Source code for molSimplify.Scripts.distgeom

# @file
#  Implements a basic distance geometry conformer search routine
#  Written by Terry Gani for HJK Group
#  Modified for improved support of bidentates on 07/08/2019 by Daniel Harper
#  Dpt of Chemical Engineering, MIT
#  Adapted from:
#  [1] J. M. Blaney and J. S. Dixon, "Distance Geometry in Molecular Modeling",
#      in Reviews in Computational Chemistry, VCH (1994)
#  [2] G. Crippen and T. F. Havel, "Distance Geometry and Molecular Conformation",
#      in Chemometrics Research Studies Series, Wiley (1988)

import numpy as np
import numpy
    from openbabel import openbabel  # version 3 style import
except ImportError:
    import openbabel  # fallback to version 2
from scipy import optimize
from math import sqrt, cos

from typing import Dict
from molSimplify.Classes.atom3D import atom3D
from molSimplify.Classes.mol3D import mol3D
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import (vdwrad)
from molSimplify.Scripts.geometry import (distance,
from import (lig_load, loadcoord)

[docs]def CosRule(AB: float, BC: float, theta: float) -> float: """Applies the cosine rule to get the length of AC given lengths of AB, BC and angle ABC Parameters ---------- AB : float Length of AB. BC : float Length of BC. theta : float theta Angle in degrees. Returns ------- AC : float Length of AC. """ theta = np.pi*theta/180 AC = sqrt(AB**2+BC**2-2*AB*BC*cos(theta)) return AC
[docs]def inverseCosRule(A, B, C) -> float: """Apply the cosine rule to find the angle ABC given points A,B, and C. Parameters ---------- A : list Coordinates of A. B : list Coordinates of B. C : list Coordinates of C. Returns ------- theta : float ABC angle theta in grees. """ BA = np.linalg.norm(np.array(A)-np.array(B)) BC = np.linalg.norm(np.array(C)-np.array(B)) AC = np.linalg.norm(np.array(C)-np.array(A)) theta = np.arccos((BA**2+BC**2-AC**2)/(2*BA*BC)) return np.rad2deg(theta)
[docs]def GetBoundsMatrices(mol, natoms, catoms=[], shape=[], A=[]): """Generate distance bounds matrices. The basic idea is outlined in ref [1]. We first apply 1-2 (bond length) and 1-3 (bond angle) constraints, read from the FF-optimized initial conformer. Next, to bias the search towards coordinating conformers, approximate connection atom distance constraints based on topological distances are also included. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of molecule. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. catoms : list, optional List of ligand connection atoms. Default is Empty. shape : dict Dict containing angles. A : list List of lists making a distance 2 connectivity matrix. Returns ------- LB : np.array Lower bound matrix. UB : np.array Upper bound matrix. """ LB = np.zeros((natoms, natoms)) # lower bound UB = np.zeros((natoms, natoms)) # upper bound, both symmetric # Set constraints for all atoms excluding the dummy metal atom for i in range(natoms-1): for j in range(natoms-1): # 1-2 constraints: UB = LB = BL if mol.OBMol.GetBond(i+1, j+1) is not None: UB[i][j] = distance(mol.getAtomCoords(i), mol.getAtomCoords(j)) UB[j][i] = distance(mol.getAtomCoords(i), mol.getAtomCoords(j)) LB[i][j] = distance(mol.getAtomCoords(i), mol.getAtomCoords(j)) LB[j][i] = distance(mol.getAtomCoords(i), mol.getAtomCoords(j)) for i in range(natoms-1): for j in range(natoms-1): for k in