename) globs = globalvars() en_dict = globs.endict() self.graph = [] for line in txt: line_split = line.split() if len(line_split) == 4 and line_split[0]: # this looks for unique atom IDs in files lm ='\d+$', line_split[0]) # if the string ends in digits m will be a Match object, or None otherwise. if lm is not None: symb = re.sub(r'\d+', '', line_split[0]) # number = # # print('sym and number ' +str(symb) + ' ' + str(number)) # globs = globalvars() atom = atom3D(symb, [float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])], name=line_split[0]) elif line_split[0] in list(en_dict.keys()): atom = atom3D(line_split[0], [float(line_split[1]), float( line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])]) else: print('cannot find atom type') sys.exit() self.addAtom(atom)
[docs] def rmsd(self, mol2): """ Compute the RMSD between two molecules. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between the two structures. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: RMSD can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms..") return float('NaN') else: rmsd = 0 for atom0, atom1 in zip(self.getAtoms(), mol2.getAtoms()): rmsd += (atom0.distance(atom1)) ** 2 if Nat0 == 0: rmsd = 0 else: rmsd /= Nat0 return np.sqrt(rmsd)
[docs] def geo_rmsd(self, mol2): """ Compute the RMSD between two molecules. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between the two structures. """ # print("==========") Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms if Nat0 == Nat1: rmsd = 0 availabel_set = list(range(Nat1)) for ii, atom0 in enumerate(self.getAtoms()): dist = 1000 ind1 = False atom0_sym = atom0.symbol() for _ind1 in availabel_set: atom1 = mol2.getAtom(_ind1) if atom1.symbol() == atom0_sym: _dist = atom0.distance(atom1) # print(atom1.symbol(), _dist) if _dist < dist: dist = _dist ind1 = _ind1 rmsd += dist ** 2 # print("paired: ", ii, ind1, dist) availabel_set.remove(ind1) if Nat0 == 0: rmsd = 0 else: rmsd /= Nat0 return np.sqrt(rmsd) else: raise ValueError("Number of atom does not match between two mols.")
[docs] def meanabsdev(self, mol2): """ Compute the mean absolute deviation (MAD) between two molecules. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- MAD : float Mean absolute deviation between the two structures. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: Absolute atom deviations can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms..") return float('NaN') else: dev = 0 for atom0, atom1 in zip(self.getAtoms(), mol2.getAtoms()): dev += abs((atom0.distance(atom1))) if Nat0 == 0: dev = 0 else: dev /= Nat0 return dev
[docs] def maxatomdist(self, mol2): """ Compute the max atom distance between two molecules. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- dist_max : float Maximum atom distance between two structures. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms dist_max = 0 if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: max_atom_dist can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms..") return float('NaN') else: for atom0, atom1 in zip(self.getAtoms(), mol2.getAtoms()): dist = atom0.distance(atom1) if dist > dist_max: dist_max = dist return dist_max
[docs] def geo_maxatomdist(self, mol2): """ Compute the max atom distance between two molecules. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- dist_max : float Maximum atom distance between two structures. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: RMSD can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms..") return float('NaN') else: maxdist = 0 availabel_set = list(range(Nat1)) for atom0 in self.getAtoms(): dist = 1000 ind1 = False atom0_sym = atom0.symbol() for _ind1 in availabel_set: atom1 = mol2.getAtom(_ind1) if atom1.symbol() == atom0_sym: _dist = atom0.distance(atom1) if _dist < dist: dist = _dist ind1 = _ind1 if dist > maxdist: maxdist = dist availabel_set.remove(ind1) return maxdist
[docs] def rmsd_nonH(self, mol2): """ Compute the RMSD between two molecules, considering heavy atoms only. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between the two structures ignoring hydrogens. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: RMSD can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms.") return float('NaN') else: rmsd = 0 for atom0, atom1 in zip(self.getAtoms(), mol2.getAtoms()): if (not atom0.sym == 'H') and (not atom1.sym == 'H'): rmsd += (atom0.distance(atom1)) ** 2 rmsd /= Nat0 return np.sqrt(rmsd)
[docs] def maxatomdist_nonH(self, mol2): """ Compute the max atom distance between two molecules, considering heavy atoms only. Does not align molecules. For that, use geometry.kabsch(). Parameters ---------- mol2 : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between the two structures ignoring hydrogens. """ Nat0 = self.natoms Nat1 = mol2.natoms dist_max = 0 if (Nat0 != Nat1): print( "ERROR: max_atom_dist can be calculated only for molecules with the same number of atoms.") return float('NaN') else: for atom0, atom1 in zip(self.getAtoms(), mol2.getAtoms()): if (not atom0.sym == 'H') and (not atom1.sym == 'H'): dist = atom0.distance(atom1) if dist > dist_max: dist_max = dist return dist_max
[docs] def calcCharges(self, charge=0, method='QEq'): """ Compute the partial charges of a molecule using openbabel. Parameters ---------- charge : int Net charge assigned to a molecule method : str Method to calculate partial charge. Default is 'QEq'. """ self.convert2OBMol() self.OBMol.SetTotalCharge(charge) charge = openbabel.OBChargeModel.FindType(method) charge.ComputeCharges(self.OBMol) self.partialcharges = charge.GetPartialCharges()
[docs] def sanitycheck(self, silence=False, debug=False): """ Sanity check a molecule for overlap within the molecule. Parameters ---------- silence : bool Flag for printing warnings. Default is False. debug : bool Flag for extra printout. Default is False. Returns ------- overlap : bool Flag for whether two structures overlap. True for overlap. mind : float Minimum distance between atoms in molecule. """ overlap = False mind = 1000 errors_dict = {} for ii, atom1 in enumerate(self.atoms): for jj, atom0 in enumerate(self.atoms): if jj > ii: if atom1.ismetal() or atom0.ismetal(): cutoff = 0.6 elif (atom0.sym in ['N', 'O'] and atom1.sym == 'H') or (atom1.sym in ['N', 'O'] and atom0.sym == 'H'): cutoff = 0.6 else: cutoff = 0.65 if distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) < cutoff * (atom1.rad + atom0.rad): overlap = True norm = distance( atom1.coords(), atom0.coords())/(atom1.rad+atom0.rad) errors_dict.update( {atom1.sym + str(ii)+'-'+atom0.sym+str(jj)+'_normdist': norm}) if distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) < mind: mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) if not (silence): print( "#############################################################") print( "Molecules might be overlapping. Increase distance!") print( "#############################################################") if debug: return overlap, mind, errors_dict else: return overlap, mind
# Check that the molecule passes basic angle tests in line with CSD pulls # @param self: the object pointer # @param oct bool: if octahedral test # @param angle1: metal angle cutoff # @param angle2: organics angle cutoff # @param angle3: metal/organic angle cutoff e.g. M-X-X angle # @return sane (bool: if sane octahedral molecule) # @return error_dict (optional - if debug) dict: {bondidists and angles breaking constraints:values}
[docs] def sanitycheckCSD(self, oct=False, angle1=30, angle2=80, angle3=45, debug=False, metals=None): """ Sanity check a CSD molecule. Parameters ---------- oct : bool, optional Flag for octahedral test. Default is False. angle1 : float, optional Metal angle cutoff. Default is 30. angle2 : float, optional Organic angle cutoff. Default is 80. angle3 : float, optional Metal/organic angle cutoff e.g. M-X-X angle. Default is 45. debug : bool, optional Extra print out desired. Default is False. metals : Nonetype, optional Check for metals. Default is None. Returns ------- sane : bool Whether or not molecule is a sane molecule error_dict : dict Returned if debug, {bondidists and angles breaking constraints:values} """ import itertools if metals: metalinds = [i for i, x in enumerate( self.symvect()) if x in metals] else: metalinds = self.findMetal() mcons = [] metal_syms = [] if len(metalinds): # only if there are metals for metal in metalinds: metalcons = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(metal, oct=oct) mcons.append(metalcons) metal_syms.append(self.symvect()[metal]) overlap, _, errors_dict = self.sanitycheck(silence=True, debug=True) heavy_atoms = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.symvect()) if ( x != 'H') and (x not in metal_syms)] sane = not overlap for i, metal in enumerate(metalinds): # Check metal center angles if len(mcons[i]) > 1: combos = itertools.combinations(mcons[i], 2) for combo in combos: if self.getAngle(combo[0], metal, combo[1]) < angle1: sane = False label = self.atoms[combo[0]].sym+str(combo[0]) + '-' + \ self.atoms[metal].sym+str(metal)+'-' + \ self.atoms[combo[1]].sym+str(combo[1]) + '_angle' angle = self.getAngle(combo[0], metal, combo[1]) errors_dict.update({label: angle}) for indx in heavy_atoms: # Check heavy atom angles if len(self.getBondedAtomsSmart(indx, oct=oct)) > 1: combos = itertools.combinations( self.getBondedAtomsSmart(indx), 2) for combo in combos: # Any metals involved in the bond, but not the metal center if any([True for x in combo if self.atoms[x].ismetal()]): cutoff = angle3 else: # Only organic/ligand bonds. cutoff = angle2 if self.getAngle(combo[0], indx, combo[1]) < cutoff: sane = False label = self.atoms[combo[0]].sym+str(combo[0]) + '-' + \ self.atoms[indx].sym+str(indx)+'-' + \ self.atoms[combo[1]].sym+str(combo[1]) + '_angle' angle = self.getAngle(combo[0], indx, combo[1]) errors_dict.update({label: angle}) if debug: return sane, errors_dict else: return sane
[docs] def isPristine(self, unbonded_min_dist=1.3, oct=False): """ Checks the organic portions of a transition metal complex and determines if they look good. Parameters ---------- unbonded_min_dist : float, optional Minimum distance for two things that are not bonded (in angstrom). Default is 1.3. oct : bool, optional Flag for octahedral complex. Default is False. Returns ------- pass : bool Whether or not molecule passes the organic checks. fail_list : list List of failing criteria, as a set of strings. """ if len(self.graph) == 0: self.createMolecularGraph(oct=oct) failure_reason = [] pristine = True metal_idx = self.findMetal() non_metals = [i for i in range(self.natoms) if i not in metal_idx] # Ensure that non-bonded atoms are well-seperated (not close to overlapping or crowded) for atom1 in non_metals: bonds = self.graph[atom1] for atom2 in non_metals: if atom1 == atom2: # ignore pairwise interactions continue bond = bonds[atom2] if bond < 0.1: # these atoms are not bonded min_distance = unbonded_min_dist * \ (self.atoms[atom1].rad+self.atoms[atom2].rad) d = distance(self.atoms[atom1].coords(), self.atoms[atom2].coords()) if d < min_distance: failure_reason.append( 'Crowded organic atoms '+str(atom1)+'-'+str(atom2)+' '+str(round(d, 2))+' Angstrom') pristine = False return pristine, failure_reason
[docs] def translate(self, dxyz): """ Translate all atoms by a given vector. Parameters ---------- dxyz : list Vector to translate all molecules, as a list [dx, dy, dz]. """ for atom in self.atoms: atom.translate(dxyz)
[docs] def writegxyz(self, filename): """ Write GAMESS XYZ file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to XYZ file. """ ss = '' # initialize returning string ss += "Date:" + time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + ", XYZ structure generated by mol3D Class, " + self.globs.PROGRAM + "\nC1\n" for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%.1f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, float(atom.atno), xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) fname = filename.split('.gxyz')[0] with open(fname + '.gxyz', 'w') as f: f.write(ss)
[docs] def writexyz(self, filename, symbsonly=False, ignoreX=False, ordering=False, writestring=False, withgraph=False, specialheader=False): """ Write standard XYZ file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to XYZ file. symbsonly : bool, optional Only write symbols to file. Default is False. ignoreX : bool, optional Ignore X element when writing. Default is False. ordering : bool, optional If handed a list, will order atoms in a specific order. Default is False. writestring : bool, optional Flag to write to a string if True or file if False. Default is False. withgraph : bool, optional Flag to write with graph (after XYZ) if True. Default is False. If True, sparse graph written. specialheader : str, optional String to write information into header. Default is False. If True, a special string is written. """ ss = '' # initialize returning string natoms = self.natoms if not ordering: ordering = list(range(natoms)) if ignoreX: natoms -= sum([1 for i in self.atoms if i.sym == "X"]) if specialheader: ss += str(natoms) + "\n" ss += specialheader + "\n" else: ss += str(natoms) + "\n" + time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + ", XYZ structure generated by mol3D Class, " + self.globs.PROGRAM + "\n" for ii in ordering: atom = self.getAtom(ii) if not (ignoreX and atom.sym == 'X'): xyz = atom.coords() if symbsonly: ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) else: ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) if withgraph: from scipy.sparse import csgraph csg = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(self.graph) x, y = csg.nonzero() tempstr = '' for row1, row2 in zip(x, y): if row1 >= 100: tempstr += ' '+str(row1) elif row1 >= 10: tempstr += ' '+str(row1) else: tempstr += ' '+str(row1) if row2 >= 100: tempstr += ' '+str(row2)+' S\n' elif row2 >= 10: tempstr += ' '+str(row2)+' S\n' else: tempstr += ' '+str(row2)+' S\n' ss += tempstr if writestring: return ss else: fname = filename.split('.xyz')[0] with open(fname + '.xyz', 'w') as f: f.write(ss)
[docs] def writemxyz(self, mol, filename): """ Write standard XYZ file with two molecules. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. filename : str Path to XYZ file. """ ss = '' # initialize returning string ss += str(self.natoms + mol.natoms) + "\n" + time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + ", XYZ structure generated by mol3D Class, " + self.globs.PROGRAM + "\n" for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) for atom in mol.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) fname = filename.split('.xyz')[0] with open(fname + '.xyz', 'w') as f: f.write(ss)
[docs] def writenumberedxyz(self, filename): """ Write standard XYZ file with numbers instead of symbols. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to XYZ file. """ ss = '' # initialize returning string ss += str(self.natoms) + "\n" + time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + ", XYZ structure generated by mol3D Class, " + self.globs.PROGRAM + "\n" unique_types = dict() for atom in self.atoms: this_sym = atom.symbol() if this_sym not in list(unique_types.keys()): unique_types.update({this_sym: 1}) else: unique_types.update({this_sym: unique_types[this_sym] + 1}) atom_name = str(atom.symbol()) + str(unique_types[this_sym]) xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom_name, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) fname = filename.split('.xyz')[0] with open(fname + '.xyz', 'w') as f: f.write(ss)
[docs] def writesepxyz(self, mol, filename): """ Write standard XYZ file with two molecules separated. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D instance of second molecule. filename : str Path to XYZ file. """ ss = '' # initialize returning string ss += str(self.natoms) + "\n" + time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + ", XYZ structure generated by mol3D Class, " + self.globs.PROGRAM + "\n" for atom in self.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) ss += "--\n" + str(mol.natoms) + "\n\n" for atom in mol.atoms: xyz = atom.coords() ss += "%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) fname = filename.split('.xyz')[0] with open(fname + '.xyz', 'w') as f: f.write(ss)
[docs] def writemol2(self, filename, writestring=False, ignoreX=False, force=False): """ Write mol2 file from mol3D object. Partial charges are appended if given. Else, total charge of the complex (given or interpreted by OBMol) is assigned to the metal. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to mol2 file. writestring : bool, optional Flag to write to a string if True or file if False. Default is False. ignoreX : bool, optional Flag to delete atom X. Default is False. force : bool, optional Flag to dictate if bond orders are written (obmol/assigned) or =1. """ # print('!!!!', filename) from scipy.sparse import csgraph if ignoreX: for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.sym == 'X': self.deleteatom(i) if not len(self.graph): self.createMolecularGraph() if not self.bo_dict and not force: self.convert2OBMol2() csg = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(self.graph) disjoint_components = csgraph.connected_components(csg) if disjoint_components[0] > 1: atom_group_names = ['RES'+str(x+1) for x in disjoint_components[1]] atom_groups = [str(x+1) for x in disjoint_components[1]] else: atom_group_names = ['RES1']*self.natoms atom_groups = [str(1)]*self.natoms atom_types = list(set(self.symvect())) atom_type_numbers = np.ones(len(atom_types)) atom_types_mol2 = [] try: metal_ind = self.findMetal()[0] except IndexError: metal_ind = 0 if len(self.partialcharges): charges = self.partialcharges charge_string = 'PartialCharges' elif self.charge: # Assign total charge to metal charges = np.zeros(self.natoms) charges[metal_ind] = self.charge charge_string = 'UserTotalCharge' else: # Calc total charge with OBMol, assign to metal if self.OBMol: charges = np.zeros(self.natoms) charges[metal_ind] = self.OBMol.GetTotalCharge() charge_string = 'OBmolTotalCharge' else: charges = np.zeros(self.natoms) charge_string = 'ZeroCharges' ss = '@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE\n{}\n'.format(filename) ss += '{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(self.natoms, int(csg.nnz/2), disjoint_components[0]) ss += 'SMALL\n' ss += charge_string + '\n' + '****\n' + 'Generated from molSimplify\n\n' ss += '@<TRIPOS>ATOM\n' atom_default_dict = {'C': '3', 'N': '3', 'O': '2', 'S': '3', 'P': '3'} for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if != atom.sym: atom_types_mol2 = '.' elif atom.sym in list(atom_default_dict.keys()): atom_types_mol2 = '.' + atom_default_dict[atom.sym] else: atom_types_mol2 = '' type_ind = atom_types.index(atom.sym) atom_coords = atom.coords() ss += str(i+1) + ' ' + atom.sym+str(int(atom_type_numbers[type_ind])) + '\t' + \ '{} {} {} '.format(atom_coords[0], atom_coords[1], atom_coords[2]) + \ atom.sym + atom_types_mol2 + '\t' + atom_groups[i] + \ ' '+atom_group_names[i]+' ' + str(charges[i]) + '\n' atom_type_numbers[type_ind] += 1 ss += '@<TRIPOS>BOND\n' bonds = csg.nonzero() bond_count = 1 if self.bo_dict: bondorders = True else: bondorders = False for i, b1 in enumerate(bonds[0]): b2 = bonds[1][i] if b2 > b1 and not bondorders: ss += str(bond_count)+' '+str(b1+1) + ' ' + str(b2+1) + ' 1\n' bond_count += 1 elif b2 > b1 and bondorders: ss += str(bond_count)+' '+str(b1+1) + ' ' + str(b2+1) + \ ' {}\n'.format(self.bo_dict[(int(b1), int(b2))]) ss += '@<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE\n' unique_group_names = np.unique(atom_group_names) for i, name in enumerate(unique_group_names): ss += str(i+1)+' '+name+' '+str(atom_group_names.count(name))+'\n' ss += '\n' if writestring: return ss else: if '.mol2' not in filename: if '.' not in filename: filename += '.mol2' else: filename = filename.split('.')[0]+'.mol2' with open(filename, 'w') as file1: file1.write(ss)
[docs] def closest_H_2_metal(self, delta=0): """ Get closest hydrogen atom to metal. Parameters ---------- delta : float Distance tolerance in angstrom. Returns ------- flag : bool Flag for if a hydrogen exists in the distance tolerance. min_dist_H : float Minimum distance for a hydrogen. min_dist_nonH : float Minimum distance for a heavy atom. """ min_dist_H = 3.0 min_dist_nonH = 3.0 for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if atom.ismetal(): metal_atom = atom break else: raise ValueError('No metal found.') metal_coord = metal_atom.coords() for atom1 in self.atoms: if atom1.sym == 'H': if distance(atom1.coords(), metal_coord) < min_dist_H: min_dist_H = distance(atom1.coords(), metal_coord) elif not atom1.ismetal(): if distance(atom1.coords(), metal_coord) < min_dist_nonH: min_dist_nonH = distance(atom1.coords(), metal_coord) if min_dist_H <= (min_dist_nonH - delta): flag = True else: flag = False return (flag, min_dist_H, min_dist_nonH)
[docs] def geo_dict_initialization(self): """ Initialization of geometry check dictionaries according to dict_oct_check_st. """ for key in self.dict_oct_check_st[list(self.dict_oct_check_st.keys())[0]]: self.geo_dict[key] = -1 self.dict_lig_distort = {'rmsd_max': -1, 'atom_dist_max': -1} self.dict_catoms_shape = { 'oct_angle_devi_max': -1, 'max_del_sig_angle': -1, 'dist_del_eq': 0, 'dist_del_all': -1, 'dist_del_eq_relative': 0, 'dist_del_all_relative': -1, } self.dict_orientation = {'devi_linear_avrg': -1, 'devi_linear_max': -1}
[docs] def get_num_coord_metal(self, debug=False, strict_cutoff=False, catom_list=None): """ Get metal coordination based on get bonded atoms. Store this info. Parameters ---------- debug : bool, optional Flag for whether extra output should be printed. Default is False. strict_cutoff : bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs catom_list : list, optional List of indices of coordinating atoms. """ metal_list = self.findMetal() metal_ind = self.findMetal()[0] metal_coord = self.getAtomCoords(metal_ind) if len(self.graph): catoms = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(metal_ind) elif catom_list is not None: catoms = catom_list elif len(metal_list) > 0: _catoms = self.getBondedAtomsOct(ind=metal_ind, strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff) if debug: print("_catoms: ", _catoms) dist2metal = {} dist2catoms = {} for ind in _catoms: tmpd = {} coord = self.getAtom(ind).coords() dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coord) - np.array(metal_coord)) dist2metal.update({ind: dist}) for _ind in _catoms: _coord = self.getAtom(_ind).coords() dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coord) - np.array(_coord)) tmpd.update({_ind: dist}) dist2catoms.update({ind: tmpd}) _catoms_set = set() for ind in _catoms: tmp = {} distind = np.linalg.norm( np.array(self.getAtom(ind).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord)) tmp.update({ind: distind}) for _ind in _catoms: if dist2catoms[ind][_ind] < 1.3: tmp.update({_ind: dist2metal[_ind]}) _catoms_set.add(min(list(tmp.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]) _catoms = list(_catoms_set) min_bond_dist = 2.0 # This need double check with Aditya/ Michael if len(dist2metal) > 0: dists = np.array(list(dist2metal.values())) inds = np.where(dists > min_bond_dist)[0] if inds.shape[0] > 0: min_bond_dist = min(dists[inds]) max_bond_dist = min_bond_dist + 1.5 # This is an adjustable param catoms = [] for ind in _catoms: if dist2metal[ind] <= max_bond_dist: catoms.append(ind) else: metal_ind = [] metal_coord = [] catoms = [] if debug: print(('metal coordinate:', metal_coord, self.getAtom(metal_ind).symbol())) print(('coordinations: ', catoms, len(catoms))) self.catoms = catoms self.num_coord_metal = len(catoms) if debug: print(("self.catoms: ", self.catoms)) print(("self.num_coord_metal: ", self.num_coord_metal))
[docs] def oct_comp(self, angle_ref=False, catoms_arr=None, debug=False): """ Get the deviation of shape of the catoms from the desired shape, which is defined in angle_ref. Parameters ---------- angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. Returns ------- dict_catoms_shape : dict Dictionary of first coordination sphere shape measures. catoms_arr : list Connection atom array. """ if not angle_ref: angle_ref = self.oct_angle_ref from molSimplify.Scripts.oct_check_mols import loop_target_angle_arr metal_coord = self.getAtomCoords(self.findMetal()[0]) catom_coord = [] # Note that use this only when you wanna specify the metal connecting atoms. # This will change the attributes of mol3D. if catoms_arr is not None: self.catoms = catoms_arr self.num_coord_metal = len(catoms_arr) else: self.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) theta_arr, oct_dist = [], [] # print("!!!!catoms", self.catoms, catoms_arr) for atom in self.catoms: coord = self.getAtomCoords(atom) catom_coord.append(coord) th_input_arr = [] catoms_map = {} for idx1, coord1 in enumerate(catom_coord): # {atom_ind_in_mol: ind_in_angle_list} catoms_map.update({self.catoms[idx1]: idx1}) delr1 = (np.array(coord1) - np.array(metal_coord)).tolist() theta_tmp = [] for idx2, coord2 in enumerate(catom_coord): if idx2 != idx1: delr2 = (np.array(coord2) - np.array(metal_coord)).tolist() theta = vecangle(delr1, delr2) theta_tmp.append(theta) else: theta_tmp.append(-1) th_input_arr.append([self.catoms[idx1], theta_tmp]) # This will help pick out 6 catoms that forms the closest shape compared to the desired structure. # When we have the customized catoms_arr, it will not change anything. # print("!!!th_input_arr", th_input_arr, len(th_input_arr)) # print("!!!catoms_map: ", catoms_map) th_output_arr, sum_del_angle, catoms_arr, max_del_sig_angle = loop_target_angle_arr( th_input_arr, angle_ref, catoms_map) self.catoms = catoms_arr if debug: print(('th:', th_output_arr)) print(('sum_del:', sum_del_angle)) print(('catoms_arr:', catoms_arr)) print(('catoms_type:', [self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in catoms_arr])) print(('catoms_coord:', [self.getAtom(x).coords() for x in catoms_arr])) for idx, ele in enumerate(th_output_arr): theta_arr.append([catoms_arr[idx], sum_del_angle[idx], ele]) theta_trunc_arr = theta_arr theta_trunc_arr_T = list(map(list, list(zip(*theta_trunc_arr)))) oct_catoms = theta_trunc_arr_T[0] oct_angle_devi = theta_trunc_arr_T[1] oct_angle_all = theta_trunc_arr_T[2] if debug: print(('Summation of deviation angle for catoms:', oct_angle_devi)) print(('Angle for catoms:', oct_angle_all)) for atom in oct_catoms: coord = self.getAtom(atom).coords() dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coord) - np.array(metal_coord)) oct_dist.append(dist) oct_dist.sort() # if len(oct_dist) == 6: # For Oct # dist_del_arr = np.array( # [oct_dist[3] - oct_dist[0], oct_dist[4] - oct_dist[1], oct_dist[5] - oct_dist[2]]) # min_posi = np.argmin(dist_del_arr) # if min_posi == 0: # dist_eq, dist_ax = oct_dist[:4], oct_dist[4:] # elif min_posi == 1: # dist_eq, dist_ax = oct_dist[1:5], [oct_dist[0], oct_dist[5]] # else: # dist_eq, dist_ax = oct_dist[2:], oct_dist[:2] # dist_del_eq = max(dist_eq) - min(dist_eq) # elif len(oct_dist) == 5: # For one empty site # if (oct_dist[3] - oct_dist[0]) > (oct_dist[4] - oct_dist[1]): # # ax dist is smaller # dist_ax, dist_eq = oct_dist[:1], oct_dist[1:] # else: # # eq dist is smaller # dist_ax, dist_eq = oct_dist[4:], oct_dist[:4] # dist_del_eq = max(dist_eq) - min(dist_eq) # else: # dist_eq, dist_ax = -1, -1 # dist_del_eq = -1 dist_del_all = oct_dist[-1] - oct_dist[0] oct_dist_relative = [(np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.getAtom(ii).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord))) / (self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(ii).sym][2] + self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(self.findMetal()[0]).sym][2]) for ii in oct_catoms] dict_catoms_shape = dict() dict_catoms_shape['oct_angle_devi_max'] = float(max(oct_angle_devi)) dict_catoms_shape['max_del_sig_angle'] = float(max_del_sig_angle) dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq'] = 0 dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_all'] = float(dist_del_all) dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_all_relative'] = np.max( oct_dist_relative) - np.min(oct_dist_relative) dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq_relative'] = 0 self.dict_catoms_shape = dict_catoms_shape return dict_catoms_shape, catoms_arr
[docs] def match_lig_list(self, init_mol, catoms_arr=None, BondedOct=False, flag_lbd=True, debug=False, depth=3, check_whole=False, angle_ref=False): """ Match the ligands of mol and init_mol by calling ligand_breakdown Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. flag_lbd : bool, optional Flag for using ligand breakdown on the optimized geometry. If False, assuming equivalent index to initial geo. Default is True. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. depth : int, optional Depth for truncated molecule. Default is 3. check_whole : bool, optional Flag for checking whole ligand. angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. Returns ------- liglist_shifted : list List of lists containing all ligands from optimized molecule. liglist_init : list List of lists containing all ligands from initial molecule. flag_match : bool A flag about whether the ligands of initial and optimized mol are exactly the same. There is a one to one mapping. """ from molSimplify.Informatics.graph_analyze import obtain_truncation_metal from molSimplify.Classes.ligand import ligand_breakdown # , ligand_assign flag_match = True self.my_mol_trunc = mol3D() self.my_mol_trunc.copymol3D(self) self.init_mol_trunc = mol3D() self.init_mol_trunc.copymol3D(init_mol) if flag_lbd: # Also do ligand breakdown for opt geo if not check_whole: # Truncate ligands at 4 bonds away from metal to aviod rotational group. self.my_mol_trunc = obtain_truncation_metal(self, hops=depth) self.init_mol_trunc = obtain_truncation_metal( init_mol, hops=depth) self.my_mol_trunc.createMolecularGraph() self.init_mol_trunc.createMolecularGraph() self.my_mol_trunc.writexyz("") self.init_mol_trunc.writexyz("") # print("graph: ", self.init_mol_trunc.graph) liglist_init, ligdents_init, ligcons_init = ligand_breakdown( self.init_mol_trunc, BondedOct=BondedOct) liglist, ligdents, ligcons = ligand_breakdown(self.my_mol_trunc, BondedOct=BondedOct) liglist_atom = [[self.my_mol_trunc.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in ele] for ele in liglist] liglist_init_atom = [[self.init_mol_trunc.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in ele] for ele in liglist_init] if debug: print(('init_mol_trunc:', [x.symbol() for x in self.init_mol_trunc.getAtoms()])) print(('liglist_init, ligdents_init, ligcons_init', liglist_init, ligdents_init, ligcons_init)) print(('liglist, ligdents, ligcons', liglist, ligdents, ligcons)) else: # ceate/use the liglist, ligdents, ligcons of initial geo as we just wanna track them down if debug: print('Just inherit the ligand list from init structure.') liglist_init, ligdents_init, ligcons_init = ligand_breakdown(init_mol, BondedOct=BondedOct) liglist, ligdents, ligcons = liglist_init[: ], ligdents_init[:], ligcons_init[:] liglist_atom = [[self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in ele] for ele in liglist] liglist_init_atom = [[init_mol.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in ele] for ele in liglist_init] if catoms_arr is not None: catoms, catoms_init = catoms_arr, catoms_arr else: self.my_mol_trunc.writexyz("") self.init_mol_trunc.writexyz("") _, catoms = self.my_mol_trunc.oct_comp( debug=False, angle_ref=angle_ref) _, catoms_init = self.init_mol_trunc.oct_comp( debug=False, angle_ref=angle_ref) if debug: print(('ligand_list opt in symbols:', liglist_atom)) print(('ligand_list init in symbols: ', liglist_init_atom)) print(("catoms opt: ", catoms, [ self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in catoms])) print(("catoms init: ", catoms_init, [ self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in catoms_init])) print(("catoms diff: ", set(catoms) - set(catoms_init), len(set(catoms) - set(catoms_init)))) liglist_shifted = [] if not len(set(catoms) - set(catoms_init)): for ii, ele in enumerate(liglist_init_atom): liginds_init = liglist_init[ii] try: _flag = False for idx, _ele in enumerate(liglist_atom): if set(ele) == set(_ele) and len(ele) == len(_ele): liginds = liglist[idx] if catoms_arr is not None: match = True else: match = connectivity_match(liginds_init, liginds, self.init_mol_trunc, self.my_mol_trunc) if debug: print( ('fragment in liglist_init', ele, liginds_init)) print(('fragment in liglist', _ele, liginds)) print(("match status: ", match)) if match: posi = idx _flag = True break liglist_shifted.append(liglist[posi]) liglist_atom.pop(posi) liglist.pop(posi) if not _flag: if debug: print("here1") print('Ligands cannot match!') flag_match = False except UnboundLocalError: # If there is no match the variable posi is never assigned print("here2, try, excepted.") print('Ligands cannot match!') flag_match = False else: print("catoms for opt and init geo:", set(catoms), set(catoms_init)) print('Ligands cannot match! (Connecting atoms are different)') flag_match = False if debug: print(('returning: ', liglist_shifted, liglist_init)) if catoms_arr is not None: # Force as matching in inspection mode. flag_match = True return liglist_shifted, liglist_init, flag_match
