Source code for molSimplify.Scripts.qcgen

# @file
#  Generates quantum chemistry input files
#  Written by Kulik Group
#  Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT

import shutil
import os

from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import (globalvars,
from molSimplify.Classes.mol3D import mol3D

[docs]def multitcgen(args, strfiles): """Generate multiple terachem input files at once. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directories with terachem input files. """ jobdirs = [] method = False if args.method and len(args.method) > 1: methods = args.method for method in methods: jobdirs.append(tcgen(args, strfiles, method)) else: jobdirs.append(tcgen(args, strfiles, method)) # remove original files if not args.jobdir: for xyzf in strfiles: try: os.remove(xyzf+'.molinp') os.remove(xyzf+'.report') except FileNotFoundError: pass if not args.reportonly: try: os.remove(xyzf+'.xyz') except FileNotFoundError: pass return jobdirs
[docs]def tcgen(args, strfiles, method): """Generate a single terachem input file. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. method : str Name of method to use, (e.g. B3LYP). Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with terachem input file. """ # global variables # print('----- args provided to tc gen --------') # print(args) globs = globalvars() jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian jobparams = {'run': 'minimize', 'timings': 'yes', 'maxit': '500', 'scrdir': './scr', 'method': 'b3lyp', 'basis': 'lacvps_ecp', 'spinmult': '1', 'charge': '0', 'gpus': '1', } # if multiple methods requested generate c directories # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.xyz' coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. if len(coordname) > 10: nametrunc = coordname else: nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) and not args.jobdir: os.makedirs(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc if method: if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u': mmd = '/'+method[1:] else: mmd = '/'+method mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc+mmd if not os.path.exists(mdir): os.makedirs(mdir) if not args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(mdir) if not args.reportonly: shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp')) try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report')) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(rdir) # if report only specified, end here if args.reportonly: return jobdirs # parse extra arguments # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here: unrestricted = False if method: jobparams['method'] = method if ('u' or 'U') in method[0]: # Unrestricted calculation unrestricted = True else: # Restricted calculation unrestricted = False if args.spin and int(args.spin) > 1: jobparams['method'] = 'u'+method unrestricted = True else: if args.spin and int(args.spin) >= 1: jobparams['method'] = 'ub3lyp' unrestricted = True else: jobparams['method'] = 'b3lyp' if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'energy' elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'ts' elif (args.runtyp and 'gradient' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'gradient' if (args.gpus): jobparams['gpus'] = args.gpus if (args.dispersion): jobparams['dispersion'] = args.dispersion # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams['spinmult'] = args.spin if args.charge: if args.bcharge: args.charge = int(args.charge)+int(args.bcharge) jobparams['charge'] = args.charge # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name if args.basis: # ecp = False # Flag not currently used, for deciding gpus_ecp code or not later. Can always specify with 'extra' command if '*' in args.basis: jobparams['basis'] = args.basis.replace('*', 's') else: jobparams['basis'] = args.basis # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. if args.qoption: if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.qoption))): key, val = args.qoption[2*elem], args.qoption[2*elem+1] jobparams[key] = val # Extra keywords for unrestricted. if unrestricted: # If running unrestricted, assume convergence will be more difficult for now. jobparams['scf'] = 'diis+a' if 'levelshift' not in jobparams: jobparams['levelshift'] = 'yes' elif jobparams['levelshift'] != 'yes': print(("Warning! You're doing an unrestricted calculation but have set levelshift = %s" % ( jobparams['levelshift']))) if 'levelshiftvala' not in jobparams: jobparams['levelshiftvala'] = '0.25' if 'levelshiftvalb' not in jobparams: jobparams['levelshiftvalb'] = '0.25' # Now we're ready to start building the input file if not args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): with open(jobd+'/terachem_input', 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) jobparams['coordinates'] = coordfs[i] for keys in list(jobparams.keys()): output.write('%s %s\n' % (keys, jobparams[keys])) if jobparams['run'] == 'minimize': output.write('new_minimizer yes\n') # output.write('min_coordinates cartesian\n') if args.tc_fix_dihedral: temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(strfiles[i]) metal_ind = temp.findMetal() fixed_atoms = list() fixed_atoms = temp.getBondedAtoms(metal_ind) fixed_atoms = [str(int(i)+1) for i in fixed_atoms] # 1-based indices string_to_write = 'dihedral 0 ' + '_'.join(fixed_atoms) # print(string_to_write) output.write('$constraint_set \n') output.write(string_to_write + '\n') output.write('end\n') elif args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): print(('jobd is ' + jobd)) if output_filename = jobd + '/' + '.in' else: output_filename = jobd+'/terachem_input' with open(output_filename, 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) jobparams['coordinates'] = coordfs[i] for keys in list(jobparams.keys()): output.write('%s %s\n' % (keys, jobparams[keys])) if jobparams['run'] == 'minimize': output.write('new_minimizer yes\n') # output.write('min_coordinates cartesian\n') if args.tc_fix_dihedral: temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(strfiles[i]) metal_ind = temp.findMetal() fixed_atoms = list() fixed_atoms = temp.getBondedAtoms(metal_ind) fixed_atoms = [str(int(i)+1) for i in fixed_atoms] # 1-based indices string_to_write = 'dihedral 0 ' + '_'.join(fixed_atoms) # print(string_to_write) output.write('$constraint_set \n') output.write(string_to_write + '\n') output.write('end\n') return jobdirs
[docs]def xyz2gxyz(filename): """Turn an XYZ file into a GAMESS XYZ file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of xyz file. Returns ------- gfilename : str Filename of GAMESS xyz file. """ mol = mol3D() # create mol3D object mol.readfromxyz(filename) # read molecule gfilename = filename.replace('.xyz', '.gxyz') # new file name mol.writegxyz(gfilename) # write gamess formatted xyz file return gfilename.split('.gxyz')[0]
[docs]def multigamgen(args, strfiles): """Generate multiple GAMESS files, loops over methods. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directories with GAMESS input files. """ method = False jobdirs = [] if args.method and len(args.method) > 1: methods = args.method for method in methods: jobdirs.append(gamgen(args, strfiles, method)) else: jobdirs.append(gamgen(args, strfiles, method)) # remove original files for xyzf in strfiles: os.remove(xyzf+'.xyz') os.remove(xyzf+'.gxyz') os.remove(xyzf+'.molinp') return jobdirs
[docs]def gamgen(args, strfiles, method): """Generate a single GAMESS input file. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. method : str Name of method to use, (e.g. B3LYP). Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with GAMESS input file. """ globs = globalvars() jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. jobparams = {'RUNTYP': 'OPTIMIZE', 'GBASIS': 'N21', 'MAXIT': '500', 'DFTTYP': 'B3LYP', 'SCFTYP': 'UHF', 'ICHARG': '0', 'MULT': '1', } # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: # convert to "gamess format" xyzf = xyz2gxyz(xyzf+'.xyz') rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.gxyz' coordfs.append(xyzf) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. if len(coordname) > 10: nametrunc = coordname[0:6]+coordname[-4:] else: nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc): os.mkdir(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc if method: if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u': mmd = '/'+method[1:] else: mmd = '/'+method jobparams['SCFTYP'] = 'RHF' mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc+mmd if not os.path.exists(mdir): os.mkdir(mdir) jobdirs.append(mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir) # Try copying molinp and report file to jobdir try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.gxyz', '.molinp'), mdir.replace('.gxyz', '.molinp')) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report')) except FileNotFoundError: pass if method: if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u': method = method[1:] # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams['MULT'] = str(args.spin) if args.charge: jobparams['ICHARG'] = str(args.charge) # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name if args.gbasis: jobparams['GBASIS'] = args.gbasis.upper() if args.ngauss: jobparams['NGAUSS'] = args.ngauss.upper() if method: jobparams['DFTTYP'] = method.upper() if (args.runtyp and 'en' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'ENERGY' elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'SADPOINT' # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): output = [] with open(coordfs[i]) as f: s = # read coordinates jobparams['coordinates'] = s output.append('! File created using %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) # write $BASIS block output.append(' $BASIS ') if args.ngauss: output.append(' GBASIS='+jobparams['GBASIS']) output.append(' NGAUSS='+jobparams['NGAUSS']) else: output.append(' GBASIS='+jobparams['GBASIS']) if args.ndfunc: output.append(' NDFUNC='+args.ndfunc) if args.npfunc: output.append(' NPFUNC='+args.npfunc) output.append(' $END\n') # write $SYSTEM block output.append(' $SYSTEM ') # check if MWORDS specified by the user if not args.sysoption or not ('MWORDS' in args.sysoption): output.append(' MWORDS=16') # write additional options if (args.sysoption): if len(args.sysoption) % 2 > 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -sysoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.sysoption))): key, val = args.sysoption[2*elem], args.sysoption[2*elem+1] output.append(' '+key+'='+val+' ') output.append(' $END\n') # write CONTRL block output.append(' $CONTRL SCFTYP='+jobparams['SCFTYP']+' DFTTYP=') output.append(jobparams['DFTTYP']+' RUNTYP='+jobparams['RUNTYP']) output.append('\n ICHARG='+jobparams['ICHARG']+' MULT=') # check if CC basis set specified and add spherical if 'CC' in jobparams['GBASIS']: output.append(jobparams['MULT']+' ISPHER=1\n') else: output.append(jobparams['MULT']+'\n') # write additional options if (args.ctrloption): if len(args.ctrloption) % 2 > 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -ctrloption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.ctrloption))): key, val = args.ctrloption[2 * elem], args.ctrloption[2*elem+1] output.append(' '+key+'='+val+' ') output.append(' $END\n') # write $SCF block output.append(' $SCF ') # check if options specified by the user if not args.scfoption or not ('DIRSCF' in args.scfoption): output.append(' DIRSCF=.TRUE.') if not args.scfoption or not ('DIIS' in args.scfoption): output.append(' DIIS=.TRUE.') if not args.scfoption or not ('SHIFT' in args.scfoption): output.append(' SHIFT=.TRUE.') # write additional options if (args.scfoption): if len(args.scfoption) % 2 != 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -scfoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.scfoption))): key, val = args.scfoption[2*elem], args.scfoption[2*elem+1] output.append(' '+key+'='+val+' ') output.append(' $END\n') # write $STATPT block output.append(' $STATPT ') # check if NSTEP specified by the user if not args.statoption or not ('NSTEP' in args.statoption): output.append(' NSTEP=100') # write additional options if (args.statoption): if len(args.statoption) % 2 > 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -statoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.statoption))): key, val = args.statoption[2 * elem], args.statoption[2*elem+1] output.append(' '+key+'='+val+' ') output.append(' $END\n') # write $DATA block output.append(' $DATA\n') output.append(jobparams['coordinates']+' $END\n') with open(jobd+'/gam.inp', 'w') as f: f.writelines(output) return jobdirs
[docs]def multiqgen(args, strfiles): """Generate multiple QChem input files at once. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directories with QChem input files. """ method = False jobdirs = [] if args.method and len(args.method) > 1: methods = for method in methods: jobdirs.append(qgen(args, strfiles, method)) else: jobdirs.append(qgen(args, strfiles, method)) # remove original files for xyzf in strfiles: os.remove(xyzf+'.xyz') os.remove(xyzf+'.molinp') os.remove(xyzf + '.report') return jobdirs
[docs]def qgen(args, strfiles, method): """Generate a single QChem input file. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. method : str Name of method to use, (e.g. B3LYP). Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with QChem input file. """ jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. jobparams = {'UNRESTRICTED': 'true', 'BASIS': 'lanl2dz', 'JOBTYPE': 'opt', 'EXCHANGE': 'b3lyp', 'CORRELATION': 'none', 'MAX_SCF_CYCLES': '500', 'GEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES': '1000', 'SYMMETRY': 'off', 'PRINT_ORBITALS': 'true', 'CHARGE': '1', 'SPIN': '1', } # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.xyz' coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. if len(coordname) > 10: nametrunc = coordname[0:6]+coordname[-4:] else: nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) and not args.jobdir: os.makedirs(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc if method: mmd = '/'+method mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc+mmd if not os.path.exists(mdir): os.makedirs(mdir) jobdirs.append(mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir) # Try copying molinp and report files to the new jobdir try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp')) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report')) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name if args.basis and len(args.basis) > 1: jobparams['BASIS'] = args.basis if args.correlation and len(args.correlation) > 1: jobparams['CORRELATION'] = args.correlation if method and len(method) > 1: jobparams['EXCHANGE'] = method if not args.unrestricted: jobparams['UNRESTRICTED'] = 'false' if (args.runtyp and 'en' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'SP' elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'TS' # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams['SPIN'] = args.spin if args.charge: jobparams['CHARGE'] = args.charge # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): output = [] with open(jobd+'/'+coordfs[i]) as f: s0 = f.readlines()[2:] # read coordinates # if separate split to two molecules if args.bsep and '--' in ''.join(s0): idxsplit = [isdx for isdx, ss in enumerate(s0) if '--' in ss][0] s = '--\n'+jobparams['CHARGE']+' '+jobparams['SPIN']+'\n' s += ''.join(s0[:idxsplit]) s += '--\n0 1\n' s += ''.join(s0[idxsplit+3:]) else: s = s0 # write rem block output.append('$rem\nUNRESTRICTED\t\t' + jobparams['UNRESTRICTED']) output.append( '\nBASIS\t\t'+jobparams['BASIS']+'\nJOBTYPE\t\t'+jobparams['JOBTYPE']) output.append('\nEXCHANGE\t\t' + jobparams['EXCHANGE']+'\nCORRELATION\t\t') output.append(jobparams['CORRELATION']+'\nMAX_SCF_CYCLES\t\t') output.append(jobparams['MAX_SCF_CYCLES']+'\nGEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES\t\t') output.append(jobparams['GEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES'] + '\nSYMMETRY\t\t'+jobparams['SYMMETRY']) output.append('\nPRINT_ORBITALS\t\t'+jobparams['PRINT_ORBITALS']+'\n') # write additional options if (args.remoption): if len(args.remoption) % 2 > 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -remoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.remoption))): key, val = args.remoption[2*elem], args.remoption[2*elem+1] output.append(key+'\t\t'+val+'\n') output.append('$end\n\n') # write $molecule block output.append( '$molecule\n'+jobparams['CHARGE']+' '+jobparams['SPIN']+'\n') output.append(''.join(s)+'$end\n') with open(jobd+'/qch.inp', 'w') as f: f.writelines(output) return jobdirs
[docs]def mlpgen(args, strfiles, rootdir): """Generate MOPAC input files. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. rootdir : str Path of the root directory. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with MOPAC input file. """ jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. jobparams = ['EF', 'PM7', 'XYZ', 'HESSIAN'] spin_keywords = {1: 'SINGLET', 2: 'DOUBLET', 3: 'TRIPLET', 4: 'QUARTET', 5: 'QUINTET', 6: 'SEXTET', 7: 'SEPTET'} # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.xyz' coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) and not args.jobdir: os.mkdir(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) if args.jobdir: mdir = args.jobdir else: mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc jobdirs.append(mdir) # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams.append(spin_keywords[int(args.spin)]) jobparams.append('UHF') else: jobparams.append("SINGLET") if args.charge: jobparams.append('CHARGE='+str(args.charge)) # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script for xyzf in strfiles: output = [] with open(xyzf + '.xyz') as f: s = f.readlines()[2:] # read coordinates # write rem block for terms in jobparams: output.append(' ' + terms) # write additional options if (args.remoption): if len(args.remoption) % 2 > 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -remoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.remoption))): key, val = args.remoption[2*elem], args.remoption[2*elem+1] output.append(key+'\t\t'+val+'\n') output.append('\n' + nametrunc+'\n') output.append('\n') # write $molecule block for lines in s: ll = lines.split('\t') for i, items in enumerate(ll): output.append(' ' + items.strip('\n')) if i > 0: output.append(' 1') if i == 3: output.append('\n') with open(xyzf + '.mop', 'w') as f: f.writelines(output) return jobdirs
[docs]def multiogen(args, strfiles): """Generate ORCA input files. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with ORCA input files. """ method = False jobdirs = [] if args.method and len(args.method) > 0: methods = args.method for method in methods: jobdirs.append(ogen(args, strfiles, method)) else: jobdirs.append(ogen(args, strfiles, method)) # remove original files if not args.jobdir: for xyzf in strfiles: try: os.remove(xyzf+'.xyz') os.remove(xyzf+'.molinp') os.remove(xyzf + '.report') except FileNotFoundError: pass return jobdirs
[docs]def ogen(args, strfiles, method): """Generate a single ORCA input file. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. method : str Method to be used (e.g. B3LYP) Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with ORCA input file. """ # global variables globs = globalvars() jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian jobparams = {'run': 'Sp', 'basis': 'def2-TZVP', 'MaxIter': '500', 'method': 'B3LYP', 'spinmult': '1', 'charge': '0', 'ERI': 'NORI', 'REL': '', 'UNO': '', 'mdci_maxit': '200', 'mdci_shift': '0.2', 'HFX': False, } # if multiple methods requested generate c directories # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.xyz' coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. if len(coordname) > 10: nametrunc = coordname else: nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) and not args.jobdir: os.mkdir(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc if method: if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u': mmd = '/'+method[1:] else: mmd = '/'+method mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc+mmd if not os.path.exists(mdir): try: os.makedirs(mdir) except FileExistsError: pass if not args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp')) try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report')) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(rdir) # parse extra arguments # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here: unrestricted = False if method: jobparams['method'] = method if args.spin and int(args.spin) > 1: unrestricted = True # For ORCA, "ro" or "u" is not needed if ('u' or 'U') in method[0]: jobparams['method'] = method[1:] # Unrestricted calculation elif ('ro' or 'RO') in method[0]: # Restricted calculation unrestricted = False jobparams['method'] = method[2:] else: if args.spin and int(args.spin) >= 1: jobparams['method'] = 'B3LYP' unrestricted = True else: jobparams['method'] = 'B3LYP' print((args.method, method, jobparams['method'])) # Check runtype and we accept both ORCA and terachem naming convention if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'Sp' elif (args.runtyp and 'sp' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'Sp' elif (args.runtyp and 'opt' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'Opt' elif (args.runtyp and 'minimize' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'Opt' elif (args.runtyp and 'gradient' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'EnGrad' elif (args.runtyp and 'engrad' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'EnGrad' # Special sanity check for CCSD(T) if jobparams['run'] == 'Opt' and 'CC' in jobparams['method']: print('''Warning! You requested geometry optimization with Coupled-Cluster methods, which is NOT supported. Instead, we will geometry optimize the structure with B3LYP and then conduct CCSD(T) energy calculation on the optimized structure''') # TODO: check ORCA dispersion if (args.dispersion): jobparams['dispersion'] = args.dispersion # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams['spinmult'] = args.spin if args.charge: if args.bcharge: args.charge = int(args.charge)+int(args.bcharge) jobparams['charge'] = args.charge # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name # Read in basis name from args only if it's not the default for terachem if args.basis and args.basis != 'lacvps_ecp': jobparams['basis'] = args.basis if 'DIISMaxEq' not in jobparams: jobparams['DIISMaxEq'] = 15 # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. if args.qoption: if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.qoption))): key, val = args.qoption[2*elem], args.qoption[2*elem+1] jobparams[key] = val # Extra keywords for unrestricted. if unrestricted: # If running unrestricted, assume convergence will be more difficult for now. jobparams['scf'] = 'SlowConv' jobparams['UNO'] = 'UNO' if 'levelshift' not in jobparams: jobparams['levelshift'] = 'yes' elif jobparams['levelshift'] != 'yes': print(("Warning! You're doing an unrestricted calculation but have set levelshift = %s" % ( jobparams['levelshift']))) if 'levelshiftval' not in jobparams: if 'levelshiftvala' in jobparams: jobparams['levelshiftval'] = jobparams['levelshiftvala'] elif 'levelshiftvalb' in jobparams: jobparams['levelshiftval'] = jobparams['levelshiftvalb'] else: jobparams['levelshiftval'] = 0.25 if 'ErrOff' not in jobparams: jobparams['ErrOff'] = 0.00001 # Now we're ready to start building the input file if not args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): with open(jobd+'/', 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) if 'CC' in jobparams['method'] and jobparams['run'] == 'Opt': params0 = jobparams.copy() params0['method'] = 'B3LYP' ogenwrt(output, params0, coordfs[i]) output.write('\n$new_job\n') jobparams['run'] = 'Sp' ogenwrt(output, jobparams, '') else: ogenwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i]) elif args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): print(('jobd is ' + jobd)) with open(jobd+'/', 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) if 'CC' in jobparams['method'] and jobparams['run'] == 'Opt': params0 = jobparams.copy() params0['method'] = 'B3LYP' ogenwrt(output, params0, coordfs[i]) output.write('\n$new_job\n') jobparams['run'] = 'Sp' ogenwrt(output, jobparams, '') else: ogenwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i]) return jobdirs
[docs]def ogenwrt(output, jobparams, xyzf): """Generate a single ORCA input file with custom parameters. Parameters ---------- output : str Filename for writing the ORCA input. jobparams : dict Dictionary of ORCA input parameters. xyzf : str Name for XYZ file. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with ORCA input file. """ # write the first line of simple keywords output.write('!'+jobparams['method']+' ') output.write(jobparams['basis']+' ') output.write(jobparams['ERI']+' ') if jobparams['REL']: output.write(jobparams['REL']+' ') output.write(jobparams['UNO']+' ') output.write(jobparams['run']+'\n\n') # write scf convergence mode if 'scf' in jobparams: output.write('!'+jobparams['scf']+'\n') # write the scf control block output.write('%scf\n') output.write('MaxIter '+jobparams['MaxIter']+'\n') if 'levelshift' in jobparams: if jobparams['levelshift'] == 'yes': output.write('Shift Shift '+str(jobparams['levelshiftval']) + ' ErrOff ' + str(jobparams['ErrOff'])+' end\n') output.write('DIISMaxEq '+str(jobparams['DIISMaxEq'])+'\n') output.write('end\n\n') # write the method block to control HFX if not (('CC' or 'HF') in jobparams['method']): if jobparams['HFX']: output.write('%method\n') output.write('ScalHFX = '+jobparams['HFX']+'\n') output.write('ScalDFX = '+str(1-float(jobparams['HFX']))+'\n') output.write('end\n\n') # write the mdci block for CCSD(T) if 'CCSD' in jobparams['method']: output.write('%mdci\n') if jobparams['UNO']: output.write('UseQROs true\n') output.write('maxiter '+jobparams['mdci_maxit']+'\n') output.write('Lshift '+jobparams['mdci_shift']+'\n') output.write('end\n\n') # write the coordinate block output.write( '*xyzfile '+str(jobparams['charge'])+' '+str(jobparams['spinmult'])+' '+xyzf+'\n')
# output.write(''.join(s0)+'*\n')
[docs]def molcgen(args, strfiles, method): """Generate a single MOLCAS input file. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. method : str Method to be used (e.g. B3LYP) Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with MOLCAS input file. """ # global variables globs = globalvars() jobdirs = [] coordfs = [] # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian jobparams = {'Group': 'Nosym', 'method': 'CASSCF', 'spin': '1', 'charge': '0', # 'nactel':'2', # 'frozen':'0', # 'ras2':'12', 'ciroot': '1 1 ;1', 'ITER': '1000,100', 'multistate': '1 1', 'imaginary': '0.1', 'ipeashift': '0.25', 'density': 'no', 'grid_it': 'no', 'gridtype': 'TOTAL', 'NPOINTS': '100 100 100', } # if multiple methods requested generate c directories # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. for xyzf in strfiles: rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0] xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] xyzf += '.xyz' coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) coordname = xyzft # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue. if len(coordname) > 10: nametrunc = coordname else: nametrunc = coordname if not os.path.exists(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) and not args.jobdir: os.mkdir(rdir+'/'+nametrunc) mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc if method: if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u': mmd = '/'+method[1:] else: mmd = '/'+method mdir = rdir+'/'+nametrunc+mmd if not os.path.exists(mdir): try: os.makedirs(mdir) except FileExistsError: pass if not args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir) shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp')) try: shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'), mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report')) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif args.jobdir: jobdirs.append(rdir) # parse extra arguments # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here: if method: jobparams['method'] = method else: jobparams['method'] = 'CASSCF' print((args.method, method, jobparams['method'])) # Check runtype if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()): jobparams['run'] = 'energy' else: print('''Warning! Currently MOLCAS input file generation is only supported for single point energy. For other types of calculation requested, the input file is generated for single point energy instead''') # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now. if args.spin: jobparams['spin'] = str(args.spin) if args.charge: if args.bcharge: args.charge = int(args.charge)+int(args.bcharge) jobparams['charge'] = str(args.charge) # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name # Automatically assign basis based on element if args.basis and args.basis != 'lacvps_ecp': jobparams['basis'] = args.basis elif (not args.basis) or args.basis == 'lacvps_ecp': jobparams['basis'] = molcbasis(strfiles, 'ANO-rcc') # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input. if args.qoption: if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0: print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption') else: for elem in range(0, int(0.5*len(args.qoption))): key, val = args.qoption[2*elem], args.qoption[2*elem+1] jobparams[key] = val # Check which paramters are missing # Check and automatically assign number of active electrons if 'nactel' not in jobparams: oxnum = 0 # oxidation state number if args.oxstate in list(romans.keys()): oxnum = int(romans[args.oxstate]) else: oxnum = int(args.oxstate) jobparams['nactel'] = molcnactels(strfiles, oxnum) else: nactel = int(jobparams['nactel']) jobparams['nactel'] = [nactel for i in range(0, len(strfiles))] # Check and automatically assign number of frozen orbitals for CASSCF if 'frozen' not in jobparams: jobparams['frozen'] = molcfrozens(strfiles) else: frozen = int(jobparams['frozen']) jobparams['frozen'] = [frozen for i in range(0, len(strfiles))] # Check and automatically assign number of frozen orbitals for ras2 if 'ras2' not in jobparams: jobparams['ras2'] = molcras2s(strfiles) else: ras2 = int(jobparams['ras2']) jobparams['ras2'] = [ras2 for i in range(0, len(strfiles))] # Check key for grid_it. Overwrite the default in case # the command line input is in different case for key in list(jobparams.keys()): if 'grid_it' in key.lower() and key != 'grid_it': jobparams['grid_it'] = jobparams[key] break # Now we're ready to start building the input file if not args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): with open(jobd+'/molcas.input', 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) molcwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i], i) elif args.jobdir: for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs): print(('jobd is ' + jobd)) with open(jobd+'/molcas.input', 'w') as output: output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM) molcwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i], i) return jobdirs
[docs]def molcwrt(output, jobparams, xyzf, xyzind): """Generate a single MOLCAS input file with custom parameters. Parameters ---------- output : str Filename for writing the ORCA input. jobparams : dict Dictionary of ORCA input parameters. xyzf : str Name for XYZ file. xyzind : int Index for xyz file in all generated xyz files Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with ORCA input file. """ # write the gateway block output.write('&gateway\n') output.write('Coord='+xyzf+'\n') output.write('basis='+jobparams['basis']+'\n') output.write('Group='+jobparams['Group']+'\n') # write SEWARD block. Hardcode for now output.write('&SEWARD\nCHOL\nR02O\n') # write RASSCF block output.write('&RASSCF\n') output.write(' charge='+jobparams['charge']+'\n') output.write(' spin='+jobparams['spin']+'\n') output.write(' nactel='+str(jobparams['nactel'][xyzind])+' 0 0\n') output.write(' frozen='+str(jobparams['frozen'][xyzind])+'\n') output.write(' ciroot='+jobparams['ciroot']+'\n') output.write(' ras2='+str(jobparams['ras2'][xyzind])+'\n') output.write(' ITER='+jobparams['ITER']+'\n') # write the CASPT2 block if 'pt2' in jobparams['method'].lower(): output.write('&CASPT2\n') output.write(' multistate='+jobparams['multistate']+'\n') output.write(' imaginary='+jobparams['imaginary']+'\n') output.write(' ipeashift='+jobparams['ipeashift']+'\n') if jobparams['density'] == 'yes': output.write(' density\n') # write the GRID_IT block if jobparams['grid_it'] == 'yes': output.write('&GRID_IT\n') output.write(jobparams['gridtype']+'\n') output.write('NPOINTS\n'+jobparams['NPOINTS']+'\n')