range(natoms-1): # 1-3 constraints: UB = LB = BL if mol.OBMol.GetBond(i+1, j+1) is not None and mol.OBMol.GetBond(j+1, k+1) is not None and j != k and i != k: AB = vecdiff(mol.getAtomCoords(j), mol.getAtomCoords(i)) BC = vecdiff(mol.getAtomCoords(k), mol.getAtomCoords(j)) UB[i][k] = CosRule(norm(AB), norm(BC), 180-vecangle(AB, BC)) UB[k][i] = CosRule(norm(AB), norm(BC), 180-vecangle(AB, BC)) LB[i][k] = CosRule(norm(AB), norm(BC), 180-vecangle(AB, BC)) LB[k][i] = CosRule(norm(AB), norm(BC), 180-vecangle(AB, BC)) # Set constraints for atoms bonded to the dummy metal atom # Currently assumes all M-L bonds are 2 Angstroms dummy_idx = natoms-1 M_L_bond = 2 for catom in catoms: # Set 1-2 constraints UB[catom][dummy_idx] = M_L_bond UB[dummy_idx][catom] = M_L_bond LB[catom][dummy_idx] = M_L_bond LB[dummy_idx][catom] = M_L_bond if len(catoms) > 1: # Set 1-3 contraints for ligating atoms for i in range(len(catoms[:-1])): for j in range(i+1, len(catoms)): angle = shape[str(i)+'-'+str(j)] lig_distance = CosRule(M_L_bond, M_L_bond, angle) UB[catoms[i]][catoms[j]] = lig_distance UB[catoms[j]][catoms[i]] = lig_distance LB[catoms[i]][catoms[j]] = lig_distance LB[catoms[j]][catoms[i]] = lig_distance expanded_vdwrad = vdwrad.copy() expanded_vdwrad['Fe'] = 1.5 # Default vdw radius for the dummy metal is 1.5 for i in range(natoms): for j in range(i): # fill LBs with sums of vdW radii and UBs with arbitrary large cutoff if LB[i][j] == 0: LB[i][j] = expanded_vdwrad[mol.getAtom( i).sym] + expanded_vdwrad[mol.getAtom(j).sym] LB[j][i] = expanded_vdwrad[mol.getAtom( i).sym] + expanded_vdwrad[mol.getAtom(j).sym] UB[i][j] = 100 UB[j][i] = 100 return LB, UB
[docs]def Triangle(LB, UB, natoms): """Triangle inequality bounds smoothing. Copied from ref [2], pp. 252-253. Scales O(N^3). Parameters ---------- LB : np.array Lower bounds matrix. UB : np.array Upper bounds matrix. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. Returns ------- LL : np.array Lower triangularized bound matrix UL : np.array Upper triangularized bound matrix """ LL = LB UL = UB for k in range(natoms): for i in range(natoms-1): for j in range(i, natoms): if UL[i][j] > UL[i][k] + UL[k][j]: UL[i][j] = UL[i][k] + UL[k][j] UL[j][i] = UL[i][k] + UL[k][j] if LL[i][j] < LL[i][k] - UL[k][j]: LL[i][j] = LL[i][k] - UL[k][j] LL[j][i] = LL[i][k] - UL[k][j] else: if LL[i][j] < LL[j][k] - UL[k][i]: LL[i][j] = LL[j][k] - UL[k][i] LL[j][i] = LL[j][k] - UL[k][i] return LL, UL
[docs]def Metrize(LB, UB, natoms, Full=False, seed=False): """Metrization to select random in-range distances. Copied from ref [2], pp. 253-254. Scales O(N^3). Parameters ---------- LB : np.array Lower bounds matrix. UB : np.array Upper bounds matrix. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. Full : bool, optional Flag for full metrization (scales O(N^5)). Default is False. seed : bool, optional Flag for random number seed. Default is False. Returns ------- D : np.array Distance matrix. """ if seed: numpy.random.seed(seed) D = np.zeros((natoms, natoms)) LB, UB = Triangle(LB, UB, natoms) # First generate a random distance for all atom pairings not involving # the metal. TODO: j should start from i+1 to ensure the diagonal is # zero. for i in range(natoms-1): for j in range(i, natoms-1): # ~ if Full: # ~ LB, UB = Triangle(LB, UB, natoms) if UB[i][j] < LB[i][j]: # ensure that the