Source code for molSimplify.Scripts.cellbuilder_tools

# @file
#  Contains routines for building unit cells with adsorbed species.
#  Written by JP Janet for HJK Group
#  Dpt of Chemical Engineering, MIT

import re

import numpy
    from openbabel import openbabel  # version 3 style import
except ImportError:
    import openbabel  # fallback to version 2
import copy
from math import sqrt, pi
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import globalvars
from molSimplify.Classes.mol3D import mol3D
from molSimplify.Scripts.geometry import distance
# from scipy.spatial import Delaunay, ConvexHull
# import networkx as nx

# Main cell FF opt routine
#  optimize complexes placed on cell to avoid clashes. Will use UFF for speed
#  @param ff Force field to use, available MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical, GAFF,
#  @param mol mol3D of cell to be optimized
#  @param frozenats List of frozen atom indicies, will usually be the cell
#  @return FF-calculated energy, mol3D of optimized cell

[docs]def cell_ffopt(ff, mol, frozenats): ### FORCE FIELD OPTIMIZATION ## # INPUT # - ff: force field to use, available MMFF94, UFF< Ghemical, GAFF # - mol: mol3D to be ff optimized # OUTPUT # - mol: force field optimized mol3D metals = list(range(21, 31))+list(range(39, 49))+list(range(72, 81)) # check requested force field ffav = 'mmff94, uff, ghemical, gaff, mmff94s' # force fields if ff.lower() not in ffav: print('Requested force field not available. Defaulting to UFF') ff = 'UFF' # convert mol3D to OBMol via xyz file, because AFTER/END option have coordinates backup_mol = mol3D() backup_mol.copymol3D(mol) # print('bck ' + str(backup_mol.getAtom(0).coords())) # print('mol_ibf ' + str(mol.getAtom(0).coords())) mol.convert2OBMol() # initialize constraints constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() # openbabel indexing starts at 1 ### !!! # convert metals to carbons for FF indmtls = [] mtlsnums = [] for iiat, atom in enumerate(openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(mol.OBMol)): if atom.GetAtomicNum() in metals: indmtls.append(iiat) mtlsnums.append(atom.GetAtomicNum()) atom.SetAtomicNum(6) for cat in frozenats: constr.AddAtomConstraint(cat+1) # indexing babel # set up forcefield forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) forcefield.Setup(mol.OBMol, constr) # force field optimize structure forcefield.ConjugateGradients(2500) forcefield.GetCoordinates(mol.OBMol) # reset atomic number to metal for i, iiat in enumerate(indmtls): mol.OBMol.GetAtomById(iiat).SetAtomicNum(mtlsnums[i]) mol.convert2mol3D() en = forcefield.Energy() del forcefield, constr return mol, en
################################ ############################### # Import CIF to mol3D # # @param fst string of .cif file path # @return mol3D of unit cell, cell vector
[docs]def import_from_cif(fst, return_extra_cif_info=False): # INPUT: # fst: filename of cif file # OUTPUT: # unit_cell: mol3D class of a single unit cell # cell_vector: list of lists of floats, each # corresponds to one of the defining cell # vectors cell_vector = list() unit_cell = mol3D() A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 alpha = 0 beta = 0 emsg = list() exit_status = 0 gamma = 0 obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("cif", "xyz") mol = openbabel.OBMol() if obConversion.ReadFile(mol, fst): fillUC = openbabel.OBOp.FindType("fillUC") fillUC.Do(mol, "strict") unit_cell.OBMol = mol unit_cell.convert2mol3D() else: emsg.append("Error in reading of cif file by openbabel") exit_status = 1 with open(fst, errors='ignore') as f: # ignore takes care of unicode errors in some cifs lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: linesplit = line.split() if len(linesplit) != 0: if linesplit[0] == "_cell_length_a": A = float((re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1])))) if linesplit[0] == "_cell_length_b": B = float((re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1])))) if linesplit[0] == "_cell_length_c": C = float((re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1])))) if linesplit[0] == "_cell_angle_alpha": alpha = float( ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1] if c not in '()').rstrip('.')) if linesplit[0] == "_cell_angle_beta": beta = float( ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1] if c not in '()').rstrip('.')) if linesplit[0] == "_cell_angle_gamma": gamma = float( ''.join(c for c in linesplit[1] if c not in '()').rstrip('.')) # create cell vectors print(('cell vectors: ', 'alpha, beta, gamma = ' + str(alpha) + ', ' + str(beta) + ', ' + str(gamma))) try: cell_vector.append([A, 0, 0]) cell_vector.append([B*numpy.cos((gamma*pi)/180), B*numpy.sin((gamma*pi)/180), 0]) cx = C*numpy.cos((beta*pi)/180) cy = C*(numpy.cos((alpha*pi)/180)-numpy.cos((beta*pi)/180) * numpy.cos((gamma*pi/180)))/numpy.sin((gamma*pi)/180) cz = sqrt(C*C - cx*cx - cy*cy) cell_vector.append([cx, cy, cz]) except ValueError: # Negative number in sqrt emsg = emsg.append('Error in creating unit cell from cif informtation') exit_status = 2 for i, rows in enumerate(cell_vector): for j, elements in enumerate(rows): if abs(elements) <= 1e-8: cell_vector[i][j] = 0 if exit_status != 0: return emsg elif return_extra_cif_info: return unit_cell, cell_vector, alpha, beta, gamma else: return unit_cell, cell_vector
################################## # get center_of_sym CIF to mol3D # # @param list_of_points list of points # @return csym center of sym
[docs]def center_of_sym(list_of_points): n = len(list_of_points) # print('lop = ' + str(list_of_points)) csym = [float(sum(x)/n) for x in zip(*list_of_points)] return csym
# get sets min z coord of mol3D to zero # # @param super_cell mol3D of cell
[docs]def zero_z_csm(super_cell): # puts center of sym # at z = 0 csm = super_cell.centersym() vec = [0, 0, 0] vec[2] = -1*csm[2] super_cell.translate(vec)
[docs]def xgcd(b, n): # calculate x,y such that b*x + n*y = gcd(b,n) # by extended Euclidean algorithm x0, x1, y0, y1 = 1, 0, 0, 1 while n != 0: q, b, n = b // n, n, b % n x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1 y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1 return b, x0, y0
# ##################################
[docs]def distance_zw(r1, r2): dx = r1[0] - r2[0] dy = r1[1] - r2[1] dz = 150*(r1[2] - r2[2]) d = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2) return d
[docs]def mdistance(r1, r2): dx = r1[0] - r2[0] dy = r1[1] - r2[1] dz = r1[2] - r2[2] d = sqrt(numpy.power(dx, 2) + numpy.power(dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) return d
[docs]def get_basis_coefficients(point, basis): # function to get basis set coefficients # for an arbitrary point in a given (complete) # basis set coefficients = numpy.linalg.solve( numpy.transpose(numpy.asarray(basis)), point) return coefficients
[docs]def evaluate_basis_coefficients(coefficients, basis): # get cartessian coords from basis set and # coefficients recons = [0, 0, 0] for j in [0, 1, 2]: recons = numpy.add( recons, [coefficients[j]*numpy.asarray(basis[j][i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]]) return recons
[docs]def change_basis(mol, old_basis, new_basis): new_mol = mol3D() new_mol.copymol3D(mol) point_coefficients = [get_basis_coefficients( at.coords(), old_basis) for at in new_mol.getAtoms()] new_points = [get_basis_coefficients( point, new_basis) for point in point_coefficients] for i, at in enumerate(new_mol.getAtoms()): at.setcoords(new_points[i]) return new_mol
[docs]def normalize_vector(v): length = distance(v, [0, 0, 0]) if length: nv = [float(i)/length for i in v] else: nv = [0, 0, 0] return nv
[docs]def threshold_basis(basis, threshold): new_basis = [threshold_vector(i, threshold) for i in basis] return new_basis
[docs]def threshold_vector(v, threshold): nv = copy.copy(v) for i, vi in enumerate(v): if abs(vi) < threshold: nv[i] = 0 return nv
[docs]def find_all_surface_atoms(super_cell, tol=1e-2, type_of_atom=False): # Get all atoms on the tope surface - NB, this will # not handle complex (2 or more) atom-type surfaces # if the atoms are 'layered', e.g. TiO2 - Ti under O2, # no Ti will be found. This can be overcome by using \ # a looser tolerance, such that the interlayer differences # are smaller than tol, but not so large as to conflate # different layers! # INPUT: # - super_cell: mol3D class that contains the super cell # - tol: float, max distance from extent plane to look # - type_of_atom: optional, string, gets atoms of the given type on the face plane # if left out, will not care about types of atoms # OUPUT # - avail_sites_list: list of int, indices of atoms on the surface # extents = find_extents(super_cell) target_height = extents[2] avail_sites_list = list() if type_of_atom: possible_atom_inds = super_cell.findAtomsbySymbol(type_of_atom) else: possible_atom_inds = list(range(0, super_cell.natoms)) for indices in possible_atom_inds: z_dist = abs(super_cell.getAtom(indices).coords()[2] - target_height) if (z_dist <= tol): avail_sites_list.append(indices) return avail_sites_list
[docs]def distance_2d_torus(R1, R2, dim): # distance between points in Euclidean torus dx = abs(R1[0] - R2[0]) dy = abs(R1[1] - R2[1]) dz = abs((R1[2] - R2[2])) d1 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d2 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) + numpy.power(dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d3 = sqrt(numpy.power(dx, 2) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d4 = sqrt(numpy.power(dx, 2) + numpy.power(dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d = min(d1, d2, d3, d4) return d