[docs]def multimolcgen(args, strfiles): """Generate MOLCAS input files. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of input arguments. strfiles : list List of xyz files produced. Returns ------- jobdirs : list List of job directory with ORCA input files. """ method = False jobdirs = [] if args.method and len(args.method) > 0: methods = args.method for method in methods: jobdirs.append(molcgen(args, strfiles, method)) else: jobdirs.append(molcgen(args, strfiles, method)) # remove original files if not args.jobdir: for xyzf in strfiles: try: os.remove(xyzf+'.xyz') os.remove(xyzf+'.molinp') os.remove(xyzf + '.report') except FileNotFoundError: pass return jobdirs
[docs]def molcbasis(strfiles, basistyp): """Generate MOLCAS basis keyword for a given mol3D. Parameters ---------- strfiles : list List of XYZ files produced basistyp : str The basis set. Returns ------- basis : str String of basis specification. """ # List of Sets for elem # elems[i] contains elements for i-th row elems = [] for i in range(0, 8): elems.append(set()) # collect elements by rows in the periodic table for i in range(0, len(strfiles)): temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(f"{strfiles[i]}.xyz") for atom in temp.getAtoms(): atno = atom.atno sym = atom.symbol() if atno <= 2: elems[1].add(sym) elif atno <= 10: elems[2].add(sym) elif atno <= 18: elems[3].add(sym) elif atno <= 36: elems[4].add(sym) elif atno <= 54: elems[5].add(sym) elif atno <= 86: elems[6].add(sym) else: elems[7].add(sym) basis = '' # First check whether very heavy elems exist for i in range(5, 8): if len(elems[i]) > 0: unsupported = '' while len(elems[i]) > 0: unsupported += (elems[i].pop()+',') print( 'Warning! Automatic basis generation not available for heavy elemts in row >4 yet!') print(('Basis was not generated for '+unsupported)) break if basistyp == 'ANO-rcc': while len(elems[1]) > 0: elem = elems[1].pop() if basis != '': basis += ',' basis += elem+'.'+basistyp+'...3s1p.' while len(elems[2]) > 0: elem = elems[2].pop() if basis != '': basis += ',' basis += elem+'.'+basistyp+'...4s3p2d1f.' while len(elems[3]) > 0: elem = elems[3].pop() if basis != '': basis += ',' basis += elem+'.'+basistyp+'... 5s4p3d2f.' while len(elems[4]) > 0: elem = elems[4].pop() if basis != '': basis += ',' basis += elem+'.'+basistyp+'...7s6p5d3f2g1h.' else: print('''Automatic Basis generation for basis type other than ANO-rcc is not supported yet''') return basis
[docs]def molcras2s(strfiles): """Determine MOLCAS CASSCF active space for a given mol3D. Parameters ---------- strfiles : list List of XYZ files produced Returns ------- ras2s : list List of the active spaces """ print('Warning! "ras2" active space is automatically generated and may need adjustment! ') ras2s = [] for i in range(0, len(strfiles)): temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(f"{strfiles[i]}.xyz") metal_ind = temp.findMetal() ras2 = 0 for ind in metal_ind: metal = temp.getAtom(ind) atno = metal.atno if (atno > 24 and atno < 31) or (atno > 42 and atno < 49): ras2 += 12 # double d shell+2 bonding else: ras2 += 7 # single d shell + bonding ras2s.append(ras2) return ras2s
[docs]def molcnactels(strfiles, oxnum): """Determine MOLCAS CASSCF active electrons for a given mol3D. Parameters ---------- strfiles : list List of XYZ files produced oxnum : int Oxidation state. Returns ------- nactels : list List of the active electrons """ print('Warning! "nactel" is automatically generated and may need adjustment! ') nactels = [] for i in range(0, len(strfiles)): temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(f"{strfiles[i]}.xyz") metal_ind = temp.findMetal() nactel = 0 for ind in metal_ind: metal = temp.getAtom(ind) atno = metal.atno if atno > 20 and atno < 31: # 1st row TM nactel += atno-18-oxnum+4 # 4s3d electron + 4 bonding orbital electrons else: print('Warning! Automatic assignment of "nactel"is not available') print(('for heavy atom like ' + temp.getAtom(ind).symbol()+'yet')) nactels.append(nactel) return nactels
[docs]def molcfrozens(strfiles): """Determine MOLCAS CASSCF frozen orbitals for a given mol3D Parameters ---------- strfiles : list List of XYZ files produced Returns ------- frozens : list List of the frozen orbitals """ frozens = [] for i in range(0, len(strfiles)): frozen = 0 temp = mol3D() temp.readfromxyz(f"{strfiles[i]}.xyz") for atom in temp.getAtoms(): atno = atom.atno if atno > 2 and atno <= 10: frozen += 1 # 1s elif atno > 10 and atno <= 18: frozen += 5 # 1s2s2p Not super sure about the 3rd row elif atno > 18 and atno <= 36: frozen += 5 # 1s2s2p elif atno > 36 and atno <= 54: frozen += 9 # 1s2s2p3s3p elif atno > 54: print('Warning! Automatic assignment of "frozen"is not available') print(('for heavy atom like ' + atom.symbol()+'yet')) frozens.append(frozen) return frozens