upper bound is larger than the lower bound UB[i][j] = LB[i][j] D[i][j] = np.random.uniform(LB[i][j], UB[i][j]) D[j][i] = D[i][j] # For pairs involving the metal, set the distance to 100 Angstroms # regardless of the triangle rule. This encourages the algorithm to # select conformations which don't crowd the metal, as these often lead # to failure. TODO: loop over j should only run to natoms - 1 to avoid # writing to the diagonal. for j in range(natoms): if UB[natoms-1][j] < LB[natoms-1][j]: # ensure that the upper bound is larger than the lower bound UB[natoms-1][j] = LB[natoms-1][j] D[natoms-1][j] = 100 D[j][natoms-1] = D[natoms-1][j] return D
[docs]def GetCMDists(D, natoms): """Get distances of each atom to center of mass given the distance matrix. Copied from ref [2], pp. 309. Parameters ---------- D : np.array Distance matrix. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. Returns ------- D0 : np.array Vector of distances from center of mass. status : bool Flag for successful search. """ D0 = np.zeros(natoms) for i in range(natoms): for j in range(natoms): D0[i] += D[i][j]**2/natoms for j in range(natoms): for k in range(j, natoms): D0[i] -= (D[j][k])**2/natoms**2 try: D0[i] = sqrt(D0[i]) except ValueError: # If the triangle inequality is not sastisfied D0[i] # is negative and sqrt raises a value error. return D0, False return D0, True
[docs]def GetMetricMatrix(D, D0, natoms): """Get metric matrix from distance matrix and CM distances Copied from ref [2], pp. 306. Parameters ---------- D : np.array Distance matrix. D0 : np.array Vector of distances from center of mass. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. Returns ------- G : np.array Metric matrix. """ G = np.zeros((natoms, natoms)) for i in range(natoms): for j in range(natoms): G[i][j] = (D0[i]**2 + D0[j]**2 - D[i][j]**2)/2 return G
[docs]def Get3Eigs(G, natoms): """Gets 3 largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of metric matrix Parameters ---------- G : np.array Metric matrix. natoms : int Number of atoms in the molecule. Returns ------- L : np.array Three largest eigenvalues V : np.array Eigenvectors corresponding to largest eigenvalues. """ L = np.zeros((3, 3)) V = np.zeros((natoms, 3)) l, v = np.linalg.eigh(G) for i in [0, 1, 2]: # print('natoms is '+ str(natoms)) # print('l is '+ str(l)) L[i][i] = sqrt(max(l[natoms-1-i], 0)) V[:, i] = v[:, natoms-1-i] return L, V
[docs]def DistErr(x, *args): """Computes distance error function for scipy optimization. Copied from E3 in pp. 311 of ref. [1] Parameters ---------- x : np.array 1D array of coordinates to be optimized. *args : dict Other parameters (refer to scipy.optimize docs) Returns ------- E : np.array Objective function """ E = 0 LB, UB, natoms = args for i in range(natoms-1): for j in range(i+1, natoms): ri = [x[3*i], x[3*i+1], x[3*i+2]] rj = [x[3*j], x[3*j+1], x[3*j+2]] dij = distance(ri, rj) uij = UB[i][j] lij = LB[i][j] E += (dij**2/(uij**2) - 1)**2 E += (2*lij**2/(lij**2 + dij**2) - 1)**2 return np.asarray(E)