[docs]def distance_2d_torus_next_only(R1, R2, dim): # distance between points in Euclidean torus dx = abs(R1[0] - R2[0]) dy = abs(R1[1] - R2[1]) dz = abs((R1[2] - R2[2])) # print('dx,dy,dz'+str([dx,dy,dz])) d1 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d2 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) + numpy.power(dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d3 = sqrt(numpy.power(dx, 2) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) # print('d1,d2,d3'+str([dx,dy,dz])) d = min(d1, d2, d3) return d
# ################################################################
[docs]def periodic_2d_distance(R1, R2, cell_vector): # distance between points in Euclidean torus # STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, WIP WIP WIP *** dx = abs(R1[0] - R2[0]) dy = abs(R1[1] - R2[1]) dz = abs((R1[2] - R2[2])) for v1shifts in [-1, 0, 1]: for v1shifts in [-1, 0, 1]: for yshifts in [-1, 0, 0]: pass d1 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) # noqa: F821 (under construction) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) # noqa: F821 (under construction) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d2 = sqrt(numpy.power(dim[0] - dx, 2) # noqa: F821 (under construction) + numpy.power(dy, 2) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d3 = sqrt(numpy.power(dx, 2) + numpy.power(dim[1] - dy, 2) # noqa: F821 (under construction) + numpy.power(dz, 2)) d = min(d1, d2, d3) return d
[docs]def periodic_mindist(mol, surf, dim): ### calculates minimum distance between atoms in 2 molecules ### # INPUT # - mol: mol3D class, molecule # - surf: mol3D class, the surface # - dim: list of float, replication # OUTPUT # - mind: minimum distance between atoms of the 2 mol objects mind = 1000 for atom1 in mol.getAtoms(): for atom0 in surf.getAtoms(): if (distance_2d_torus(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords(), dim) < mind): mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return mind
[docs]def periodic_selfdist(mol, dim): ### calculates minimum distance between atoms in 2 molecules ## # INPUT # - mol: mol3D class, molecule # - dim: list of floats, replication # OUTPUT # - mind: minimum distance between atoms of the 2 mol and periodic # images mind = 1000 for ii, atom1 in enumerate(mol.getAtoms()): for jj, atom0 in enumerate(mol.getAtoms()): if (distance_2d_torus(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords(), dim) < mind) and (ii != jj): mind = distance(atom1.coords(), atom0.coords()) return mind
[docs]def closest_torus_point(mol, dim): min_dist = 1000 for atom1 in mol.getAtoms(): R1 = atom1.coords() for atom2 in mol.getAtoms(): R2 = atom2.coords() d = distance_2d_torus_next_only(R1, R2, dim) if (d < min_dist): min_dist = d return min_dist
[docs]def check_top_layer_correct(super_cell, atom_type): # remove the layer on # top of the cell if # wrong material is exposed trimmed_cell = mol3D() trimmed_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) globs = globalvars() elements = globs.elementsbynum() print(('chekcing surface for ' + atom_type + '\n')) if atom_type not in elements: print("unkown surface type, unable to trim ") return trimmed_cell else: stop_flag = False counter = 0 # 3 tries max while not stop_flag: atom_type_surf = find_all_surface_atoms( trimmed_cell, tol=1e-3, type_of_atom=atom_type) top_surf = find_all_surface_atoms( trimmed_cell, tol=1e-3, type_of_atom=False) # print("top surf",top_surf) # print("atom top surf",atom_type_surf) if set(atom_type_surf) == set(top_surf): print('match') stop_flag = True else: counter += 1 trimmed_cell = shave_surface_layer(trimmed_cell, 1e-3) if counter == 3: print('unable to find target atom in 3 cuts') stop_flag = True return trimmed_cell
[docs]def shave_surface_layer(super_cell, TOL=1e-1): # dlist = fractionate_points_by_plane(super_cell,n) # points_below_plane(point,n,refd) shaved_cell = mol3D() shaved_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) extents = find_extents(super_cell) zmax = extents[2] del_list = list() for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if abs(coords[2] - zmax) < TOL: del_list.append(i) shaved_cell.deleteatoms(del_list) return shaved_cell
[docs]def shave_under_layer(super_cell): shaved_cell = mol3D() shaved_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) TOL = 1e-1 zmin = 1000 for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if (coords[2] < zmin): zmin = coords[2] del_list = list() for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if abs(coords[2] - zmin) < TOL: del_list.append(i) shaved_cell.deleteatoms(del_list) return shaved_cell