[docs] def ligand_comp_org(self, init_mol, catoms_arr=None, flag_deleteH=True, flag_lbd=True, debug=False, depth=3, BondedOct=False, angle_ref=False): """ Get the ligand distortion by comparing each individual ligands in init_mol and opt_mol. Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. flag_deleteH : bool, optional, Flag to delete Hs in ligand comparison. Default is True. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. flag_lbd : bool, optional Flag for using ligand breakdown on the optimized geometry. If False, assuming equivalent index to initial geo. Default is True. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. depth : int, optional Depth for truncated molecule. Default is 3. check_whole : bool, optional Flag for checking whole ligand. angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. Returns ------- dict_lig_distort : dict Dictionary containing rmsd_max and atom_dist_max. """ from molSimplify.Scripts.oct_check_mols import readfromtxt _, _, flag_match = self.match_lig_list(init_mol, catoms_arr=catoms_arr, BondedOct=BondedOct, flag_lbd=flag_lbd, debug=debug, depth=depth, check_whole=True, angle_ref=angle_ref) # print("====whole molecule check finishes====") liglist, liglist_init, _ = self.match_lig_list(init_mol, catoms_arr=catoms_arr, BondedOct=BondedOct, flag_lbd=flag_lbd, debug=debug, depth=depth, check_whole=False, angle_ref=angle_ref) if debug: print(('lig_list:', liglist, len(liglist))) print(('lig_list_init:', liglist_init, len(liglist_init))) if flag_lbd: mymol_xyz = self.my_mol_trunc initmol_xyz = self.init_mol_trunc else: mymol_xyz = self initmol_xyz = init_mol if flag_match: rmsd_arr, max_atom_dist_arr = [], [] for idx, lig in enumerate(liglist): lig_init = liglist_init[idx] if debug: print(('----This is %d th piece of ligand.' % (idx + 1))) print(('ligand is:', lig, lig_init)) foo = [] for ii, atom in enumerate(mymol_xyz.atoms): if ii in lig: xyz = atom.coords() line = '%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n' % ( atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) foo.append(line) tmp_mol = mol3D() tmp_mol = readfromtxt(tmp_mol, foo) foo = [] for ii, atom in enumerate(initmol_xyz.atoms): if ii in lig_init: xyz = atom.coords() line = '%s \t%f\t%f\t%f\n' % ( atom.sym, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) foo.append(line) tmp_org_mol = mol3D() tmp_org_mol = readfromtxt(tmp_org_mol, foo) if debug: print(('# atoms: %d, init: %d' % (tmp_mol.natoms, tmp_org_mol.natoms))) print(('!!!!atoms:', [x.symbol() for x in tmp_mol.getAtoms()], [x.symbol() for x in tmp_org_mol.getAtoms()])) if flag_deleteH: tmp_mol.deleteHs() tmp_org_mol.deleteHs() try: rmsd = rigorous_rmsd(tmp_mol, tmp_org_mol, rotation="kabsch", reorder="hungarian") except np.linalg.LinAlgError: rmsd = 0 rmsd_arr.append(rmsd) atom_dist_max = -1 max_atom_dist_arr.append(atom_dist_max) if debug: print(('rmsd:', rmsd)) # print(('atom_dist_max', atom_dist_max)) rmsd_max = max(rmsd_arr) atom_dist_max = max(max_atom_dist_arr) else: rmsd_max, atom_dist_max = 'lig_mismatch', 'lig_mismatch' try: dict_lig_distort = {'rmsd_max': float( rmsd_max), 'atom_dist_max': float(atom_dist_max)} except ValueError: dict_lig_distort = {'rmsd_max': rmsd_max, 'atom_dist_max': atom_dist_max} self.dict_lig_distort = dict_lig_distort return dict_lig_distort
[docs] def is_linear_ligand(self, ind): """ Check whether a ligand is linear. Parameters ---------- ind : int index for one of the metal-coordinating atoms. Returns ------- flag : bool True if the ligand is linear. catoms : list Atoms bonded to the index of interest. """ def find_the_other_ind(arr, ind): arr.pop(arr.index(ind)) return arr[0] catoms = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(ind) metal_ind = self.findMetal()[0] flag = False endcheck = False if not self.atoms[ind].sym == 'O': if metal_ind in catoms and len(catoms) == 2: ind_next = find_the_other_ind(catoms[:], metal_ind) _catoms = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(ind_next) # print("~~~~", (self.atoms[ind].sym, self.atoms[ind_next].sym)) if (self.atoms[ind].sym, self.atoms[ind_next].sym) in list(self.globs.tribonddict().keys()): dist = np.linalg.norm( np.array(self.atoms[ind].coords()) - np.array(self.atoms[ind_next].coords())) if dist > self.globs.tribonddict()[(self.atoms[ind].sym, self.atoms[ind_next].sym)]: endcheck = True else: endcheck = True if (not self.atoms[ind_next].sym == 'H') and (not endcheck): if len(_catoms) == 1: flag = True elif len(_catoms) == 2: ind_next2 = find_the_other_ind(_catoms[:], ind) vec1 = np.array(self.getAtomCoords(ind)) - \ np.array(self.getAtomCoords(ind_next)) vec2 = np.array(self.getAtomCoords( ind_next2)) - np.array(self.getAtomCoords(ind_next)) ang = vecangle(vec1, vec2) if ang > 170: flag = True # print(flag, catoms) return flag, catoms
[docs] def get_linear_angle(self, ind): """ Get linear ligand angle. Parameters ---------- ind : int index for one of the metal-coordinating atoms. Returns ------- flag : bool True if the ligand is linear. ang : float Get angle of linear ligand. 0 if not linear. """ flag, catoms = self.is_linear_ligand(ind) if flag: vec1 = np.array(self.getAtomCoords( catoms[0])) - np.array(self.getAtomCoords(ind)) vec2 = np.array(self.getAtomCoords( catoms[1])) - np.array(self.getAtomCoords(ind)) ang = vecangle(vec1, vec2) else: ang = 0 return flag, ang
[docs] def check_angle_linear(self, catoms_arr=None): """ Get the ligand orientation for linear ligands. Parameters ---------- catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. Returns ------- dict_orientation : dict Dictionary containing average deviation from linearity (devi_linear_avrg) and max deviation (devi_linear_max). """ dict_angle_linear = {} if catoms_arr is not None: pass else: catoms_arr = self.catoms for ind in catoms_arr: flag, ang = self.get_linear_angle(ind) dict_angle_linear[str(ind)] = [flag, float(ang)] dict_orientation = {} devi_linear_avrg, devi_linear_max = 0, 0 count = 0 for key in dict_angle_linear: [flag, ang] = dict_angle_linear[key] if flag: count += 1 devi_linear_avrg += 180 - ang if (180 - ang) > devi_linear_max: devi_linear_max = 180 - ang if count: devi_linear_avrg /= count else: devi_linear_avrg = 0 dict_orientation['devi_linear_avrg'] = float(devi_linear_avrg) dict_orientation['devi_linear_max'] = float(devi_linear_max) self.dict_angle_linear = dict_angle_linear self.dict_orientation = dict_orientation return dict_angle_linear, dict_orientation
[docs] def dict_check_processing(self, dict_check, num_coord=6, debug=False, silent=False): """ Process the self.geo_dict to get the flag_oct and flag_list, setting dict_check as the cutoffs. Parameters ---------- dict_check : dict The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. num_coord : int, optional Metal coordination number. Default is 6. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. silence : bool, optional Flag for warning suppression. Default is False. Returns ------- flag_oct : int Good (1) or bad (0) structure. flag_list : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry. """ self.geo_dict['num_coord_metal'] = int(self.num_coord_metal) self.geo_dict.update(self.dict_lig_distort) self.geo_dict.update(self.dict_catoms_shape) self.geo_dict.update(self.dict_orientation) banned_sign = 'banned_by_user' if debug: print(('dict_oct_info', self.geo_dict)) for ele in self.std_not_use: self.geo_dict[ele] = banned_sign self.geo_dict['atom_dist_max'] = banned_sign flag_list = [] for key, values in list(dict_check.items()): if isinstance(self.geo_dict[key], (int, float)): if self.geo_dict[key] > values: flag_list.append(key) elif not self.geo_dict[key] == banned_sign: flag_list.append(key) if self.geo_dict['num_coord_metal'] < num_coord: flag_list.append('num_coord_metal') if flag_list == ['num_coord_metal'] and \ (self.geo_dict['num_coord_metal'] == -1 or self.geo_dict['num_coord_metal'] > num_coord): self.geo_dict['num_coord_metal'] = num_coord flag_list.remove('num_coord_metal') if not len(flag_list): flag_oct = 1 # good structure flag_list = 'None' else: flag_oct = 0 flag_list = '; '.join(flag_list) if not silent: print('------bad structure!-----') print(('flag_list:', flag_list)) self.flag_oct = flag_oct self.flag_list = flag_list return flag_oct, flag_list, self.geo_dict
[docs] def print_geo_dict(self): """ Print geometry check info after the check. """ def print_dict(_dict): for key, value in list(_dict.items()): print(('%s: ' % key, value)) print('========Geo_check_results========') print('--------coordination_check-----') print(('num_coord_metal:', self.num_coord_metal)) print(('catoms_arr:', self.catoms)) print('-------catoms_shape_check-----') _dict = self.dict_catoms_shape print_dict(_dict) print('-------individual_ligand_distortion_check----') _dict = self.dict_lig_distort print_dict(_dict) print('-------linear_ligand_orientation_check-----') _dict = self.dict_orientation print_dict(_dict) print('=======End of printing geo_check_results========')
[docs] def IsOct(self, init_mol=None, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, flag_catoms=False, catoms_arr=None, debug=False, flag_lbd=True, BondedOct=True, skip=False, flag_deleteH=True, silent=False, use_atom_specific_cutoffs=True): """ Main geometry check method for octahedral structures. Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. flag_catoms : bool, optional Whether or not to return the catoms arr. Default as False. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. flag_lbd : bool, optional Flag for using ligand breakdown on the optimized geometry. If False, assuming equivalent index to initial geo. Default is True. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. skip : list, optional Geometry checks to skip. Default is False. flag_deleteH : bool, optional, Flag to delete Hs in ligand comparison. Default is True. silent : bool, optional Flag for warning suppression. Default is False. use_atom_specific_cutoffs : bool, optional Determine bonding with atom specific cutoffs. Returns ------- flag_oct : int Good (1) or bad (0) structure. flag_list : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry. dict_oct_info : dict Dictionary of measurements of geometry. """ self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if not dict_check: dict_check = self.dict_oct_check_st if not angle_ref: angle_ref = self.oct_angle_ref if not skip: skip = list() else: print("Warning: your are skipping following geometry checks:") print(skip) self.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) # Note that use this only when you wanna specify the metal connecting atoms. # This will change the attributes of mol3D. if catoms_arr is not None: self.catoms = catoms_arr self.num_coord_metal = len(catoms_arr) if init_mol is not None: init_mol.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) catoms_init = init_mol.catoms else: catoms_init = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.geo_dict_initialization() if len(catoms_init) >= 6: if self.num_coord_metal >= 6: # if not rmsd_max == 'lig_mismatch': if True: self.num_coord_metal = 6 if 'FCS' not in skip: dict_catoms_shape, catoms_arr = self.oct_comp(angle_ref, catoms_arr, debug=debug, ) if init_mol is not None: init_mol.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if any(self.getAtom(ii).symbol() != init_mol.getAtom(ii).symbol() for ii in range(min(self.natoms, init_mol.natoms))): print( "The ordering of atoms in the initial and final geometry is different.") init_mol = mol3D() init_mol.copymol3D(self) if 'lig_distort' not in skip: self.ligand_comp_org(init_mol=init_mol, flag_lbd=flag_lbd, debug=debug, BondedOct=BondedOct, flag_deleteH=flag_deleteH, angle_ref=angle_ref) if 'lig_linear' not in skip: self.check_angle_linear() if debug: self.print_geo_dict() eqsym, maxdent, _, _, _, eq_catoms = self.get_symmetry_denticity( return_eq_catoms=True) if eqsym: metal_coord = self.getAtomCoords(self.findMetal()[0]) eq_dists = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.getAtom( ii).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord)) for ii in eq_catoms] eq_dists.sort() self.dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq'] = eq_dists[-1] - eq_dists[0] eq_dists_relative = [(np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.getAtom(ii).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord))) / (self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(ii).sym][2] + self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(self.findMetal()[0]).sym][2]) for ii in eq_catoms] self.dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq_relative'] = np.max( eq_dists_relative) - np.min(eq_dists_relative) if not maxdent > 1: choice = 'mono' else: choice = 'multi' used_geo_cutoffs = dict_check[choice] if not eqsym: used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_eq'] = used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_all'] flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info = self.dict_check_processing(used_geo_cutoffs, num_coord=6, debug=debug, silent=silent) else: flag_oct = 0 flag_list = ["bad_init_geo"] dict_oct_info = {"num_coord_metal": "bad_init_geo"} if not flag_catoms: return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info else: return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info, catoms_arr