[docs]def DistErrGrad(x, *args): """Computes gradient of distance error function for scipy optimization. Copied from E3 in pp. 311 of ref. [1] Parameters ---------- x : np.array 1D array of coordinates to be optimized. *args : dict Other parameters (refer to scipy.optimize docs) Returns ------- g : np.array Objective function gradient """ LB, UB, natoms = args g = np.zeros(3*natoms) for i in range(natoms): jr = list(range(natoms)) jr.remove(i) for j in jr: ri = [x[3*i], x[3*i+1], x[3*i+2]] rj = [x[3*j], x[3*j+1], x[3*j+2]] dij = distance(ri, rj) uij = UB[i][j] lij = LB[i][j] g[3*i] += (4*((dij/uij)**2-1)/(uij**2) - (8/lij**2)*(2*(lij**2 / (lij**2+dij**2))-1)/((1+(dij/lij)**2)**2))*(x[3*i]-x[3*j]) # xi g[3*i+1] += (4*((dij/uij)**2-1)/(uij**2) - (8/lij**2)*(2*(lij**2 / (lij**2+dij**2))-1)/((1+(dij/lij)**2)**2))*(x[3*i+1]-x[3*j+1]) # yi g[3*i+2] += (4*((dij/uij)**2-1)/(uij**2) - (8/lij**2)*(2*(lij**2 / (lij**2+dij**2))-1)/((1+(dij/lij)**2)**2))*(x[3*i+2]-x[3*j+2]) # zi return g
[docs]def SaveConf(X, mol, ffclean=True, catoms=[]): """Further cleans up with OB FF and saves to a new mol3D object. Note that distance geometry tends to produce puckered aromatic rings because of the lack of explicit impropers, see Riniker et al. JCIM (2015) 55, 2562-74 for details. Hence, a FF optimization (with connection atoms constrained) is recommended to clean up the structure. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Array of coordinates. mol : mol3D mol3D class instance of original molecule. ffclean : bool, optional Flag for openbabel forcefield cleanup. Default is True. catoms : list, optional List of connection atoms used to generate FF constraints if specified. Default is empty. Returns ------- conf3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of conformer. """ conf3D = mol3D() conf3D.copymol3D(mol) # set coordinates using OBMol to keep bonding info OBMol = conf3D.OBMol for i, atom in enumerate(openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(OBMol)): atom.SetVector(X[i, 0], X[i, 1], X[i, 2]) # First stage of cleaning takes place with the metal still present if ffclean: ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField('UFF') s = ff.Setup(OBMol) if not s: print('FF setup failed') for i in range(200): ff.SteepestDescent(10) ff.ConjugateGradients(10) ff.GetCoordinates(OBMol) last_atom_index = OBMol.NumAtoms() # Delete the dummy metal atom that we added earlier metal_atom = OBMol.GetAtom(last_atom_index) OBMol.DeleteAtom(metal_atom) # Second stage of cleaning removes the metal, but uses constraints on the # bonding atoms to ensure a binding conformer is maintained # This stage is critical for getting planar aromatic ligands like # porphyrin and correct. Not really sure why though... if ffclean: ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField('mmff94') constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() for atom in catoms: constr.AddAtomConstraint(atom+1) s = ff.Setup(OBMol, constr) if not s: print('FF setup failed') for i in range(200): ff.SteepestDescent(10) ff.ConjugateGradients(10) ff.GetCoordinates(OBMol) conf3D.OBMol = OBMol conf3D.convert2mol3D() return conf3D
[docs]def findshape(args, master_ligand) -> Dict: """Determines the relative positioning of different ligating atoms Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace argument from inparse. master_ligand : mol3D mol3D class instance of metal with the ligand. Returns ------- angles_dict : dict A dictionary of angles (in degrees) between catoms. """ core = loadcoord(args.geometry) # load ligands and identify the denticity of each ligands = [] for lig in args.lig: ligands.append(lig_load(lig)[0]) # TODO: Found