[docs]def shave__type(super_cell, dim, mode): ## dim = 0,1,2 # x,y,z # mode = 1 for max, -1 for min shaved_cell = mol3D() shaved_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) TOL = 1e-1 dim_ref = 1000 del_list = [] if (mode == -1): for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if (coords[dim] < dim_ref): dim_ref = coords[dim] for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if abs(coords[dim] - dim_ref) < TOL: del_list.append(i) elif (mode == 1): extents = find_extents(super_cell) dim_max = extents[dim] for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if abs(coords[dim] - dim_max) < TOL: del_list.append(i) # return shaved_cell.deleteatoms(del_list) return shaved_cell
[docs]def zero_z(super_cell): zeroed_cell = mol3D() zeroed_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) zmin = 1000 for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if (coords[2] < zmin): zmin = coords[2] zeroed_cell.translate([0, 0, -1*zmin]) return zeroed_cell
[docs]def zero_x(super_cell): zeroed_cell = mol3D() zeroed_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) xmin = 1000 for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if (coords[0] < xmin): xmin = coords[0] zeroed_cell.translate([-1*xmin, 0, 0]) return zeroed_cell
[docs]def zero_y(super_cell): zeroed_cell = mol3D() zeroed_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) ymin = 1000 for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if (coords[1] < ymin): ymin = coords[1] zeroed_cell.translate([0, -1*ymin, 0]) return zeroed_cell
[docs]def point_in_box(point, box): outcome = False fx = (box[0][0] <= point[0])*(point[0] < box[0][1]) fy = (box[1][0] <= point[1])*(point[1] < box[1][1]) fz = (box[2][0] <= point[2])*(point[2] < box[2][1]) if fz and fy and fx: outcome = True return outcome
[docs]def apply_plane_to_point(point, n): dplane = sum([n[i]*point[i] for i in [0, 1, 2]]) return dplane
[docs]def fractionate_points_by_plane(super_cell, n, tol=1E-8): vals = list() for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() this_frac = apply_plane_to_point(coords, n) if len(vals) > 0: # compare to seen values these_dists = [abs(this_frac-j) for j in vals] if min(these_dists) < tol: pass # print('have this point') else: vals.append(this_frac) print(('new point at ' + str(this_frac))) else: vals.append(this_frac) return vals
[docs]def points_below_plane(point, n, refd): dplane = apply_plane_to_point(point, n) # noqa: F841 (under construction) if abs(d-refd) < 1E-6: # noqa: F821 (under construction) outcome = False elif d < dref: # noqa: F821 (under construction) outcome = True else: outcome = False return outcome
[docs]def freeze_bottom_n_layers(super_cell, n): frozen_cell = mol3D() frozen_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) counter = 0 while counter < n: frozen_cell_new = freeze_under_layer(frozen_cell) frozen_cell = mol3D() frozen_cell.copymol3D(frozen_cell_new) counter += 1 return frozen_cell
[docs]def freeze_under_layer(super_cell): frozen_cell = mol3D() frozen_cell.copymol3D(super_cell) TOL = 1.5 zmin = 1000 for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if not atoms.frozen: if (coords[2] < zmin): zmin = coords[2] freeze_list = list() # print('lowest ' + str(zmin)) for i, atoms in enumerate(super_cell.getAtoms()): coords = atoms.coords() if not atoms.frozen: if abs(coords[2] - zmin) < TOL: freeze_list.append(i) # print("freezing at " + str(coords)) frozen_cell.freezeatoms(freeze_list) return frozen_cell
[docs]def find_extents(super_cell): # INPUT # - super_cell: mol3D class that contains the super cell # OUPUT # - extents: list of max coords of atoms on the surface xmax = 0 zmax = 0 ymax = 0 for atoms in super_cell.getAtoms(): coords = atoms.coords() x_ext = coords[0] # + atoms.rad y_ext = coords[1] # + atoms.rad z_ext = coords[2] # + atoms.rad xmax = max(xmax, x_ext) ymax = max(ymax, y_ext) zmax = max(zmax, z_ext) extents = [xmax, ymax, zmax] return extents
[docs]def find_extents_cv(super_cell_vector): # INPUT # - super_cell_vector: matrix of the three vectors that define the super cell # OUPUT # - extents: list of max coords of the super cell xmax = 0 zmax = 0 ymax = 0 for columns in super_cell_vector: xmax = max(xmax, abs(columns[0])) ymax = max(ymax, abs(columns[1])) zmax = max(zmax, abs(columns[2])) xmax = numpy.linalg.norm(super_cell_vector[0]) ymax = numpy.linalg.norm(super_cell_vector[1]) zmax = numpy.linalg.norm(super_cell_vector[2]) extents = [xmax, ymax, zmax] return extents