Source code for molSimplify.Classes.rundiag

# @file
#  Contains run_diag class for ANN
#  Written by Kulik group
#  Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT

[docs]class run_diag: """Class of run diagnostic information to automated decision making and property prediction """ # Constructor # @param self The object pointer def __init__(self): self.sanity_is_set = False # flag to indicate if properties # have been written to this file self.ANN_is_set = False self.bl_is_set = False self.mol_is_set = False self.catalysis_is_set = False self.sanity = False self.min_dist = False self.ANN_flag = False # ANN value has been set? self.ANN_reason = " not set" # Reason ANN not set self.ANN_attributes = dict() # placeholder for # predicted properties self.catalysis_flag = False self.catalysis_reason = " not activated" self.dict_bondl = False # stores the ML-dict bond dist self.mol = False # stores a mol3D representation of the mol. ######################################## ### class methods needed to populate ### ########################################
[docs] def set_sanity(self, sanity, min_distance): """Set the sanity of predictions. Parameters ---------- sanity : bool Flag for whether the ANN variables exist. min_distance : float Minimum distance to train """ if not self.sanity_is_set: self.sanity_is_set = True self.sanity = sanity self.min_dist = min_distance
[docs] def set_ANN(self, ANN_flag, ANN_reason=False, ANN_dict=False, catalysis_flag=False, catalysis_reason=False): """Set the ANN properties. Parameters ---------- ANN_flag : bool Flag for whether the ANN variables exist. ANN_reason : str, optional Reasoning for why ANN failed if failed. Default is False. ANN_dict : dict, optional Dictionary with ANN values and uncertainty. catalysis_flag : bool, optional Whether or not catalytic properties are set. catalysis_reason : str, optional Reasoning for why catalytic ANN failed if failed. Default is False. """ if not self.ANN_is_set: self.ANN_is_set = True self.ANN_flag = ANN_flag if not ANN_flag: self.ANN_reason = ANN_reason elif ANN_flag: self.ANN_attributes = ANN_dict if not self.catalysis_is_set: self.catalysis_is_set = True self.catalysis_flag = catalysis_flag if not catalysis_flag: self.catalysis_reason = catalysis_reason elif catalysis_flag: self.ANN_attributes = ANN_dict
[docs] def set_dict_bl(self, dict_bl): """Set the ANN properties. Parameters ---------- dict_bl : dict, optional Dictionary with ANN bond lengths. """ if not self.bl_is_set: self.bl_is_set = True self.dict_bondl = dict_bl
[docs] def set_mol(self, mol): """Set the ANN molecule. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance for optimized molecule. """ if not self.mol_is_set: self.mol_is_set = True self.mol = mol
######################################## ### class methods needed to report #### ########################################
[docs] def write_report(self, path): """Write report of molecule with ANN properties. Parameters ---------- path : str Path for location to write the report. """ report = [] if (not self.sanity_is_set) and (not self.ANN_is_set) and (not self.bl_is_set): report.append('No diagnostic set') else: if self.sanity_is_set: report.append('Bad structure?, ' + str(self.sanity)) if not self.sanity: report.append('Min_dist (A), ' + str(self.min_dist)) if self.ANN_is_set: report.append('Was ANN used?, '+str(self.ANN_flag)) if not self.ANN_flag: report.append('ANN reason, ' + str(self.ANN_reason)) else: for keys in list(self.ANN_attributes.keys()): report.append(str(keys) + ', ' + str(self.ANN_attributes[keys])) if self.catalysis_is_set: report.append('Was Catalytic ANN used?, ' + str(self.catalysis_flag)) if not self.catalysis_flag: report.append('Catalytic ANN reason, ' + str(self.catalysis_reason)) else: for keys in list(self.ANN_attributes.keys()): report.append(str(keys) + ', ' + str(self.ANN_attributes[keys])) if self.bl_is_set: report.append('ML-bl (database, A), ' + str(self.dict_bondl)) with open(path, 'w') as f: for lines in report: f.write(lines + '\n')