Source code for molSimplify.Scripts.rmsd

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

[docs]def rmsd(V, W): """Calculate Root-mean-square deviation from two sets of vectors V and W. Parameters ---------- V : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. W : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- rmsd : float Root-mean-square deviation between the two vectors. """ D = len(V[0]) N = len(V) result = 0.0 for v, w in zip(V, W): result += sum([(v[i] - w[i]) ** 2.0 for i in range(D)]) return np.sqrt(result / N)
[docs]def kabsch_rmsd(P, Q, translate=False): """Rotate matrix P unto Q using Kabsch algorithm and calculate the RMSD. Parameters ---------- P : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Q : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. translate : bool, optional Use centroids to translate vector P and Q unto each other. Default is False. Returns ------- rmsd : float root-mean squared deviation """ if translate: Q = Q - centroid(Q) P = P - centroid(P) P = kabsch_rotate(P, Q) return rmsd(P, Q)
[docs]def kabsch_rotate(P, Q): """Rotate matrix P unto matrix Q using Kabsch algorithm. Parameters ---------- P : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Q : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- P : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension, rotated. """ U = kabsch(P, Q) # Rotate P P =, U) return P
[docs]def kabsch(P, Q): """Using the Kabsch algorithm with two sets of paired point P and Q, centered around the centroid. Each vector set is represented as an NxD matrix, where D is the dimension of the space. The algorithm works in three steps: 1. a centroid translation of P and Q (assumed done before this functioncall) 2. the computation of a covariance matrix C 3. computation of the optimal rotation matrix U For more info see Parameters ---------- P : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Q : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- U : np.array Rotation matrix (D,D) """ # Computation of the covariance matrix C =, Q) # Computation of the optimal rotation matrix # This can be done using singular value decomposition (SVD) # Getting the sign of the det(V)*(W) to decide # whether we need to correct our rotation matrix to ensure a # right-handed coordinate system. # And finally calculating the optimal rotation matrix U # see V, S, W = np.linalg.svd(C) d = (np.linalg.det(V) * np.linalg.det(W)) < 0.0 if d: S[-1] = -S[-1] V[:, -1] = -V[:, -1] # Create Rotation matrix U U =, W) return U
[docs]def quaternion_rmsd(P, Q) -> float: """ Rotate matrix P unto Q and calculate the RMSD based on doi:10.1016/1049-9660(91)90036-O Parameters ---------- P : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Q : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between P and Q. """ rot = quaternion_rotate(P, Q) P =, rot) return rmsd(P, Q)
[docs]def quaternion_transform(r): """Get optimal rotation. Note: translation will be zero when the centroids of each molecule are the same. Parameters ---------- r : np.array Array of vectors to transform. """ Wt_r = makeW(*r).T Q_r = makeQ(*r) rot =[:3, :3] return rot
[docs]def makeW(r1, r2, r3, r4=0): """Make W matrix involved in quaternion rotation Parameters ---------- r1 : np.array Vector 1. r2 : np.array Vector 2. r3 : np.array Vector 3. r4 : np.array, optional Vector 4. Default is 0. Return ------ W : np.array W matrix involved in quaternion rotation. """ W = np.asarray([ [r4, r3, -r2, r1], [-r3, r4, r1, r2], [r2, -r1, r4, r3], [-r1, -r2, -r3, r4]]) return W
[docs]def makeQ(r1, r2, r3, r4=0): """Make Q matrix involved in quaternion rotation Parameters ---------- r1 : np.array Vector 1. r2 : np.array Vector 2. r3 : np.array Vector 3. r4 : np.array, optional Vector 4. Default is 0. Return ------ Q : np.array Q matrix involved in quaternion rotation. """ Q = np.asarray([ [r4, -r3, r2, r1], [r3, r4, -r1, r2], [-r2, r1, r4, r3], [-r1, -r2, -r3, r4]]) return Q
[docs]def quaternion_rotate(X, Y): """Calculate the rotation Parameters ---------- X : array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Y: array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- rot : matrix Rotation matrix (D,D) """ N = X.shape[0] W = np.asarray([makeW(*Y[k]) for k in range(N)]) Q = np.asarray([makeQ(*X[k]) for k in range(N)]) Qt_dot_W = np.asarray([[k].T, W[k]) for k in range(N)]) # W_minus_Q = np.asarray([W[k] - Q[k] for k in range(N)]) A = np.sum(Qt_dot_W, axis=0) eigen = np.linalg.eigh(A) r = eigen[1][:, eigen[0].argmax()] rot = quaternion_transform(r) return rot
[docs]def centroid(X): """ Centroid is the mean position of all the points in all of the coordinate directions, from a vectorset X. C = sum(X)/len(X) Parameters ---------- X : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. Returns ------- C : float centroid """ C = X.mean(axis=0) return C
[docs]def hungarian(A, B): """Hungarian reordering. Assume A and B are coordinates for atoms of SAME type only. Parameters ---------- A : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. coordinates. B : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension. coordinates. Returns ------- indices_b : np.array Indices as a result of Hungarian analysis on distance matrix between atoms of 1st structure and trial structure """ # should be kabasch here i think distances = cdist(A, B, 'euclidean') # Perform Hungarian analysis on distance matrix between atoms of 1st # structure and trial structure indices_a, indices_b = linear_sum_assignment(distances) return indices_b