this hardcoded index that will surely fail in certain cases # RM 2022/07/15 number_of_smiles_ligands = 0 for i, lig in enumerate(ligands): if lig.ident == 'smi': ligands[i].denticity = len(args.smicat[number_of_smiles_ligands]) # Find the binding location of the master_ligand. Start with one since # core[0] corresponds to the metal bind = 1 for i, lig in enumerate(ligands): if == master_denticity = lig.denticity break else: bind += 1*int(args.ligocc[i])*int(lig.denticity) else: raise ValueError("master_ligand not in args.lig") metal_coords = np.array(core[0]) ligating_coords = [] for i in range(master_denticity): ligating_coords.append(np.array(core[i + bind])) angles_dict = dict() for i in range(len(ligating_coords)): for j in range(len(ligating_coords)): angles_dict[str(i)+'-'+str(j)] = inverseCosRule(ligating_coords[i], metal_coords, ligating_coords[j]) return angles_dict
[docs]def GetConf(mol, args, catoms=[]): """Uses distance geometry to get a random conformer. Parameters ---------- mol : mol3D mol3D class instance for molecule of interest. args : Namespace Namespace argument from inparse. catoms : list, optional List of connection atoms used to generate additional constraints if specified (see GetBoundsMatrices()). Default is empty. Returns ------- Conf3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of new conformer. """ # Create a mol3D copy with a dummy metal metal Conf3D = mol3D() Conf3D.copymol3D(mol) Conf3D.addAtom(atom3D('Fe', [0, 0, 0])) # Add dummy metal to the mol3D dummy_metal = openbabel.OBAtom() # And add the dummy metal to the OBmol dummy_metal.SetAtomicNum(26) Conf3D.OBMol.AddAtom(dummy_metal) for i in catoms: Conf3D.OBMol.AddBond(i+1, Conf3D.OBMol.NumAtoms(), 1) natoms = Conf3D.natoms Conf3D.createMolecularGraph() shape = findshape(args, mol) LB, UB = GetBoundsMatrices(Conf3D, natoms, catoms, shape) status = False while not status: D = Metrize(LB, UB, natoms) D0, status = GetCMDists(D, natoms) G = GetMetricMatrix(D, D0, natoms) L, V = Get3Eigs(G, natoms) X =, L) # get projection x = np.reshape(X, 3*natoms) res1 = optimize.fmin_cg(DistErr, x, fprime=DistErrGrad, gtol=0.1, args=(LB, UB, natoms), disp=0) X = np.reshape(res1, (natoms, 3)) Conf3D = SaveConf(X, Conf3D, True, catoms) return Conf3D
# for testing # # n4py # molsimplify -core ru -lig 'n1ccccc1CN(Cc2ccccn2)C(c3ccccn3)c4ccccn4' water # -ligocc 1 1 -smicat [1,15,22,28,8] -spin 1 -ligloc True # -geometry oct -rprompt True -ffoption A # heptacoordinate water oxidation catalyst # molsimplify -core ru -lig 'n1c(C(=O)[O-])cccc1c2cccc(c3cccc(C(=O)[O-])n3)n2' water pyridine # -ligocc 1 1 2 -smicat [1,24,23,22] -spin 1 -ligloc True -geometry pbp -ffoption A # same water oxidation catalyst in a hexacoordinate binding pattern # molsimplify -core ru -lig 'n1c(C(=O)[O-])cccc1c2cccc(c3cccc(C(=O)[O-])n3)n2' water pyridine # -ligocc 1 1 2 -smicat [1,24,23] -spin 1 -ligloc True -geometry oct -ffoption A # tetrahedral with 2 bidentates # molsimplify -core fe -lig 'n1ccccc1c2ccccn2' 'CC(=O)C=C([O-])C' -ligocc 1 1 # -smicat [[1,12],[3,6]] -ligloc True -geometry thd -ffoption A -rprompt True # mol,emsg = lig_load('c1ccc(c(c1)C=NCCN=Cc2ccccc2[O-])[O-]') # mol,emsg = lig_load('N(C)1CCN(C)CCCN(C)CCN(C)CCC1') # catoms = [7,10,18,19] # catoms = [0,4,9,13] # mol.convert2mol3D() # conf = GetConf(mol,catoms) # conf.writexyz('conf')