[docs] def IsStructure(self, init_mol=None, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, num_coord=5, flag_catoms=False, catoms_arr=None, debug=False, skip=False, flag_deleteH=True): """ Main geometry check method for square pyramidal structures. Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. num_coord : int, optional The metal coordination number. flag_catoms : bool, optional Whether or not to return the catoms arr. Default as False. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. skip : list, optional Geometry checks to skip. Default is False. flag_deleteH : bool, optional, Flag to delete Hs in ligand comparison. Default is True. Returns ------- flag_oct : int Good (1) or bad (0) structure. flag_list : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry. dict_oct_info : dict Dictionary of measurements of geometry. """ self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if not dict_check: dict_check = self.dict_oneempty_check_st if not angle_ref: angle_ref = self.oneempty_angle_ref if not skip: skip = list() else: print("Warning: your are skipping following geometry checks:") print(skip) self.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) if catoms_arr is not None: self.catoms = catoms_arr self.num_coord_metal = len(catoms_arr) if init_mol is not None: init_mol.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) catoms_init = init_mol.catoms else: catoms_init = [0 for i in range(num_coord)] self.geo_dict_initialization() print(angle_ref) if len(catoms_init) >= num_coord: if self.num_coord_metal >= num_coord: if True: self.num_coord_metal = num_coord if 'FCS' not in skip: dict_catoms_shape, catoms_arr = self.oct_comp(angle_ref, catoms_arr, debug=debug) if init_mol is not None: init_mol.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if any(self.getAtom(ii).symbol() != init_mol.getAtom(ii).symbol() for ii in range(min(self.natoms, init_mol.natoms))): print( "The ordering of atoms in the initial and final geometry is different.") init_mol = mol3D() init_mol.copymol3D(self) if 'lig_distort' not in skip: self.ligand_comp_org( init_mol, flag_deleteH=flag_deleteH, debug=debug, angle_ref=angle_ref) if 'lig_linear' not in skip: self.check_angle_linear() if debug: self.print_geo_dict() eqsym, maxdent, _, _, _, eq_catoms = self.get_symmetry_denticity( return_eq_catoms=True) if eqsym: metal_coord = self.getAtomCoords(self.findMetal()[0]) eq_dists = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.getAtom( ii).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord)) for ii in eq_catoms] eq_dists.sort() self.dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq'] = eq_dists[-1] - eq_dists[0] eq_dists_relative = [(np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.getAtom(ii).coords()) - np.array(metal_coord))) / (self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(ii).sym][2] + self.globs.amass()[self.getAtom(self.findMetal()[0]).sym][2]) for ii in eq_catoms] self.dict_catoms_shape['dist_del_eq_relative'] = np.max( eq_dists_relative) - np.min(eq_dists_relative) if not maxdent > 1: choice = 'mono' else: choice = 'multi' used_geo_cutoffs = dict_check[choice] if not eqsym: used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_eq'] = used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_all'] flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info = self.dict_check_processing(used_geo_cutoffs, num_coord=num_coord, debug=debug) else: flag_oct = 0 flag_list = ["bad_init_geo"] dict_oct_info = {"num_coord_metal": "bad_init_geo"} if not flag_catoms: return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info else: return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info, catoms_arr
[docs] def Oct_inspection(self, init_mol=None, catoms_arr=None, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, flag_lbd=False, dict_check_loose=False, BondedOct=True, debug=False): """ Used to track down the changing geo_check metrics in a DFT geometry optimization. Catoms_arr always specified. Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. flag_lbd : bool, optional Flag for using ligand breakdown on the optimized geometry. If False, assuming equivalent index to initial geo. Default is True. dict_check_loose: dict, optional Dictionary of geo check metrics, if a dictionary other than the default one from globalvars is desired. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. Returns ------- flag_oct : int Good (1) or bad (0) structure. flag_list : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry. dict_oct_info : dict Dictionary of measurements of geometry. flag_oct_loose : int Good (1) or bad (0) structures with loose cutoffs. flag_list_loose : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry with loose cutoffs. """ self.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if not dict_check: dict_check = self.dict_oct_check_st if not angle_ref: angle_ref = self.oct_angle_ref if not dict_check_loose: dict_check_loose = self.dict_oct_check_loose if catoms_arr is None: init_mol.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) catoms_arr = init_mol.catoms if len(catoms_arr) > 6: _, catoms_arr = init_mol.oct_comp(debug=debug) if len(catoms_arr) != 6: print('Error, must have 6 connecting atoms for octahedral.') print('Please DO CHECK what happens!!!!') flag_oct = 0 flag_list = ["num_coord_metal"] dict_oct_info = {'num_coord_metal': len(catoms_arr)} geo_metrics = ['rmsd_max', 'atom_dist_max', 'oct_angle_devi_max', 'max_del_sig_angle', 'dist_del_eq', 'dist_del_all', 'devi_linear_avrg', 'devi_linear_max'] for metric in geo_metrics: dict_oct_info.update({metric: "NA"}) flag_oct_loose = 0 flag_list_loose = ["num_coord_metal"] else: self.num_coord_metal = 6 self.geo_dict_initialization() if init_mol is not None: init_mol.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if any(self.getAtom(ii).symbol() != init_mol.getAtom(ii).symbol() for ii in range(min(self.natoms, init_mol.natoms))): raise ValueError( "initial and current geometry does not match in atom ordering!") dict_lig_distort = self.ligand_comp_org(init_mol=init_mol, flag_lbd=flag_lbd, catoms_arr=catoms_arr, debug=debug, BondedOct=BondedOct, angle_ref=angle_ref) if not dict_lig_distort['rmsd_max'] == 'lig_mismatch': _, catoms_arr = self.oct_comp(angle_ref, catoms_arr, debug=debug) else: print("Warning: Potential issues about lig_mismatch.") # Unsure if still needed. RM 2022/07/19 _, _ = self.check_angle_linear(catoms_arr=catoms_arr) if debug: self.print_geo_dict() eqsym, maxdent, _, _, _ = self.get_symmetry_denticity() if not maxdent > 1: choice = 'mono' else: choice = 'multi' used_geo_cutoffs = dict_check[choice] if not eqsym: used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_eq'] = used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_all'] flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info = self.dict_check_processing(dict_check=used_geo_cutoffs, num_coord=6, debug=debug) flag_oct_loose, flag_list_loose, __ = self.dict_check_processing(dict_check=dict_check_loose[choice], num_coord=6, debug=debug) return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info, flag_oct_loose, flag_list_loose
[docs] def Structure_inspection(self, init_mol=None, catoms_arr=None, num_coord=5, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, flag_lbd=False, dict_check_loose=False, BondedOct=True, debug=False): """ Used to track down the changing geo_check metrics in a DFT geometry optimization. Specifically for a square pyramidal structure. Catoms_arr always specified. Parameters ---------- init_mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of the initial geometry. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. num_coord : int, optional The metal coordination number. dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. flag_lbd : bool, optional Flag for using ligand breakdown on the optimized geometry. If False, assuming equivalent index to initial geo. Default is True. dict_check_loose: dict, optional Dictionary of geo check metrics, if a dictionary other than the default one from globalvars is desired. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. Returns ------- flag_oct : int Good (1) or bad (0) structure. flag_list : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry. dict_oct_info : dict Dictionary of measurements of geometry. flag_oct_loose : int Good (1) or bad (0) structures with loose cutoffs. flag_list_loose : list Metrics that are preventing a good geometry with loose cutoffs. """ if not dict_check: dict_check = self.dict_oneempty_check_st if not angle_ref: angle_ref = self.oneempty_angle_ref if not dict_check_loose: dict_check_loose = self.dict_oneempty_check_loose if catoms_arr is None: init_mol.get_num_coord_metal(debug=debug) catoms_arr = init_mol.catoms if len(catoms_arr) > num_coord: _, catoms_arr = init_mol.oct_comp( angle_ref=angle_ref, debug=debug) # print("connecting atoms are,", catoms_arr) if len(catoms_arr) != num_coord: print(('Error, must have %d connecting atoms for octahedral.' % num_coord)) print('Please DO CHECK what happens!!!!') flag_oct = 0 flag_list = ["num_coord_metal"] dict_oct_info = {'num_coord_metal': len(catoms_arr)} geo_metrics = ['rmsd_max', 'atom_dist_max', 'oct_angle_devi_max', 'max_del_sig_angle', 'dist_del_eq', 'dist_del_all', 'devi_linear_avrg', 'devi_linear_max'] for metric in geo_metrics: dict_oct_info.update({metric: "NA"}) flag_oct_loose = 0 flag_list_loose = ["num_coord_metal"] else: self.num_coord_metal = num_coord self.geo_dict_initialization() if init_mol is not None: init_mol.use_atom_specific_cutoffs = True if any(self.getAtom(ii).symbol() != init_mol.getAtom(ii).symbol() for ii in range(min(self.natoms, init_mol.natoms))): raise ValueError( "initial and current geometry does not match in atom ordering!") dict_lig_distort = self.ligand_comp_org(init_mol=init_mol, flag_lbd=flag_lbd, catoms_arr=catoms_arr, debug=debug, BondedOct=BondedOct, angle_ref=angle_ref) if not dict_lig_distort['rmsd_max'] == 'lig_mismatch': _, catoms_arr = self.oct_comp(angle_ref, catoms_arr, debug=debug) else: self.num_coord_metal = -1 print('!!!!!Should always match. WRONG!!!!!') # Unsure if still needed. RM 2022/07/19 _, _ = self.check_angle_linear(catoms_arr=catoms_arr) if debug: self.print_geo_dict() eqsym, maxdent, _, _, _ = self.get_symmetry_denticity() if not maxdent > 1: choice = 'mono' else: choice = 'multi' used_geo_cutoffs = dict_check[choice] if not eqsym: used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_eq'] = used_geo_cutoffs['dist_del_all'] flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info = self.dict_check_processing(dict_check=used_geo_cutoffs, num_coord=num_coord, debug=debug) flag_oct_loose, flag_list_loose, _ = self.dict_check_processing(dict_check=dict_check_loose[choice], num_coord=num_coord, debug=debug) return flag_oct, flag_list, dict_oct_info, flag_oct_loose, flag_list_loose
[docs] def get_fcs(self, strict_cutoff=False, catom_list=None, max6=True): """ Get first coordination shell of a transition metal complex. Parameters ---------- strict_cutoff : bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs catom_list : list, optional List of indices of coordinating atoms. max6 : bool, optional If True, will return catoms from oct_comp. Returns ------- fcs : list List of first coordination shell indices. """ metalind = self.findMetal()[0] self.get_num_coord_metal(debug=False, strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff, catom_list=catom_list) catoms = self.catoms # print(catoms, [self.getAtom(x).symbol() for x in catoms]) if max6 and len(catoms) > 6: _, catoms = self.oct_comp(debug=False) fcs = [metalind] + catoms return fcs
[docs] def get_bo_dict_from_inds(self, inds): """ Recreate bo_dict with correct indices. Parameters ---------- inds : list The indicies of the selected submolecule to SAVE Returns ------- new_bo_dict : dict The ported over dictionary with new indicies/bonds deleted """ if not self.bo_dict: self.convert2OBMol2() c_bo_dict = self.bo_dict.copy() delete_inds = np.array( [x for x in range(self.natoms) if x not in inds]) for key in list(self.bo_dict.keys()): if any([True for x in key if x in delete_inds]): del c_bo_dict[key] new_bo_dict = dict() for key, val in list(c_bo_dict.items()): ind1 = key[0] ind2 = key[1] ind1 = ind1 - len(np.where(delete_inds < ind1)[0]) ind2 = ind2 - len(np.where(delete_inds < ind2)[0]) new_bo_dict[(ind1, ind2)] = val return new_bo_dict
[docs] def create_mol_with_inds(self, inds): """ Create molecule with indices. Parameters ---------- inds : list The indicies of the selected submolecule to SAVE Returns ------- molnew : mol3D The new molecule built from the indices. """ molnew = mol3D() inds = sorted(inds) for ind in inds: atom = atom3D(self.atoms[ind].symbol( ), self.atoms[ind].coords(), self.atoms[ind].name) molnew.addAtom(atom) if self.bo_dict: save_bo_dict = self.get_bo_dict_from_inds(inds) molnew.bo_dict = save_bo_dict if len(self.graph): delete_inds = [x for x in range(self.natoms) if x not in inds] molnew.graph = np.delete( np.delete(self.graph, delete_inds, 0), delete_inds, 1) return molnew
[docs] def make_formula(self, latex=True): """ Get a chemical formula from the mol3D class instance. Parameters ---------- latex : bool, optional Flag for if formula is going to go in a latex document. Default is True. Returns ------- formula : str Chemical formula """ retstr = "" atomorder = self.globs.elementsbynum() unique_symbols = dict() for atoms in self.getAtoms(): if atoms.symbol() in atomorder: if not atoms.symbol() in list(unique_symbols.keys()): unique_symbols[atoms.symbol()] = 1 else: unique_symbols[atoms.symbol( )] = unique_symbols[atoms.symbol()] + 1 skeys = sorted(list(unique_symbols.keys()), key=lambda x: ( self.globs.elementsbynum().index(x))) skeys = skeys[::-1] for sk in skeys: if latex: retstr += '\\textrm{' + sk + '}_{' + \ str(int(unique_symbols[sk])) + '}' else: retstr += sk+str(int(unique_symbols[sk])) return retstr
[docs] def read_smiles(self, smiles, ff="mmff94", steps=2500): """ Read a smiles string and convert it to a mol3D class instance. Parameters ---------- smiles : str SMILES string to be interpreted by openbabel. ff : str, optional Forcefield to be used by openbabel. Default is mmff94. steps : int, optional Steps to be taken by forcefield. Default is 2500. """ # used to convert from one formst (ex, SMILES) to another (ex, mol3D ) obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() # the input format "SMILES"; Reads the SMILES - all stacked as 2-D - one on top of the other obConversion.SetInFormat("SMILES") OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadString(OBMol, smiles) # Adds Hydrogens OBMol.AddHydrogens() # Get a 3-D structure with H's builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() builder.Build(OBMol) # Force field optimization is done in the specified number of "steps" using the specified "ff" force field if ff: forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) s = forcefield.Setup(OBMol) if not s: print('FF setup failed') forcefield.ConjugateGradients(steps) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) # mol3D structure self.OBMol = OBMol self.convert2mol3D()
[docs] def get_smiles(self, canonicalize=False, use_mol2=False) -> str: """ Returns the SMILES string representing the mol3D object. Parameters ---------- canonicalize : bool, optional Openbabel canonicalization of smiles. Default is False. use_mol2 : bool, optional Use graph in mol2 instead of interpreting it. Default is False. Returns ------- smiles : str SMILES from a mol3D object. Watch out for charges. """ # Used to get the SMILES string of a given mol3D object conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetOutFormat('smi') if canonicalize: conv.SetOutFormat('can') if self.OBMol is False: if use_mol2: # Produces a smiles with the enforced BO matrix, # which is needed for correct behavior for fingerprints self.convert2OBMol2(ignoreX=True) else: self.convert2OBMol() smi = conv.WriteString(self.OBMol).split()[0] return smi
[docs] def mols_symbols(self): """ Store symbols and their frequencies in symbols_dict attributes. """ self.symbols_dict = {} for atom in self.getAtoms(): if not atom.symbol() in self.symbols_dict: self.symbols_dict.update({atom.symbol(): 1}) else: self.symbols_dict[atom.symbol()] += 1
[docs] def read_bonder_order(self, bofile): """ Get bond order information from file. Parameters ---------- bofile : str Path to a bond order file. """ bonds_organic = {'H': 1, 'C': 4, 'N': 3, 'O': 2, 'F': 1, 'P': 3, 'S': 2} self.bv_dict = {} self.ve_dict = {} self.bvd_dict = {} self.bodstd_dict = {} self.bodavrg_dict = {} self.bo_mat = np.zeros(shape=(self.natoms, self.natoms)) if os.path.isfile(bofile): with open(bofile, "r") as fo: for line in fo: ll = line.split() if len(ll) == 5 and ll[0].isdigit() and ll[1].isdigit(): self.bo_mat[int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])] = float(ll[2]) self.bo_mat[int(ll[1]), int(ll[0])] = float(ll[2]) if int(ll[0]) == int(ll[1]): self.bv_dict.update({int(ll[0]): float(ll[2])}) else: print(("bofile does not exist.", bofile)) for ii in range(self.natoms): # self.ve_dict.update({ii: globs.amass()[self.atoms[ii].symbol()][3]}) self.ve_dict.update({ii: bonds_organic[self.atoms[ii].symbol()]}) self.bvd_dict.update({ii: self.bv_dict[ii] - self.ve_dict[ii]}) # neighbors = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(ii, oct=oct) # vec = self.bo_mat[ii, :][neighbors] vec = self.bo_mat[ii, :][self.bo_mat[ii, :] > 0.1] if vec.shape[0] == 0: self.bodstd_dict.update({ii: 0}) self.bodavrg_dict.update({ii: 0}) else: devi = [abs(v - max(round(v), 1)) for v in vec] self.bodstd_dict.update({ii: np.std(devi)}) self.bodavrg_dict.update({ii: np.mean(devi)})
[docs] def read_charge(self, chargefile): """ Get charge information from file. Parameters ---------- chargefile : str Path to a charge file. """ self.charge_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(chargefile): with open(chargefile, "r") as fo: for line in fo: ll = line.split() if len(ll) == 3 and ll[0].isdigit(): self.charge_dict.update({int(ll[0]) - 1: float(ll[2])}) else: print(("chargefile does not exist.", chargefile))
[docs] def get_mol_graph_det(self, oct=True, useBOMat=False): """ Get molecular graph determinant. Parameters ---------- oct : bool, optional Flag for whether the geometry is octahedral. Default is True. useBOMat : bool, optional Use bond order matrix in determinant computation. Returns ------- safedet : str String containing the molecular graph determinant. """ globs = globalvars() amassdict = globs.amass() if not len(self.graph): self.createMolecularGraph(oct=oct) if useBOMat: if (isinstance(self.BO_mat, bool)) and (isinstance(self.bo_dict, bool)): raise AssertionError('This mol does not have BO information.') elif isinstance(self.bo_dict, dict): # BO_dict will be prioritized over BO_mat tmpgraph = np.copy(self.graph) for key_val, value in list(self.bo_dict.items()): if str(value).lower() == 'ar': value = 1.5 elif str(value).lower() == 'am': value = 1.5 elif str(value).lower() == 'un': value = 4 else: value = int(value) # This assigns the bond order in the BO dict # to the graph, then the determinant can be taken # for that graph tmpgraph[key_val[0], key_val[1]] = value tmpgraph[key_val[1], key_val[0]] = value else: tmpgraph = np.copy(self.BO_mat) else: tmpgraph = np.copy(self.graph) syms = self.symvect() weights = [amassdict[x][0] for x in syms] # Add hydrogen tolerance??? inds = np.nonzero(tmpgraph) for j in range(len(syms)): tmpgraph[j, j] = weights[j] for i, x in enumerate(inds[0]): y = inds[1][i] tmpgraph[x, y] = weights[x]*weights[y]*tmpgraph[x, y] with np.errstate(over='raise'): try: det = np.linalg.det(tmpgraph) except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, FloatingPointError): (sign, det) = np.linalg.slogdet(tmpgraph) if sign != 0: det = sign*det if 'e+' in str(det): safedet = str(det).split( 'e+')[0][0:12]+'e+'+str(det).split('e+')[1] else: safedet = str(det)[0:12] return safedet
[docs] def get_symmetry_denticity(self, return_eq_catoms=False, BondedOct=False): """ Get symmetry class of molecule. Parameters ---------- return_eq_catoms : bool, optional Flag for if equatorial atoms should be returned. Default is False. BondedOct : bool, optional Flag for bonding. Only used in Oct_inspection, not in geo_check. Default is False. Returns ------- eqsym : bool Flag for equatorial symmetry. maxdent : int Maximum denticity in molecule. ligdents : list List of denticities in molecule. homoleptic : bool Flag for whether a geometry is homoleptic. ligsymmetry : str Symmetry class for ligand of interest. eq_catoms : list List of equatorial connection atoms. """ # self.writexyz("") from molSimplify.Classes.ligand import ligand_breakdown, ligand_assign_consistent, get_lig_symmetry liglist, ligdents, ligcons = ligand_breakdown(self, BondedOct=BondedOct) flat_eq_ligcons = [] try: _, _, _, _, _, _, _, eq_con_list, _ = ligand_assign_consistent( self, liglist, ligdents, ligcons) if len(eq_con_list): flat_eq_ligcons = [ x for sublist in eq_con_list for x in sublist] assigned = True else: assigned = False except ValueError: # Excepts the case where ligdents is empty and the call to # max(ligdents) in ligand_assign_consistent raises a ValueError. # There needs to be a better way to check this! RM 2022/02/17 assigned = False if ligdents: maxdent = max(ligdents) else: maxdent = 0 eqsym = None homoleptic = True ligsymmetry = None if assigned: metal_ind = self.findMetal()[0] n_eq_syms = len( list(set([self.getAtom(x).sym for x in flat_eq_ligcons]))) flat_eq_dists = [np.round(self.getDistToMetal( x, metal_ind), 6) for x in flat_eq_ligcons] minmax_eq_plane = max(flat_eq_dists) - min(flat_eq_dists) # Match eq plane symbols and eq plane dists if (n_eq_syms < 2) and (minmax_eq_plane < 0.2): eqsym = True else: eqsym = False ligsymmetry = get_lig_symmetry(self) if eqsym: for lig in liglist[1:]: if not connectivity_match(liglist[0], lig, self, self): homoleptic = False else: homoleptic = False if not return_eq_catoms: return eqsym, maxdent, ligdents, homoleptic, ligsymmetry else: if eqsym: eq_catoms = flat_eq_ligcons else: eq_catoms = False return eqsym, maxdent, ligdents, homoleptic, ligsymmetry, eq_catoms
[docs] def is_sandwich_compound(self, transition_metals_only: bool = True ) -> Tuple[int, List, bool, bool, List]: """ Evaluates whether a compound is a sandwich compound Returns ------- num_sandwich_lig : int Number of sandwich ligands. info_sandwich_lig : list List of dictionaries about the sandwich ligands. aromatic : bool Flag about whether the ligand is aromatic. allconnect : bool Flag for connected atoms in ring. edge_lig_atoms: list List of dictionaries with the connecting atoms of the sandwich ligands. """ # Check if a structure is sandwich compound. # Request: 1) complexes with ligands where there are at least # three connected non-metal atoms both connected to the metal. # 2) These >three connected non-metal atoms are in a ring. # 3) optional: the ring is aromatic # 4) optional: all the atoms in the base ring are connected to the same metal. from molSimplify.Informatics.graph_analyze import obtain_truncation_metal mol_fcs = obtain_truncation_metal(self, hops=1) metal_ind = mol_fcs.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)[0] catoms = list(range(mol_fcs.natoms)) catoms.remove(metal_ind) sandwich_ligands, _sl = list(), list() for atom0 in catoms: lig = mol_fcs.findsubMol(atom0=atom0, atomN=metal_ind, smart=True) # require to be at least a three-member ring if len(lig) >= 3 and not set(lig) in _sl: full_lig = self.findsubMol(atom0=mol_fcs.mapping_sub2mol[lig[0]], atomN=mol_fcs.mapping_sub2mol[metal_ind], smart=True) lig_inds_in_obmol = [sorted(full_lig).index( mol_fcs.mapping_sub2mol[x])+1 for x in lig] full_ligmol = self.create_mol_with_inds(full_lig) full_ligmol.convert2OBMol2() ringlist = full_ligmol.OBMol.GetSSSR() for obmol_ring in ringlist: if all([obmol_ring.IsInRing(x) for x in lig_inds_in_obmol]): sandwich_ligands.append( [set(lig), obmol_ring.Size(), obmol_ring.IsAromatic()]) _sl.append(set(lig)) break num_sandwich_lig = len(sandwich_ligands) info_sandwich_lig = [ {"natoms_connected": len(x[0]), "natoms_ring": x[1], "aromatic": x[2]} for x in sandwich_ligands] sandwich_lig_atoms = [ {"atom_idxs": x[0]} for x in sandwich_ligands] aromatic = any([x["aromatic"] for x in info_sandwich_lig]) allconnect = any([x["natoms_connected"] == x["natoms_ring"] for x in info_sandwich_lig]) return num_sandwich_lig, info_sandwich_lig, aromatic, allconnect, sandwich_lig_atoms
[docs] def is_edge_compound(self, transition_metals_only: bool = True) -> Tuple[int, List, List]: """ Check if a structure is edge compound. Returns ------- num_edge_lig : int Number of edge ligands. info_edge_lig : list List of dictionaries with info about edge ligands. edge_lig_atoms: list List of dictionaries with the connecting atoms of the edge ligands. """ # Request: 1) complexes with ligands where there are at least # two connected non-metal atoms both connected to the metal. from molSimplify.Informatics.graph_analyze import obtain_truncation_metal (num_sandwich_lig, info_sandwich_lig, aromatic, allconnect, sandwich_lig_atoms) = self.is_sandwich_compound( transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only ) if not num_sandwich_lig or (num_sandwich_lig and not allconnect): mol_fcs = obtain_truncation_metal(self, hops=1) metal_ind = mol_fcs.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)[0] catoms = list(range(mol_fcs.natoms)) catoms.remove(metal_ind) edge_ligands, _el = list(), list() for atom0 in catoms: lig = mol_fcs.findsubMol( atom0=atom0, atomN=metal_ind, smart=True) if len(lig) >= 2 and not set(lig) in _el: edge_ligands.append([set(lig)]) _el.append(set(lig)) # break num_edge_lig = len(edge_ligands) info_edge_lig = [ {"natoms_connected": len(x[0])} for x in edge_ligands] edge_lig_atoms = [ {"atom_idxs": x[0]} for x in edge_ligands] else: num_edge_lig, info_edge_lig, edge_lig_atoms = 0, list(), list() return num_edge_lig, info_edge_lig, edge_lig_atoms
[docs] def get_geometry_type_old(self, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, num_coord=None, flag_catoms=False, catoms_arr=None, debug=False, skip=False, transition_metals_only=False, num_recursions=[0, 0]): """ Get the type of the geometry (trigonal planar(3), tetrahedral(4), square planar(4), trigonal bipyramidal(5), square pyramidal(5, one-empty-site), octahedral(6), pentagonal bipyramidal(7)) Parameters ---------- dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. num_coord : int, optional Expected coordination number. flag_catoms : bool, optional Whether or not to return the catoms arr. Default as False. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. skip : list, optional Geometry checks to skip. Default is False. transition_metals_only : bool, optional Flag for considering more than just transition metals as metals. Default is False. num_recursions : list, optional counter to track number of ligands classified as 'sandwich' and 'edge' in original structure Returns ------- results : dictionary Measurement of deviations from arrays. """ # from molSimplify.Classes.ligand import ligand_breakdown all_geometries = globalvars().get_all_geometries() all_angle_refs = globalvars().get_all_angle_refs() summary = {} if len(self.graph): # Find num_coord based on metal_cn if graph is assigned if len(self.findMetal()) > 1: raise ValueError('Multimetal complexes are not yet handled.') elif len(self.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)) == 1: num_coord = len(self.getBondedAtomsSmart(self.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)[0])) else: raise ValueError('No metal centers exist in this complex.') if num_coord is None: # TODO: Implement the case where we don't know the coordination number. raise NotImplementedError( "Not implemented yet. Please at least provide the coordination number.") if catoms_arr is not None and len(catoms_arr) != num_coord: raise ValueError("num_coord and the length of catoms_arr do not match.") num_sandwich_lig, info_sandwich_lig, aromatic, allconnect, sandwich_lig_atoms = self.is_sandwich_compound(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only) num_edge_lig, info_edge_lig, edge_lig_atoms = self.is_edge_compound(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only) if num_sandwich_lig: mol_copy = mol3D() mol_copy.copymol3D(mol0=self) catoms = mol_copy.getBondedAtoms(idx=self.findMetal()[0]) centroid_coords = [] sandwich_lig_catom_idxs = [] for idx in range(num_sandwich_lig): sandwich_lig_catoms = np.array(list(sandwich_lig_atoms[idx]['atom_idxs']))-1 sandwich_lig_catom_idxs.extend([catoms[i] for i in sandwich_lig_catoms]) atom_coords = np.array([mol_copy.getAtomCoords(idx=atom_idx) for atom_idx in [catoms[i] for i in sandwich_lig_catoms]]) centroid_coords.append([np.mean(atom_coords[:, 0]), np.mean(atom_coords[:, 1]), np.mean(atom_coords[:, 2])]) mol_copy.deleteatoms(sandwich_lig_catom_idxs) for idx in range(num_sandwich_lig): atom = atom3D() atom.setcoords(xyz=centroid_coords[idx]) mol_copy.addAtom(atom) mol_copy.add_bond(idx1=mol_copy.findMetal()[0], idx2=mol_copy.natoms-1, bond_type=1) return mol_copy.get_geometry_type_old(num_recursions=[num_sandwich_lig, num_edge_lig]) if num_edge_lig: mol_copy = mol3D() mol_copy.copymol3D(mol0=self) catoms = mol_copy.getBondedAtoms(idx=self.findMetal()[0]) centroid_coords = [] edge_lig_catom_idxs = [] for idx in range(num_edge_lig): edge_lig_catoms = np.array(list(edge_lig_atoms[idx]['atom_idxs']))-1 edge_lig_catom_idxs.extend([catoms[i] for i in edge_lig_catoms]) atom_coords = np.array([mol_copy.getAtomCoords(idx=atom_idx) for atom_idx in [catoms[i] for i in edge_lig_catoms]]) centroid_coords.append([np.mean(atom_coords[:, 0]), np.mean(atom_coords[:, 1]), np.mean(atom_coords[:, 2])]) mol_copy.deleteatoms(edge_lig_catom_idxs) for idx in range(num_edge_lig): atom = atom3D() atom.setcoords(xyz=centroid_coords[idx]) mol_copy.addAtom(atom) mol_copy.add_bond(idx1=mol_copy.findMetal()[0], idx2=mol_copy.natoms-1, bond_type=1) return mol_copy.get_geometry_type_old(num_recursions=[num_sandwich_lig, num_edge_lig]) if num_coord not in all_geometries: geometry = "unknown" results = { "geometry": geometry, "angle_devi": False, "summary": {}, "num_sandwich_lig": num_recursions[0], "aromatic": aromatic, "allconnect": allconnect, "num_edge_lig": num_recursions[1] } return results possible_geometries = all_geometries[num_coord] for geotype in possible_geometries: dict_catoms_shape, catoms_assigned = self.oct_comp(angle_ref=all_angle_refs[geotype], catoms_arr=None, debug=debug) if debug: print("Geocheck assigned catoms: ", catoms_assigned, [self.getAtom(ind).symbol() for ind in catoms_assigned]) summary.update({geotype: dict_catoms_shape}) angle_devi, geometry = 10000, None for geotype in summary: if summary[geotype]["oct_angle_devi_max"] < angle_devi: angle_devi = summary[geotype]["oct_angle_devi_max"] geometry = geotype results = { "geometry": geometry, "angle_devi": angle_devi, "summary": summary, "num_sandwich_lig": num_recursions[0], "info_sandwich_lig": info_sandwich_lig, "aromatic": aromatic, "allconnect": allconnect, "num_edge_lig": num_recursions[1], "info_edge_lig": info_edge_lig, } return results
[docs] def get_geometry_type(self, dict_check=False, angle_ref=False, flag_catoms=False, catoms_arr=None, debug=False, skip=False, transition_metals_only=False): """ Get the type of the geometry (linear (2), trigonal planar(3), tetrahedral(4), square planar(4), trigonal bipyramidal(5), square pyramidal(5, one-empty-site), octahedral(6), pentagonal bipyramidal(7)) Uses hapticity truncated first coordination shell. Does not require the input of num_coord. Parameters ---------- dict_check : dict, optional The cutoffs of each geo_check metrics we have. Default is False angle_ref : bool, optional Reference list of list for the expected angles (A-metal-B) of each connection atom. num_coord : int, optional Expected coordination number. flag_catoms : bool, optional Whether or not to return the catoms arr. Default as False. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. debug : bool, optional Flag for extra printout. Default is False. skip : list, optional Geometry checks to skip. Default is False. transition_metals_only : bool, optional Flag for considering more than just transition metals as metals. Default is False. Returns ------- results : dictionary Measurement of deviations from arrays. """ first_shell, hapt = self.get_first_shell() num_coord = first_shell.natoms - 1 all_geometries = globalvars().get_all_geometries() all_angle_refs = globalvars().get_all_angle_refs() summary = {} if len(first_shell.graph): # Find num_coord based on metal_cn if graph is assigned if len(first_shell.findMetal()) > 1: raise ValueError('Multimetal complexes are not yet handled.') elif len(first_shell.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)) == 1: num_coord = len(first_shell.getBondedAtomsSmart(first_shell.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)[0])) else: raise ValueError('No metal centers exist in this complex.') if catoms_arr is not None and len(catoms_arr) != num_coord: raise ValueError("num_coord and the length of catoms_arr do not match.") if num_coord not in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]: results = { "geometry": "unknown", "angle_devi": False, "summary": {}, "hapticity": hapt, } return results elif num_coord == 2: if first_shell.findMetal()[0] == 2: angle = first_shell.getAngle(0, 2, 1) elif first_shell.findMetal()[0] == 1: angle = first_shell.getAngle(0, 1, 2) else: angle = first_shell.getAngle(1, 0, 2) results = { "geometry": "linear", "angle_devi": 180 - angle, "summary": {}, "hapticity": hapt, } return results possible_geometries = all_geometries[num_coord] for geotype in possible_geometries: dict_catoms_shape, catoms_assigned = first_shell.oct_comp( angle_ref=all_angle_refs[geotype], catoms_arr=None, debug=debug) if debug: print("Geocheck assigned catoms: ", catoms_assigned, [first_shell.getAtom(ind).symbol() for ind in catoms_assigned]) summary.update({geotype: dict_catoms_shape}) angle_devi, geometry = 10000, None for geotype in summary: if summary[geotype]["oct_angle_devi_max"] < angle_devi: angle_devi = summary[geotype]["oct_angle_devi_max"] geometry = geotype results = { "geometry": geometry, "angle_devi": angle_devi, "summary": summary, "hapticity": hapt, } return results
[docs] def get_geometry_type_distance( self, max_dev=1e6, close_dev=1e-2, flag_catoms=False, catoms_arr=None, skip=False, transition_metals_only=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the type of the geometry (available options in globalvars all_geometries). Uses hapticity truncated first coordination shell. Does not require the input of num_coord. Parameters ---------- max_dev : float, optional Maximum RMSD allowed between a structure and an ideal geometry before it is classified as unknown. Default is 1e6. close_dev : float, optional Maximum difference in RMSD between two classifications allowed before they are compared by maximum single-atom deviation as well. flag_catoms : bool, optional Whether or not to return the catoms arr. Default as False. catoms_arr : Nonetype, optional Uses the catoms of the mol3D by default. User and overwrite this connection atom array by explicit input. Default is Nonetype. skip : list, optional Geometry checks to skip. Default is False. transition_metals_only : bool, optional Flag for considering more than just transition metals as metals. Default is False. Returns ------- results : dictionary Contains the classified geometry and the RMSD from an ideal structure. Summary contains a list of the RMSD and the maximum single-atom deviation for all considered geometry types. """ first_shell, hapt = self.get_first_shell() num_coord = first_shell.natoms - 1 all_geometries = globalvars().get_all_geometries() all_polyhedra = globalvars().get_all_polyhedra() summary = {} if len(first_shell.graph): # Find num_coord based on metal_cn if graph is assigned if len(first_shell.findMetal()) > 1: raise ValueError('Multimetal complexes are not yet handled.') elif len(first_shell.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)) == 1: # Use oct=False to ensure coordination number based on radius cutoffs only num_coord = len(first_shell.getBondedAtomsSmart(first_shell.findMetal(transition_metals_only=transition_metals_only)[0], oct=False)) else: raise ValueError('No metal centers exist in this complex.') if catoms_arr is not None and len(catoms_arr) != num_coord: raise ValueError("num_coord and the length of catoms_arr do not match.") if num_coord not in list(all_geometries.keys()): # should we indicate somehow that these are unknown due to a different coordination number? results = { "geometry": "unknown", "rmsd": np.NAN, "summary": {}, "hapticity": hapt, "close_rmsds": False } return results possible_geometries = all_geometries[num_coord] # for each same-coordinated geometry, get the minimum RMSD and the maximum single-atom deviation in that pairing for geotype in possible_geometries: rmsd_calc, max_dist = self.dev_from_ideal_geometry(all_polyhedra[geotype]) summary.update({geotype: [rmsd_calc, max_dist]}) close_rmsds = False current_rmsd, geometry = max_dev, "unknown" for geotype in summary: # if the RMSD for this structure is the lowest seen so far (within a threshold) if summary[geotype][0] < (current_rmsd + close_dev): # if the RMSDs are close, flag this in the summary and classify on second criterion if np.abs(summary[geotype][0] - current_rmsd) < close_dev: close_rmsds = True if summary[geotype][1] < summary[geometry][1]: # classify based on largest singular deviation current_rmsd = summary[geotype][0] geometry = geotype else: current_rmsd = summary[geotype][0] geometry = geotype results = { "geometry": geometry, "rmsd": current_rmsd, "summary": summary, "hapticity": hapt, "close_rmsds": close_rmsds } return results
[docs] def dev_from_ideal_geometry(self, ideal_polyhedron: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Return the minimum RMSD between a geometry and an ideal polyhedron (with the same average bond distances). Enumerates all possible indexing of the geometry. As such, only recommended for small systems. Parameters ---------- ideal_polyhedron: np.array of 3-tuples of coordinates Reference list of points for an ideal geometry Returns ------- rmsd: float Minimum root mean square distance between the fed geometry and the ideal polyhedron single_dev: float Maximum distance between any paired points in the fed geometry and the ideal polyhedron. """ metal_idx = self.findMetal() if len(metal_idx) == 0: raise ValueError('No metal centers exist in this complex.') elif len(metal_idx) != 1: raise ValueError('Multimetal complexes are not yet handled.') temp_mol = self.get_first_shell()[0] fcs_indices = temp_mol.get_fcs(max6=False) # remove metal index from first coordination shell fcs_indices.remove(temp_mol.findMetal()[0]) if len(fcs_indices) != len(ideal_polyhedron): raise ValueError('The coordination number differs between the two provided structures.') # have to redo getting metal_idx with the new mol after running get_first_shell # want to work with temp_mol since it has the edge and sandwich logic implemented to replace those with centroids metal_atom = temp_mol.getAtoms()[temp_mol.findMetal()[0]] fcs_atoms = [temp_mol.getAtoms()[i] for i in fcs_indices] # construct a np array of the non-metal atoms in the FCS distances = [] positions = np.zeros([len(fcs_indices), 3]) for idx, atom in enumerate(fcs_atoms): distance = atom.distance(metal_atom) distances.append(distance) # shift so the metal is at (0, 0, 0) positions[idx, :] = np.array(atom.coords()) - np.array(metal_atom.coords()) current_min = np.inf orders = permutations(range(len(ideal_polyhedron))) max_dist = 0 # if desired, make it so the ideal polyhedron has same average bond distance as the mol # scaled_polyhedron = ideal_polyhedron * np.mean(np.array(distances)) # for all possible assignments, find RMSD between ideal and actual structure ideal_positions = np.zeros([len(fcs_indices), 3]) for order in orders: for i in range(len(order)): # if you wanted to use the same average bond length for all, use the following # ideal_positions[i, :] = scaled_polyhedron[order[i]] # if you want to let each ligand scale its length independently, uncomment the following ideal_positions[i, :] = ideal_polyhedron[order[i]] * distances[i] rmsd_calc = kabsch_rmsd(ideal_positions, positions) if rmsd_calc < current_min: current_min = rmsd_calc # calculate and store the maximum pairwise distance rot_ideal = kabsch_rotate(ideal_positions, positions) diff_matrix = rot_ideal - positions pairwise_dists = np.sum(diff_matrix**2, axis=1) max_dist = np.max(pairwise_dists) # return minimum RMSD, maximum pairwise distance in that structure return current_min, max_dist
[docs] def get_features(self, lac=True, force_generate=False, eq_sym=False, use_dist=False, NumB=False, Gval=False, size_normalize=False, alleq=False, strict_cutoff=False, catom_list=None, MRdiag_dict={}, depth=3): """ Get geo-based RAC features for this complex (if octahedral). Parameters ---------- lac : bool, optional Use lac for ligand_assign_consistent behavior. Default is True force_generate : bool, optional Force the generation of features. eq_sym : bool, optional Force equatorial plane to have same chemical symbols if possible. use_dist : bool, optional Whether or not CD-RACs used. NumB : bool, optional Whether or not the number of bonds RAC features are generated. Gval : bool, optional Whether or not the group number RAC features are generated. size_normalize : bool, optional Whether or not to normalize by the number of atoms. alleq : bool, optional Whether or not all ligands are equatorial. strict_cutoff : bool, optional strict bonding cutoff for fullerene and SACs catom_list : list, optional List of indices of coordinating atoms. MRdiag_dict : dict, optional Keys are ligand identifiers, values are MR diagnostics like E_corr. depth : int, optional The depth of the RACs (how many bonds out the RACs go). Returns ------- results, dict Dictionary of {'RACname':RAC} for all geo-based RACs """ results = dict() from molSimplify.Informatics.lacRACAssemble import get_descriptor_vector if not len(self.graph): self.createMolecularGraph(strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff, catom_list=catom_list) # print("catoms: ", [self.getAtom(ii).symbol() for ii in self.get_fcs(strict_cutoff=strict_cutoff)]) if not force_generate: geo_type = self.get_geometry_type() print("geotype: ", geo_type) if force_generate or geo_type['geometry'] == 'octahedral': names, racs = get_descriptor_vector(self, lacRACs=lac, eq_sym=eq_sym, use_dist=use_dist, NumB=NumB, Gval=Gval, size_normalize=size_normalize, alleq=alleq, MRdiag_dict=MRdiag_dict, depth=depth) results = dict(zip(names, racs)) else: print("Warning: Featurization not yet implemented for non-octahedral complexes. Return a empty dict.") return results
[docs] def getMLBondLengths(self): """ Outputs the metal-ligand bond lengths in the complex. Returns ------- ml_bls : dictionary keyed by ID of metal M and valued by dictionary of M-L bond lengths and relative bond lengths """ metals = self.findMetal() # get the metals in the complex bls = {} # initialize empty dictionary of metal-ligand bond lengths if len(metals) == 0: return {} # we don't have a metal, so there are no M-L bonds for m_id in metals: m = self.getAtom(m_id) # get the actual metal ligands = self.getBondedAtomsSmart(m_id) # gets all atoms/ligands bound to metal ml_bls = [] # normal bond lengths rel_bls = [] # relative bond lengths for l_id in ligands: a = self.getAtom(l_id) # get the ligand from its ID bl = m.distance(a) # normal bond length ml_bls.append(bl) rel_bls.append(bl / (m.rad + a.rad)) # append the relative bond length bls[m_id] = {"M-L bond lengths": ml_bls, "relative bond lengths": rel_bls} return bls
[docs] @deprecated('Using this function might lead to inconsistent behavior.') def setAtoms(self, atoms): """ Set atoms of a mol3D class to atoms. Parameters ---------- atoms : list contains atom3D instances that should be in the molecule """ self.atoms = atoms self.natoms = len(atoms)
[docs] def setLoc(self, loc): """ Sets the conformation of an amino acid in the chain of a protein. Parameters ---------- loc : str a one-character string representing the conformation """ self.loc = loc
[docs] def convexhull(self): """ Computes convex hull of molecule. Returns ------- hull : array Coordinates of convex hull. """ points = [] # loop over atoms in protein if self.natoms > 0: for atom in self.atoms: points.append(atom.coords()) hull = ConvexHull(points) else: hull = False print( 'ERROR: Convex hull calculation failed. Structure will be inaccurate.\n') self.hull = hull
[docs] def num_rings(self, index): """ Computes the number of simple rings an atom is in. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the atom in question. Zero-indexing, so the first atom has an index of zero. Returns ------- myNumRings : int The number of rings the atom is in. """ self.convert2OBMol() # Need to populate the self.OBMol field ringlist = self.OBMol.GetSSSR() # Get the smallest set of simple rings for a molecule. ringinds = [] for obmol_ring in ringlist: # loop through the simple rings _inds = [] for ii in range(1, self.natoms+1): # loop through all atoms in the mol3D object if obmol_ring.IsInRing(ii): # check if a given atom is in the current ring _inds.append(ii-1) ringinds.append(_inds) # ringinds is an array of arrays, where each inner array contains the atom indices of the atoms in a simple ring # The length of ringinds is the number of simple rings in the mol3D object calling numRings myNumRings = 0 # running tally for idx_list in ringinds: if index in idx_list: myNumRings += 1 return myNumRings
[docs] def get_molecular_mass(self): """ Computes the molecular mass of a mol3D. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- mol_mass : float The molecular mass. Units of amu. """ globs = globalvars() amassdict = globs.amass() mol_mass = 0 for i in self.atoms: mol_mass += amassdict[i.symbol()][0] # atomic mass return mol_mass