[docs]def reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord): """Re-orders the input atom list and xyz coordinates using the Hungarian method (using optimized column results) Parameters ---------- p_atoms : np.array (N,1) matrix, where N is points holding the atoms' names p_atoms : np.array (N,1) matrix, where N is points holding the atoms' names p_coord : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension q_coord : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension Returns ------- view_reorder : np.array (N,1) matrix, reordered indexes of atom alignment based on the coordinates of the atoms """ # Find unique atoms unique_atoms = np.unique(p_atoms) # generate full view from q shape to fill in atom view on the fly view_reorder = np.zeros(np.array(q_atoms).shape, dtype=int) view_reorder -= 1 for atom in unique_atoms: p_atom_idx = np.where(p_atoms == atom)[0] q_atom_idx = np.where(q_atoms == atom)[0] A_coord = np.array(p_coord)[p_atom_idx] B_coord = np.array(q_coord)[q_atom_idx] view = hungarian(A_coord, B_coord) view_reorder[p_atom_idx] = q_atom_idx[view] return view_reorder
[docs]def reorder_distance(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord): """ Re-orders the input atom list and xyz coordinates by atom type and then by distance of each atom from the centroid. Parameters ---------- atoms : np.array (N,1) matrix, where N is points holding the atoms' names coord : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension Returns ------- atoms_reordered : np.array (N,1) matrix, where N is points holding the ordered atoms' names coords_reordered : np.array (N,D) matrix, where N is points and D is dimension (rows re-ordered) """ # Find unique atoms unique_atoms = np.unique(p_atoms) # generate full view from q shape to fill in atom view on the fly view_reorder = np.zeros(np.array(q_atoms).shape, dtype=int) for atom in unique_atoms: p_atom_idx = np.where(p_atoms == atom)[0] q_atom_idx = np.where(q_atoms == atom)[0] A_coord = np.array(p_coord)[p_atom_idx] B_coord = np.array(q_coord)[q_atom_idx] # Calculate distance from each atom to centroid A_norms = np.linalg.norm(A_coord, axis=1) B_norms = np.linalg.norm(B_coord, axis=1) reorder_indices_A = np.argsort(A_norms) reorder_indices_B = np.argsort(B_norms) # Project the order of P onto Q translator = np.argsort(reorder_indices_A) view = reorder_indices_B[translator] view_reorder[p_atom_idx] = q_atom_idx[view] return view_reorder
[docs]def rmsd_reorder_rotate(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord, rotation="kabsch", reorder="hungarian"): """Reorder and rotate for RMSD. Parameters ---------- p_atoms : np.array Atom symbol list. q_atoms : np.array Atom symbol list. p_coord : np.array List of coordinates for p_atoms. q_atoms : np.array List of coordinates for q_atoms. rotation : str, optional Rotation method. Default is kabsch. reorder : str, optional Reorder method. Default is hungarian. Returns ------- result_rmsd : float Resulting RMSD from aligning and rotating. """ if not p_atoms.shape[0] == q_atoms.shape[0]: print(("Warning: Number of atoms do not match!", p_atoms.shape[0], q_atoms[0])) return 1000 elif not len(set(np.unique(p_atoms)) - set(np.unique(q_atoms))) == 0: print(("Warning: Atom types do not match!", np.unique(p_atoms), np.unique(q_atoms))) return 1000 p_cent = centroid(p_coord) q_cent = centroid(q_coord) p_coord -= p_cent q_coord -= q_cent # set rotation method if rotation.lower() == "kabsch": rotation_method = kabsch_rmsd elif rotation.lower() == "quaternion": rotation_method = quaternion_rmsd elif rotation.lower() == "none": rotation_method = None else: raise ValueError("error: Unknown rotation method:", rotation) # set reorder method if reorder.lower() == "hungarian": reorder_method = reorder_hungarian elif reorder.lower() == "distance": reorder_method = reorder_distance elif reorder.lower() == "none": reorder_method = None else: raise ValueError("error: Unknown reorder method:", reorder) if not reorder.lower() == "none": q_review = reorder_method(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord) q_coord = q_coord[q_review] # q_atoms = q_atoms[q_review] # print("q_review", q_review) if rotation_method is None: result_rmsd = rmsd(p_coord, q_coord) else: result_rmsd = rotation_method(p_coord, q_coord) return result_rmsd
[docs]def rigorous_rmsd(mol1, mol2, rotation: str = "kabsch", reorder: str = "hungarian") -> float: """Rigorous RMSD measurement Parameters ---------- mol1 : mol3D mol3D instance of initial molecule. mol2 : np.mol3D mol3D instance of final molecule. rotation : str, optional Rotation method. Default is kabsch. reorder : str, optional Reorder method. Default is hungarian. Returns ------- result_rmsd : float Resulting RMSD from aligning and rotating. """ mol1_atoms = mol1.symvect() mol1_coords = mol1.coordsvect() mol2_atoms = mol2.symvect() mol2_coords = mol2.coordsvect() result_rmsd = rmsd_reorder_rotate(mol1_atoms, mol2_atoms, mol1_coords, mol2_coords, rotation=rotation, reorder=reorder) return result_rmsd
[docs]def test_case(): p_atoms = np.array(["N", "H", "H", "H"]) q_atoms = np.array(["H", "N", "H", "H"]) p_coord = np.array([[0.000000, 2.030000, 0.000000], [-0.975035, 2.404393, -0.001212], [0.486430, 2.404203, 0.845016], [0.488605, 2.404166, -0.843804] ]) q_coord = np.array([[0.486430, 2.404203, 0.845016], [0.000000, 2.030000, 0.000000], [-0.975035, 2.404393, -0.001212], [0.488605, 2.404166, -0.843804] ]) return p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord