Source code for molSimplify.Scripts.structgen

# file
#  Main structure generation routine
#  Written by Kulik Group
#  Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT

import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
    from openbabel import openbabel  # version 3 style import
except ImportError:
    import openbabel  # fallback to version 2
import random
import itertools
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Optional
from argparse import Namespace
from molSimplify.Scripts.distgeom import GetConf
from molSimplify.Scripts.geometry import (aligntoaxis2,
from import (core_load,
from molSimplify.Classes.atom3D import atom3D
from molSimplify.Classes.mol3D import mol3D
from molSimplify.Classes.rundiag import run_diag
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import (elementsbynum,
from molSimplify.Informatics.decoration_manager import (decorate_ligand)
from molSimplify.Classes.ligand import ligand as ligand_class
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def getbackbcombsall(nums): """Gets all possible combinations for connection atoms in geometry in the case of forced order or unknown geometry. Parameters ---------- nums : list List of connection atoms. Returns ------- bbcombs : list List of possible backbone atom combinations. """ bbcombs = [] for i in range(1, len(nums)+1): bbcombs += list(itertools.combinations(nums, i)) for i, tup in enumerate(bbcombs): bbcombs[i] = list(tup) return bbcombs
[docs]def getnupdateb(backbatoms: List[List[int]], denticity: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[List[int]]]: """Gets a combination of backbone points that satisfies denticity and updates possible combinations. Parameters ---------- backbatoms : list List of possible backbone atom combinations. denticity : int Denticity of ligand. Returns ------- batoms : list Selected combination of backbone atoms. backbatoms : list Updated list of possible backbone atom combinations. """ dlist = [] batoms = [] # find matching combination for bba in backbatoms: if len(bba) == denticity: batoms = bba break # loop and find elements to delete for ba in batoms: for i, bcomb in enumerate(backbatoms): if ba in bcomb and i not in dlist: dlist.append(i) dlist.sort(reverse=True) # sort # delete used points for i in dlist: del backbatoms[i] if len(batoms) < 1: print('No more connecting points available..') return batoms, backbatoms
[docs]def init_ANN(args, ligands: List[str], occs: List[int], dents: List[int], batslist: List[List[int]], tcats: List[List[Union[int, str]]], licores: dict) -> Tuple[bool, List[Any], str, Dict[str, Any], bool]: """Initializes ANN. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. ligands : list List of ligands, given as names. occs : list List of ligand occupations (frequencies of each ligand). dents : list List of ligand denticities. batslist : list List of backbond points. tcats : list List of SMILES ligand connecting atoms. licores : dict Ligand dictionary within molSimplify. Returns ------- ANN_flag : bool Whether an ANN call was successful. ANN_bondl : float ANN predicted bond length. ANN_reason : str Reason for ANN failure, if failed. ANN_attributes : dict Dictionary of predicted attributes of complex. catalysis_flag : bool Whether or not complex is compatible for catalytic ANNs. """ # initialize ANN globs = globalvars() catalysis_flag = False if args.skipANN: print('Skipping ANN') ANN_flag = False # there needs to be 1 length per possible lig ANN_bondl = len([item for items in batslist for item in items])*[False] ANN_attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {} ANN_reason = 'ANN skipped by user' return ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag if args.oldANN: print('using old ANN by request') from molSimplify.Scripts.nn_prep import ANN_preproc ANN_flag, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes = ANN_preproc( args, ligands, occs, dents, batslist, tcats, licores) else: if globs.testTF(): # new RACs-ANN from molSimplify.Scripts.tf_nn_prep import tf_ANN_preproc if args.debug: print('Using tf_ANN_preproc') # Set default value [] in case decoration is not used decoration_index = [] if not args.decoration else args.decoration_index ANN_flag, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag = tf_ANN_preproc( args.core, args.oxstate, args.spin, ligands, occs, dents, batslist, tcats, licores, args.decoration, decoration_index,, args.geometry, args.debug) else: # old MCDL-25 print('using old ANN because tensorflow/keras import failed') from molSimplify.Scripts.nn_prep import ANN_preproc ANN_flag, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes = ANN_preproc( args, ligands, occs, dents, batslist, tcats, licores) if ANN_flag: ANN_bondl = ANN_attributes['ANN_bondl'] if args.debug: print(('ANN bond length is ' + str(ANN_bondl) + ' type ' + str(type(ANN_bondl)))) else: # there needs to be 1 length per possible lig ANN_bondl = len( [item for items in batslist for item in items])*[False] if args.debug: if ANN_reason == 'found incorrect ligand symmetry': # This is a workaround so as to not have to change # report files checked by GitHub CI when running test # cases, which would require everyone using molSimplify # from source to have to git pull the new files before # any new commits print("ANN call failed with reason: either found " "incorrect ligand symmetry, or see ANN " "messages above") else: print(("ANN call failed with reason: " + ANN_reason)) return ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag
[docs]def init_template(args: Namespace, cpoints_required: int) -> Tuple[mol3D, mol3D, str, list, int, mol3D]: """Initializes core and template mol3Ds and properties. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. cpoints_required : int Number of connecting points required. Returns ------- m3D : mol3D Template complex mol3D instance. core3D : mol3D Core mol3D instance. geom : str Geometry used. backbatoms : list List of backbone atoms. coord : int Coordination number. corerefatoms : mol3D Core reference atom index, mol3D instance. """ globs = globalvars() # initialize core and template core3D = mol3D() m3D = mol3D() # container for ordered list of core reference atoms corerefatoms = mol3D() # geometry load flag geom = 'unknown' backbatoms = [] coord = 0 # build mode if args.geometry and not args.ccatoms: # determine geometry coord = int(args.coord) # get available geometries coords, geomnames, geomshorts, geomgroups = getgeoms() # get list of possible combinations for connecting points bbcombsdict = globs.bbcombs_mononuc() # get a default geometry geom = geomgroups[coord-1][0] # check if geometry is defined and overwrite if args.geometry in geomshorts: geom = args.geometry elif args.geometry in geomnames: geom = geomshorts[geomnames.index(args.geometry)] else: emsg = "Requested geometry not available." + \ "Defaulting to "+geomgroups[coord-1][0] if args.gui: from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) print(emsg) # load predefined backbone coordinates corexyz = loadcoord(geom) # load backbone atom combinations if geom in list(bbcombsdict.keys()) and not args.ligloc: backbatoms = bbcombsdict[geom] else: nums = list(range(1, len(corexyz))) backbatoms = getbackbcombsall(nums) # distort if requested if args.pangles: corexyz = modifybackbonep( corexyz, args.pangles) # point distortion if args.distort: corexyz = distortbackbone( corexyz, args.distort) # random distortion # add center atom if args.core[0].upper()+args.core[1:] in elementsbynum: centeratom = args.core[0].upper()+args.core[1:] else: print('WARNING: Core is not an element. Defaulting to Fe') centeratom = 'Fe' core3D.addAtom(atom3D(centeratom, corexyz[0])) m3D.copymol3D(core3D) # add connecting points to template for m in range(1, coord+1): m3D.addAtom(atom3D('X', corexyz[m])) corerefatoms.addAtom(core3D.getAtom(0)) # corerefatoms.append(0) # functionalize mode else: # check ccatoms if not args.ccatoms: emsg = 'Connection atoms for custom core not specified. Defaulting to 1!\n' print(emsg) if args.gui: from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) ccatoms = args.ccatoms if args.ccatoms else [0] coord = len(ccatoms) if args.debug: print(('setting ccatoms ' + str(ccatoms))) # load core core, emsg = core_load(args.core) if core is None or emsg: raise ValueError(emsg) core.convert2mol3D() core3D.copymol3D(core) m3D.copymol3D(core3D) for i in range(cpoints_required): if not args.replig: # not replacing ligands: add Xs to ccatoms # NOTE: ccatoms should be a list with # elements = cpoints_required cpoint = getconnection(m3D, ccatoms[i], 2) # store core reference atom conatom3D = atom3D(core3D.getAtom( ccatoms[i]).sym, core3D.getAtom(ccatoms[i]).coords()) corerefatoms.addAtom(conatom3D) # corerefatoms.append(ccatoms[i]) # add connecting points to template m3D.addAtom(atom3D(Sym='X', xyz=cpoint)) else: try: # replacing ligands cpoint = core3D.getAtom(ccatoms[i]).coords() conatoms = core3D.getBondedAtoms(ccatoms[i]) # find smaller submolecule, i.e., ligand to remove minmol = 10000 mindelats = [] atclose = 0 # loop over different connected atoms for cat in conatoms: # find submolecule delatoms = core3D.findsubMol(ccatoms[i], cat) if len(delatoms) < minmol: # check for smallest mindelats = delatoms minmol = len(delatoms) # size atclose = cat # connection atom # if same atoms in ligand get shortest distance elif len(delatoms) == minmol: d0 = core3D.getAtom(ccatoms[i]).distance( core3D.getAtom(cat)) d1 = core3D.getAtom(ccatoms[i]).distance( core3D.getAtom(mindelats[0])) if d0 < d1: mindelats = delatoms atclose = cat # store core reference atom conatom3D = atom3D(core3D.getAtom( atclose).sym, core3D.getAtom(atclose).coords()) corerefatoms.addAtom(conatom3D) # corerefatoms.append(atclose) delatoms = mindelats # add connecting points to template m3D.addAtom(atom3D(Sym='X', xyz=cpoint)) # for multidentate ligands: if a submolecule contains multiple ccatoms, add all of them to the template for atomidx in delatoms: if atomidx in ccatoms[i+1:]: # add connecting points to template m3D.addAtom( atom3D(Sym='X', xyz=core3D.getAtom(atomidx).coords())) ccatoms.remove(atomidx) corerefatoms.addAtom(conatom3D) # update remaining ccatoms according to deleted atoms if len(ccatoms) > i+1: for cccat in range(i+1, len(ccatoms)): lshift = len( [a for a in delatoms if a < ccatoms[cccat]]) ccatoms[cccat] -= lshift # delete submolecule core3D.deleteatoms(delatoms) m3D.deleteatoms(delatoms) except IndexError: pass nums = m3D.findAtomsbySymbol('X') backbatoms = getbackbcombsall(nums) # set charge from oxidation state if desired if args.calccharge: if args.oxstate: if args.oxstate in list(romans.keys()): core3D.charge = int(romans[args.oxstate]) else: core3D.charge = int(args.oxstate) return m3D, core3D, geom, backbatoms, coord, corerefatoms
[docs]def init_ligand(args: Namespace, lig: mol3D, tcats, keepHs: List[List[Union[bool, str]]], i: int): """Initializes ligand 3D geometry and properties. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. lig : mol3D mol3D instance of the ligand. tcats : list List of SMILES ligand connecting atoms. keepHs : bool Flag for keeping H atoms on connecting atoms. i : int Ligand index. Returns ------- lig3D : mol3D Ligand mol3D instance. rempi : bool Flag for pi coordination. ligpiatoms : list List of pi coordinating atoms. """ globs = globalvars() rempi = False # if SMILES string, copy connecting atoms list to mol3D properties if not and tcats[i]: if 'c' in tcats[i]: = [lig.natoms] else: = tcats[i] # change name lig3D = mol3D() lig3D.copymol3D(lig) # check for pi-coordinating ligand ligpiatoms = [] if 'pi' in lig3Dpiatoms = mol3D() for k in[:-1]: lig3Dpiatoms.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(k)) lig3Dpiatoms.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(k)) ligpiatoms =[:-1] lig3D.addAtom(atom3D('C', lig3Dpiatoms.centermass())) = [lig3D.natoms-1] rempi = True # perform FF optimization if requested (not supported for pi-coordinating ligands) if args.ff and 'b' in args.ffoption and not rempi: if 'b' in lig.ffopt.lower(): if args.debug: print('FF optimizing ligand') lig3D.convert2mol3D() lig3D, enl = ffopt(args.ff, lig3D,, 0, [], False, [], 100, debug=args.debug) # skip hydrogen removal for pi-coordinating ligands if not rempi: # check smarts match if 'auto' in keepHs[i]: for j, catom in enumerate( match = findsmarts(lig3D.OBMol, globs.remHsmarts, catom) if match: keepHs[i][j] = False else: keepHs[i][j] = True # remove one hydrogen from each connecting atom with keepH false for j, cat in enumerate( # are the connecting atoms Hs = lig3D.getHsbyIndex(cat) if len(Hs) > 0 and not keepHs[i][j]: if args.debug: print(f'modifying charge down from {lig3D.charge}') try: print('Debug keepHs check\n' f'Removing? {keepHs} \n' f'i = {i}, j = {j}\n' f'lig = \n{lig.coords()}\n' f'keepHs[i]: {keepHs[i]}\n' f'length of keepHs list : {len(keepHs)}') except (AttributeError, IndexError): # Could fail because lig has no Attribute coords # or because keepHs has no element with Index i pass # Need to shift all connecting atom indices if they are greater # than Hs[0], i.e. the index of the hydrogen atom that is # connected to the current connecting atom and is to be removed. # Note that only one hydrogen atom is removed at the most under # the current implementation. for _i, connecting_index in enumerate( if connecting_index > Hs[0]:[_i] -= 1 lig3D.deleteatom(Hs[0]) lig3D.charge = lig3D.charge - 1 # Conformer search for multidentate SMILES ligands lig3D.convert2OBMol() if lig.needsconformer: tcats[i] = True print(('getting conformers for ' + str(lig.ident))) if len( > 1 and tcats[i]: lig3D = GetConf(lig3D, args, return lig3D, rempi, ligpiatoms
[docs]def modifybackbonep(backb, pangles): """Distorts backbone according to user specified angles. Parameters ---------- backb : List List with points comprising the backbone. pangles : List Pairs of theta/phi angles in DEGREES. Should be list of tuples. Returns ------- backb : list List of distorted backbone points. """ for i, ll in enumerate(pangles): if ll: theta = np.pi*float(ll.split('/')[0])/180.0 phi = np.pi*float(ll.split('/')[-1])/180.0 backb[i+1] = PointTranslateSph(backb[0], backb[i+1], [distance(backb[0], backb[i+1]), theta, phi]) return backb
[docs]def distortbackbone(backb, distort): """Randomly distorts backbone. Parameters ---------- backb : List List with points comprising the backbone. distort : float Percentage of backbone to be distorted. Returns ------- backb : list List of distorted backbone points. """ for i in range(1, len(backb)): theta = random.uniform(0.0, 0.01*int(distort)) # *0.5 phi = random.uniform(0.0, 0.01*int(distort)*0.5) # *0.5 backb[i] = PointTranslateSph( backb[0], backb[i], [distance(backb[0], backb[i]), theta, phi]) return backb
[docs]def smartreorderligs(ligs: List[str], dentl: List[int], ligalign: bool = True) -> List[int]: """Smart reorder ligands by denticity (-ligalign True) Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. ligs : list List of ligands as ligand names. dentl : list List of ligand denticities. Returns ------- indices : list Reordered ligand indices. """ # reorder ligands if not ligalign: indices = list(range(0, len(ligs))) return indices lsizes = [] for ligand in ligs: lig, _ = lig_load(ligand) # load ligand lig.convert2mol3D() lsizes.append(lig.natoms) # sort ligands into subsets by denticity, since set() sort the items # this list goes from lowest to highest denticity, e.g. first list entry # contains all monodentate indices, second all bidentates... ligdentsidcs = [[i for i, dent in enumerate(dentl) if dent == unique_dent] for unique_dent in set(dentl)] # sort by highest denticity first ligdentsidcs = list(reversed(ligdentsidcs)) indices = [] # within each group sort by size (smaller first) for ii, dd in enumerate(ligdentsidcs): locs = [lsizes[i] for i in dd] locind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(locs), key=lambda x:x[1])] for li in locind: indices.append(ligdentsidcs[ii][li]) return indices
[docs]def ffopt(ff: str, mol: mol3D, connected: List[int], constopt: int, frozenats: List[int], frozenangles: bool, mlbonds: List[float], nsteps: Union[int, str], spin: int = 1, debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[mol3D, float]: """Main constrained FF opt routine. Parameters ---------- ff : str Name force field to use. Available options are MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical, GAFF, XTB. (XTB only works if the xtb command-line program is installed.) mol : mol3D mol3D instance of molecule to be optimized. connected : list List of indices of connection atoms to metal. constopt : int Flag for constrained optimization - 0: unconstrained, 1: fixed connecting atom positions, 2: fixed connecting atom distances. frozenats : list List of frozen atom indices. frozenangles : bool Flag for frozen angles, equivalent to constopt==1. mlbonds : list List of M-L bonds for distance constraints. nsteps : int Number of steps to take. spin: int Spin multiplicity debug : bool Flag to print extra info to debug. Returns ------- mol : mol3D Optimized molecule mol3D instance. en : float Forcefield energy of optimized molecule. """ # check requested force field ffav = 'mmff94, uff, ghemical, gaff, mmff94s, xtb, gfnff' # force fields if ff.lower() not in ffav: print('Requested force field not available. Defaulting to UFF') ff = 'uff' if debug: print(('using ff: ' + ff)) if ff.lower() in ['xtb', 'gfnff']: return xtb_opt(ff, mol, connected, constopt, frozenats, frozenangles, mlbonds, nsteps, spin=spin, debug=debug) return openbabel_ffopt(ff, mol, connected, constopt, frozenats, frozenangles, mlbonds, nsteps, debug=debug)
[docs]def openbabel_ffopt(ff: str, mol: mol3D, connected: List[int], constopt: int, frozenats: List[int], frozenangles: bool, mlbonds: List[float], nsteps: Union[int, str], debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[mol3D, float]: """ OpenBabel constraint optimization. To optimize metal-containing complexes with MMFF94, an intricate procedure of masking the metal atoms and manually editing their valences is applied. OpenBabel's implementation of MMFF94 may run extremely slowly on some systems. If so, consider switching to UFF. Parameters ---------- ff : str Name force field to use. Available options are MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical, GAFF. mol : mol3D mol3D instance of molecule to be optimized. connected : list List of indices of connection atoms to metal. constopt : int Flag for constrained optimization 0: unconstrained, 1: fixed connecting atom positions, 2: fixed connecting atom distances. frozenats : list List of frozen atom indices. frozenangles : bool Flag for frozen angles, equivalent to constopt==1. mlbonds : list List of M-L bonds for distance constraints. nsteps : int Number of steps to take. debug : bool Flag to print extra info to debug. Returns ------- mol : mol3D Optimized molecule mol3D instance. en : float Forcefield energy of optimized molecule. """ metals = list(range(21, 31))+list(range(39, 49))+list(range(72, 81)) # perform constrained ff optimization if requested after # if (constopt > 0): # get metal midx = mol.findMetal() # convert mol3D to OBMol mol.convert2OBMol() OBMol = mol.OBMol # initialize force field forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) # initialize constraints constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() # openbabel indexing starts at 1 !!! # convert metals to carbons for FF indmtls = [] mtlsnums = [] for iiat, atom in enumerate(openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(OBMol)): if atom.GetAtomicNum() in metals: indmtls.append(iiat) mtlsnums.append(atom.GetAtomicNum()) atom.SetAtomicNum(6) # freeze and ignore metals for midxm in indmtls: constr.AddAtomConstraint(midxm+1) # indexing babel # add coordinating atom constraints for ii, catom in enumerate(connected): if constopt == 1 or frozenangles: constr.AddAtomConstraint(catom+1) # indexing babel if debug: print('using connnected opt to freeze atom number: ' + str(catom)) else: constr.AddDistanceConstraint( midx[0]+1, catom+1, mlbonds[ii]) # indexing babel # print('ff is '+ str(ff)) if not ff.lower() == "uff": bridgingatoms = [] # identify bridging atoms in the case of bimetallic cores, # as well as single-atom ligands (oxo, nitrido) # these are immune to deletion for i in range(mol.natoms): nbondedmetals = len([idx for idx in range(len(mol.getBondedAtoms( i))) if mol.getAtom(mol.getBondedAtoms(i)[idx]).ismetal()]) if nbondedmetals > 1 or (nbondedmetals == 1 and len(mol.getBondedAtoms(i)) == 1): bridgingatoms.append(i) # ensure correct valences for FF setup deleted_bonds = 0 for m in indmtls: # first delete all metal-ligand bonds excluding bridging atoms for i in range(len(mol.getBondedAtoms(m))): if (OBMol.GetBond(m+1, mol.getBondedAtoms(m)[i]+1) is not None and mol.getBondedAtoms(m)[i] not in bridgingatoms): OBMol.DeleteBond(OBMol.GetBond( m+1, mol.getBondedAtoms(m)[i]+1)) # print('FFopt deleting bond') deleted_bonds += 1 print(('FFopt deleted ' + str(deleted_bonds) + ' bonds')) # then add back one metal-ligand bond for FF try: numNeighbors = OBMol.GetAtom(m+1).GetValence() except AttributeError: # quick workaround for openbabel 3.1.0 compatibility numNeighbors = OBMol.GetAtom(m + 1).GetExplicitDegree() if numNeighbors == 0: # getBondedAtomsOct(m,deleted_bonds+len(bridgingatoms)): for i in mol.getBondedAtoms(m): # quick workaround for openbabel 3.1.0 compatibility try: _numNeighbors = OBMol.GetAtom(m+1).GetValence() except AttributeError: _numNeighbors = OBMol.GetAtom(m + 1).GetExplicitDegree() if _numNeighbors < 1 and i not in bridgingatoms: OBMol.AddBond(m+1, i+1, 1) # freeze small ligands for cat in frozenats: if debug: print(('using frozenats to freeze atom number: ' + str(cat))) constr.AddAtomConstraint(cat+1) # indexing babel if debug: # for iiat, atom in enumerate(openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(OBMol)): # print((' atom '+str(iiat)+' atomic num '+str(atom.GetAtomicNum())+' valence ' + # str(atom.GetValence()) + ' is fixed ' + str(constr.IsFixed(iiat+1)))) # Note: Commented out the preceding for loop because it was # throwing the following error: # AttributeError: 'OBAtom' object has no attribute 'GetValence' print('Commented out') # set up forcefield s = forcefield.Setup(OBMol, constr) if not s: print('FF setup failed') # force field optimize structure elif nsteps == 'Adaptive': i = 0 while i < 20: forcefield.ConjugateGradients(50) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) mol.OBMol = OBMol mol.convert2mol3D() overlap, mind = mol.sanitycheck(True) if not overlap: break i += 1 elif nsteps != 0: n = nsteps if debug: print(('running ' + str(n) + ' steps')) forcefield.ConjugateGradients(n) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) mol.OBMol = OBMol mol.convert2mol3D() else: forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) en = forcefield.Energy() mol.OBMol = OBMol # reset atomic number to metal for i, iiat in enumerate(indmtls): mol.OBMol.GetAtomById(iiat).SetAtomicNum(mtlsnums[i]) mol.convert2mol3D() del forcefield, constr, OBMol else: # initialize constraints constr = openbabel.OBFFConstraints() # add atom constraints for catom in connected: constr.AddAtomConstraint(catom+1) # indexing babel # set up forcefield forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField(ff) # if len(connected) < 2: # mol.OBMol.localopt('mmff94',100) # add hydrogens and coordinates OBMol = mol.OBMol # convert to OBMol _ = forcefield.Setup(OBMol, constr) # force field optimize structure if OBMol.NumHvyAtoms() > 10: if debug: print('doing 50 steps') forcefield.ConjugateGradients(50) else: if debug: print('doing 200 steps') forcefield.ConjugateGradients(200) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) en = forcefield.Energy() mol.OBMol = OBMol mol.convert2mol3D() del forcefield, constr, OBMol return mol, en
[docs]def xtb_opt(ff: str, mol: mol3D, connected: List[int], constopt: int, frozenats: List[int], frozenangles: bool, mlbonds: List[float], nsteps: Union[int, str], spin: int = 1, inertial: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[mol3D, float]: """ XTB optimization. Writes an input file ( containing all the constraints and parameters to a temporary folder, executes the XTB program using the subprocess module and parses the output. Parameters ---------- ff : str Name force field to use. Only option for now is XTB. mol : mol3D mol3D instance of molecule to be optimized. connected : list List of indices of connection atoms to metal. constopt : int Flag for constrained optimization - 0: unconstrained, 1: fixed connecting atom positions, 2: fixed connecting atom distances. frozenats : list List of frozen atom indices. frozenangles : bool Flag for frozen angles, equivalent to constopt==1. mlbonds : list List of M-L bonds for distance constraints. nsteps : int Number of steps to take. spin: int Spin multiplicity inertial: bool Flag for the fast inertial relaxation engine (FIRE) debug : bool Flag to print extra info to debug. Returns ------- mol : mol3D Optimized molecule mol3D instance. en : float Forcefield energy of optimized molecule. """ logger.debug(f'xtbopt() called with {mol.natoms} atoms ' f'constopt: {constopt}, frozenats: {frozenats}, ' f'frozenangles: {frozenangles}, nsteps: {nsteps}, ' f'spin {spin}, inertial {inertial}') if nsteps == 'Adaptive': # While a similar concept to adaptive would be to set nsteps = 0 # which corresponds to "automatic" mode in xtb, here the maximum # number of steps is just restricted to the same maximum used in # adaptive mode: 20*50 = 1000 nsteps = 1000 # Initialize defailed input file with optimization parameters. input_lines = ['$opt\n', f'maxcycle={nsteps}\n'] if inertial: # engine=inertial is selected in cases if the generation of approximate # Hessian coordinates (AHC) fails e.g.: for highly symmetric systems. input_lines.append('engine=inertial\n') # Arguments for the commandline call of the xtb program cmdl_args = ['--opt', 'normal', '--input', 'xtb.inp'] if ff.lower() == 'gfnff': cmdl_args.append('--gfnff') # Extract charge (and spin) if mol.charge != 0: input_lines.append(f'$chrg {mol.charge}\n') # xtb uses number of unpaired electrons (Nalpha - Nbeta) instead # of multiplicity to define the spin state. input_lines.append(f'$spin {spin-1}\n') if constopt > 0: # constrained optimization: # List of user selected frozen atoms frozen_atoms = frozenats # Add all metal atoms for i, atom in enumerate(mol.getAtoms()): if atom.ismetal(): frozen_atoms.append(i) if constopt == 1 or frozenangles: # Freeze connecting atoms frozen_atoms += connected else: # Contrain bond lengths raise NotImplementedError( 'Bond length constraint XTB optimization ' 'not yet implemented') input_lines.append('$fix\n') # xtb uses indices starting from 1 ids = ','.join([str(i+1) for i in frozen_atoms]) input_lines.append(f'atoms: {ids}\n') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # Write detailed input file with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'xtb.inp'), 'w') as fout: fout.writelines(input_lines) fout.write('$end\n') # Write .xyz file mol.writexyz(os.path.join(tmpdir, '')) # Run xtb using the cmdl args and capture the stdout try: output = ['xtb'] + cmdl_args + [''], cwd=tmpdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except FileNotFoundError: raise ChildProcessError('Could not find subprocess xtb. Ensure xtb' ' is installed and properly configured.') if output.returncode != 0: if b'ANC generation failed!' in output.stdout: print('Switching xtb_opt to inertial engine.') return xtb_opt(ff, mol, connected, constopt, frozenats, frozenangles, mlbonds, nsteps, spin=spin, inertial=True, debug=debug) else: print(output) raise ChildProcessError('XTB calculation failed') # Parse geometry, inspired by mol3D.convert2mol3D() original_graph = mol.graph mol.initialize() mol.graph = original_graph mol.readfromxyz(os.path.join(tmpdir, '')) # Parse energy from .xyz file comment line with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), 'r') as fout: output_lines = fout.readlines() en = float(output_lines[1].split()[1]) return mol, en
[docs]def getconnection(core: mol3D, cidx: int, BL: float) -> List[float]: """Finds the optimum attachment point for an atom/group to a central atom given the desired bond length. Objective function maximizes the minimum distance between attachment point and other groups bonded to the central atom. Parameters ---------- core : mol3D mol3D class instance of the core. cidx : int Core connecting atom index. BL : float Optimal core-ligand bond length. Returns ------- cpoint : list Coordinates of attachment point. """ groups = core.getBondedAtoms(cidx) ccoords = core.getAtom(cidx).coords() # brute force search cpoint = [] objopt = 0 for itheta in range(1, 359, 1): for iphi in range(1, 179, 1): P = PointTranslateSph(ccoords, ccoords, [BL, itheta, iphi]) dists = [] for ig in groups: dists.append(distance(core.getAtomCoords(ig), P)) obj = min(dists) if obj > objopt: objopt = obj cpoint = P return cpoint
[docs]def findsmarts(lig3D: mol3D, smarts: List[str], catom: int) -> bool: """Checks if connecting atom of lig3D is part of SMARTS pattern. Parameters ---------- lig3D : OBMol OBMol class instance of ligand. Use convert2OBMol mol3D bound method to obtain it. smarts : list List of SMARTS patterns (strings). catom : int connecting atom of lig3D (zero based numbering). Returns ------- SMARTS_flag : bool SMARTS match flag. True if found, False if not. """ mall = [] for smart in smarts: # initialize SMARTS matcher sm = openbabel.OBSmartsPattern() sm.Init(smart) sm.Match(lig3D) matches = list(sm.GetUMapList()) # unpack tuple matches = [i for sub in matches for i in sub] for m in matches: if m not in mall: mall.append(m) if catom+1 in mall: return True else: return False
[docs]def align_lig_centersym(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D, EnableAutoLinearBend): """Aligns a ligand's center of symmetry along the metal-connecting atom axis Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. core3D : mol3D mol3D instance of partially built complex. EnableAutoLinearBend : bool Flag for enabling automatic bending of linear ligands (e.g. superoxo). Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. """ # rotate to align center of symmetry r0 = corerefcoords r1 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) auxmol = mol3D() for at in lig3D.getBondedAtoms(atom0): auxmol.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(at)) r2 = auxmol.centersym() theta, u = rotation_params(r0, r1, r2) # rotate around axis and get both images lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r1, u, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, r1, u, theta-180) # compare shortest distances to core reference coordinates d2 = distance(r0, lig3D.centersym()) d1 = distance(r0, lig3Db.centersym()) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one # additional rotation for bent terminal connecting atom: if auxmol.natoms == 1: if (distance(auxmol.getAtomCoords(0), lig3D.getAtomCoords(atom0)) > 0.8*(auxmol.getAtom(0).rad + lig3D.getAtom(atom0).rad) and EnableAutoLinearBend): print('bending of linear terminal ligand') # warning: force field might overwrite this # warning: skipping this part because # we no longer understand it if False: globs = globalvars() r1 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() r2 = auxmol.getAtom(0).coords() theta, u = rotation_params([1, 1, 1], r1, r2) lig3D = rotate_around_axis( lig3D, r1, u, -1*globs.linearbentang) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def align_linear_pi_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms): """Aligns a linear pi ligand's connecting point to the metal-ligand axis. Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. ligpiatoms : list List of ligand pi-connecting atom indices. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. """ # first rotate in the metal plane to ensure perpendicularity r0 = corerefcoords r1 = lig3D.getAtom(ligpiatoms[0]).coords() r2 = lig3D.getAtom(ligpiatoms[1]).coords() theta, u = rotation_params(r0, r1, r2) objfuncopt = 90 # thetaopt = 0 for theta in range(0, 360, 1): lig3D_tmp = mol3D() lig3D_tmp.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D_tmp = rotate_around_axis( lig3D_tmp, lig3D_tmp.getAtom(atom0).coords(), u, theta) # objfunc = abs(vecangle(vecdiff(lig3D_tmp.getAtom(atom0).coords(),corerefcoords), # vecdiff(lig3D_tmp.getAtom(ligpiatoms[0]).coords(), # lig3D_tmp.getAtom(ligpiatoms[1]).coords())) - 90) objfunc = abs(distance(lig3D_tmp.getAtom(ligpiatoms[0]).coords( ), corerefcoords) - distance(lig3D_tmp.getAtom(ligpiatoms[1]).coords(), corerefcoords)) if objfunc < objfuncopt: # thetaopt = theta objfuncopt = objfunc lig3Dopt = mol3D() # lig3Dopt = lig3D_tmp DOES NOT WORK!!! lig3Dopt.copymol3D(lig3D_tmp) lig3D = lig3Dopt # then rotate 90 degrees about the bond axis to further reduce steric repulsion r1 = lig3D.getAtom(ligpiatoms[0]).coords() r2 = lig3D.getAtom(ligpiatoms[1]).coords() u = vecdiff(r1, r2) lig3D_tmpa = mol3D() lig3D_tmpa.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D_tmpa = rotate_around_axis( lig3D_tmpa, lig3D_tmpa.getAtom(atom0).coords(), u, 90) lig3D_tmpb = mol3D() lig3D_tmpb.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D_tmpb = rotate_around_axis( lig3D_tmpb, lig3D_tmpb.getAtom(atom0).coords(), u, -90) d1 = distance(corerefcoords, lig3D_tmpa.centermass()) d2 = distance(corerefcoords, lig3D_tmpb.centermass()) # lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick the better structure lig3D = lig3D_tmpa if (d1 > d2) else lig3D_tmpb lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def rotation_objective_func(rotations, lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms, metal_lig_vec, directional_vectors): """Objective function for finding rotations that make an aromatic ring perpendicular to the metal-ligand vector. Parameters ---------- rotations : list Floats that indicate angles by which to rotate the ligand. Length is 3. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. Here, refers to the fictitious atom in the center of the aromatic ring. ligpiatoms : list List of ligand pi-connecting atom indices. metal_lig_vec : np.array Vector from the metal to the fictitious atom in the center of the aromatic ring. Shape is (3,) directional_vectors : list Numpy arrays of the x-axis vector, y-axis vector, and z-axis vector. Length is 3. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. """ lig3D_tmp = mol3D() lig3D_tmp.copymol3D(lig3D) for _i in range(3): # 3 axes of rotation # Three rotations rotate_around_axis(lig3D_tmp, lig3D_tmp.getAtom(atom0).coords(), directional_vectors[_i], rotations[_i]) # Get the best fit plane for the aromatic atoms. aromatic_coordinates = np.zeros((3, len(ligpiatoms))) for idx, _i in enumerate(ligpiatoms): # Iterate over the aromatic atoms current_coordinates = lig3D_tmp.getAtom(_i).coords() for _j in range(3): # Iterate over the three dimensions of space aromatic_coordinates[_j, _i] = current_coordinates[_j] normal_vector_plane = best_fit_plane(aromatic_coordinates) # plane formed by the aromatic ring atoms # The roots for this objective function are to be found normalized_metal_lig_vec = metal_lig_vec / np.linalg.norm(metal_lig_vec) normalized_normal_vector_plane = normal_vector_plane / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector_plane) return normalized_metal_lig_vec - normalized_normal_vector_plane
[docs]def align_pi_ring_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms, u): """Rotates the ligand such that the aromatic ring that bonds to the central metal is perpendicular to the vector from the metal to the fictitous atom in the center of the ring. Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. These are the coordinates of the central metal. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. Here, refers to the fictitious atom in the center of the aromatic ring, since we have a ligand that coordinates through an aromatic ring. ligpiatoms : list List of ligand pi-connecting atom indices. u : list Vector from the metal to the fictitious atom in the center of the aromatic ring. Length is 3. Returns ------- lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. """ x_vec = np.array([1., 0., 0.]) y_vec = np.array([0., 1., 0.]) z_vec = np.array([0., 0., 1.]) directional_vectors = [x_vec, y_vec, z_vec] # use a solver to find the rotations around the three vectors (x, y, z) required such that # the plane formed by the aromatic ring atoms is perpendicular to u from scipy.optimize import fsolve initial_guess = [0., 0., 0.] rotations = fsolve(rotation_objective_func, initial_guess, args=(lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms, np.array(u), directional_vectors)) # rotate lig3D by the three rotations found for _i in range(3): # 3 axes of rotation rotate_around_axis(lig3D, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), directional_vectors[_i], rotations[_i]) return lig3D
[docs]def check_rotate_linear_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0): """Checks if ligand has a linear coordination environment (e.g., OCO) and ensures perpendicularity to M-L axis Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of rotated ligand. """ auxm = mol3D() lig3D_aligned = mol3D() for at in lig3D.getBondedAtoms(atom0): auxm.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(at)) if auxm.natoms > 1: r0 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() r1 = auxm.getAtom(0).coords() r2 = auxm.getAtom(1).coords() if checkcolinear(r1, r0, r2): # rotate so that O-C-O bond is perpendicular to M-L axis theta, urot = rotation_params(r1, corerefcoords, r2) theta = vecangle(vecdiff(r0, corerefcoords), urot) lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r0, urot, theta) lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def check_rotate_symm_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D): """Aligns a ligand's center of symmetry along the metal-connecting atom axis Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. core3D : mol3D mol3D instance of partially built complex. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of rotated ligand. """ if distance(lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), lig3D.centersym()) < 8.0e-2: at = lig3D.getBondedAtoms(atom0) r0 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() r1 = lig3D.getAtom(at[0]).coords() r2 = lig3D.getAtom(at[1]).coords() theta, u = rotation_params(r0, r1, r2) theta = vecangle(u, vecdiff(r0, corerefcoords)) urot = np.cross(u, vecdiff(r0, corerefcoords)) # rotate around axis and get both images lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r0, urot, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, r0, urot, -theta) # compute shortest distances to core d2 = lig3D.mindist(core3D) d1 = lig3Db.mindist(core3D) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def rotate_MLaxis_minimize_steric(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D): """Rotates aligned ligand about M-L axis to minimize steric clashes with rest of complex Parameters ---------- corerefcoords : list Core reference coordinates. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. core3D : mol3D mol3D instance of partially built complex. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of rotated ligand. """ r1 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() u = vecdiff(r1, corerefcoords) dtheta = 2 optmax = -9999 totiters = 0 lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) # maximize a combination of minimum distance between atoms and center of mass distance while totiters < 180: lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r1, u, dtheta) d0 = lig3D.mindist(core3D) # shortest distance d0cm = lig3D.distance(core3D) # center of mass distance iteropt = d0cm+10*np.log(d0) if (iteropt > optmax): # if better conformation, keep lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) optmax = iteropt totiters += 1 lig3D = lig3Db lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def rotate_catom_fix_Hs(lig3D, catoms, n, mcoords, core3D): """Rotates a connecting atom of a multidentate ligand to improve H atom placement. There are separate routines for terminal connecting atoms and intermediate connecting atoms. Parameters ---------- lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. n : int Index of connecting atom. mcoords : list Coordinates of a core reference (usually a metal). core3D : mol3D mol3D of partially built complex. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of rotated ligand. """ # isolate fragment to be rotated confrag3D = mol3D() confragatomlist = [] danglinggroup = [] catoms_other = catoms[:] catoms_other.pop(n) # add connecting atom confrag3D.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[n])) confragatomlist.append(catoms[n]) # add all Hs bound to connecting atom for ii in lig3D.getHsbyIndex(catoms[n]): confrag3D.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(ii)) confragatomlist.append(ii) # add dangling groups anchoratoms = [] for atom in lig3D.getBondedAtomsnotH(catoms[n]): subm = lig3D.findsubMol(atom, catoms[n]) if len(list(set(subm).intersection(catoms_other))) == 0: danglinggroup = subm else: # bridginggroup = subm if list(set(subm).intersection(lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[n])))[0] not in anchoratoms: anchoratoms.append(list(set(subm).intersection( lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[n])))[0]) if not len(anchoratoms) == 1: for atom in danglinggroup: confrag3D.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(atom)) confragatomlist.append(atom) if confrag3D.natoms > 1: # terminal connecting atom confrag3Dtmp = mol3D() confrag3Dtmp.copymol3D(confrag3D) if len(anchoratoms) == 1: anchoratom = anchoratoms[0] anchor = lig3D.getAtomCoords(anchoratom) if not checkcolinear(anchor, confrag3D.getAtomCoords(0), confrag3D.getAtomCoords(1)): refpt = confrag3D.getAtomCoords(0) u = vecdiff(refpt, anchor) dtheta = 5 # objs = [] objopt = 0 thetaopt = 0 # localmaxs = [] thetas = list(range(0, 360, dtheta)) for theta in thetas: confrag3Dtmp = rotate_around_axis( confrag3Dtmp, refpt, u, dtheta) auxmol1 = mol3D() auxmol1.addAtom(confrag3Dtmp.getAtom(0)) for at in confrag3Dtmp.getBondedAtoms(0): auxmol1.addAtom(confrag3Dtmp.getAtom(at)) auxmol1.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(anchoratom)) auxmol2 = mol3D() auxmol2.copymol3D(confrag3Dtmp) # objs.append(distance(mcoords,auxmol.centersym())) if auxmol2.natoms > 3: obj = auxmol2.mindisttopoint(mcoords) else: obj = distance(mcoords, auxmol1.centersym()) if obj > objopt: objopt = obj thetaopt = theta # for i,obj in enumerate(objs): # try: # if objs[i] > objs[i-1] and objs[i] > objs[i+1]: # localmaxs.append(thetas[i]) # except IndexError: # pass # in future, compare multiple local maxima # if localmaxs == []: # localmaxs = [0] confrag3D = rotate_around_axis(confrag3D, refpt, u, thetaopt) # confrag3D = rotate_around_axis(confrag3D,refpt,u,localmaxs[0]) # non-terminal connecting atom elif len(anchoratoms) == 2: refpt = confrag3D.getAtomCoords(0) anchorcoords1 = lig3D.getAtomCoords(anchoratoms[0]) anchorcoords2 = lig3D.getAtomCoords(anchoratoms[1]) u = vecdiff(anchorcoords1, anchorcoords2) dtheta = 5 objs = [] localmaxs = [] thetas = list(range(0, 360, dtheta)) for _ in thetas: confrag3Dtmp = rotate_around_axis( confrag3Dtmp, refpt, u, dtheta) newHcoords = confrag3Dtmp.getAtomCoords(1) objs.append(distance(newHcoords, anchorcoords1)+distance( newHcoords, anchorcoords2)+distance(newHcoords, mcoords)) for i, obj in enumerate(objs): try: if objs[i] > objs[i-1] and objs[i] > objs[i+1]: localmaxs.append(thetas[i]) except IndexError: pass if localmaxs == []: localmaxs = [0] confrag3D = rotate_around_axis( confrag3D, refpt, u, localmaxs[0]) for i, atom in enumerate(confragatomlist): lig3D.getAtom(atom).setcoords(confrag3D.getAtomCoords(i)) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def rotate_catoms_fix_Hs(lig3D: mol3D, catoms: List[int], mcoords, core3D: mol3D) -> mol3D: """Rotates connecting atoms of multidentate ligands to improve H atom placement. Loops over rotate_catom_fix_Hs(). Parameters ---------- lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. mcoords : list Coordinates of a core reference (usually a metal). core3D : mol3D mol3D of partially built complex. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of rotated ligand. """ for i, n in enumerate(catoms): # if len(lig3D.getHsbyIndex(n)) > 0: lig3D = rotate_catom_fix_Hs(lig3D, catoms, i, mcoords, core3D) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def get_MLdist(metal: atom3D, oxstate: str, spin: str, lig3D: mol3D, atom0: int, ligand: str, MLb: List[str], i: int, ANN_flag: bool, ANN_bondl: float, this_diag: run_diag, MLbonds: dict, debug: bool = False) -> float: """Gets target M-L distance from desired source (custom, sum cov rad or ANN). Aligns a monodentate ligand to core connecting atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. ligand : str Name of ligand for dictionary lookup. metal : atom3D atom3D class instance of the first atom (usually a metal). MLb : float Custom M-L bond length (if any). i : int Ligand index number. ANN_flag : bool Flag for ANN activation. ANN_bondl : float ANN predicted M-L bond length. this_diag : run_diag run_diag instance for ANN diagnostic object. MLbonds : dict M-L bond dictionary. Returns ------- bondl : float M-L bond length in angstroms. """ # first check for user-specified distances and use them # print(MLb, MLb[i]) if (MLb and MLb[i]) and ("F" not in MLb[i]): print('using user-specified M-L distances') if 'c' in MLb[i].lower(): bondl = metal.rad + lig3D.getAtom(atom0).rad else: bondl = float(MLb[i]) else: # otherwise, check for exact DB match bondl, exact_match = get_MLdist_database( metal, oxstate, spin, lig3D, atom0, ligand, MLbonds, debug) try: this_diag.set_dict_bl(bondl) except AttributeError: pass if not exact_match and ANN_flag: # if no exact match found and ANN enabled, use it if debug: print('no exact M-L match in DB, using ANN') bondl = ANN_bondl elif exact_match: print('using exact M-L match from DB') else: print('Warning: ANN not active and exact M-L match not found in ' 'DB, distance may not be accurate') print(f'using partial DB match distance of {bondl}') return bondl
[docs]def get_MLdist_database(metal: atom3D, oxstate: str, spin: str, lig3D: mol3D, atom0: int, ligand: str, MLbonds: dict, debug=False) -> Tuple[float, bool]: """Gets target M-L distance from desired source (custom, sum cov rad or ANN). Aligns a monodentate ligand to core connecting atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- metal : atom3D atom3D class instance of the first atom (usually a metal). oxstate: str: oxidation state spin : str spin state lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. atom0 : int Ligand connecting atom index. ligand : str Name of ligand for dictionary lookup. MLbonds : dict M-L bond dictionary. Returns ------- bondl : float M-L bond length in angstroms. exact_match : bool Flag for database match. """ # check for roman letters in oxstate if oxstate: # if defined put oxstate in keys if oxstate in romans.keys(): oxs = romans[oxstate] else: oxs = oxstate else: oxs = '-' # check for spin multiplicity spin = spin if spin else '-' # Build possible keys in descending order of specificity key = [] key.append((metal.sym, oxs, spin, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).sym, ligand)) # disregard exact ligand key.append((metal.sym, oxs, spin, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).sym, '-')) # disregard oxstate/spin key.append((metal.sym, '-', '-', lig3D.getAtom(atom0).sym, ligand)) # else just consider bonding atom key.append((metal.sym, '-', '-', lig3D.getAtom(atom0).sym, '-')) exact_match = False # search for data for kk in key: if kk in MLbonds.keys(): # if exact key in dictionary bondl = float(MLbonds[kk]) if (kk == ((metal.sym, oxs, spin, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).sym, ligand))): # exact match exact_match = True break else: # If no match in dict (no break encountered): # last resort sum of covalent radii bondl = metal.rad + lig3D.getAtom(atom0).rad if debug: print(f'ms default distance is {bondl}') return bondl, exact_match
[docs]def get_batoms(args, batslist, ligsused): """Get backbone atoms from template. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. batslist : list List of backbone connecting atoms for each ligand. ligsused : int Number of ligands placed. Returns ------- batoms : list Backbone connecting atoms for ligand. """ batoms = batslist[ligsused] if len(batoms) < 1: emsg = 'Connecting all ligands is not possible. Check your input!' if args.gui: from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) return batoms
[docs]def align_dent2_catom2_coarse(args, lig3D, core3D, catoms, r1, r0, m3D, batoms, corerefcoords): """Crude rotations to improve alignment of the 2nd connecting atom of a bidentate substrate. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of partially built complex. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. r1 : list Coordinates of ligand first connecting atom. r0 : list Coordinates of core reference point. m3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of backbone template. batoms : list List of backbone atom indices. corerefcoords : list Coordinates of core reference atom. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. r1b : list Coordinates of second backbone point. """ r21 = [a-b for a, b in zip(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords(), r1)] r21n = [a-b for a, b in zip(m3D.getAtom(batoms[1]).coords(), r1)] if (norm(r21)*norm(r21n)) > 1e-8: theta = 180*np.arccos(, r21n)/(norm(r21)*norm(r21n)))/np.pi else: theta = 0.0 u = np.cross(r21, r21n) lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) # rotate around axis and get both images lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r1, u, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, r1, u, theta-180) d1 = distance(lig3D.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[1]).coords()) d2 = distance(lig3Db.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[1]).coords()) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one # flip if overlap r0l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords() r1l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords() md = min(distance(r0l, corerefcoords), distance(r1l, corerefcoords)) if lig3D.mindist(core3D) < md: lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, r0l, vecdiff(r1l, r0l), 180.0) # correct plane # r0b = m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords() r1b = m3D.getAtom(batoms[1]).coords() r0l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords() r1l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords() # rm = lig3D.centermass() urot = vecdiff(r1l, r0l) # theta,ub = rotation_params(corerefcoords,r0b,r1b) # theta,ul = rotation_params(rm,r0l,r1l) # if (norm(ub)*norm(ul)) > 1e-8: # theta = 180*np.arccos(,ul)/(norm(ub)*norm(ul)))/pi-180.0 # else: # theta = 0.0 # rotate around axis objopt = 0 for theta in range(0, 360, 5): lig3D_tmp = mol3D() lig3D_tmp.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D_tmp = rotate_around_axis(lig3D_tmp, r1, urot, theta) lig3D_tmp2 = mol3D() lig3D_tmp2.copymol3D(lig3D_tmp) H1 = lig3D_tmp2.getBondedAtomsH(catoms[1]) H2 = lig3D_tmp2.getBondedAtomsH(catoms[0]) lig3D_tmp2.deleteatoms([catoms[1]]+[catoms[0]]+H1+H2) obj = lig3D_tmp2.mindisttopoint(corerefcoords) if obj > objopt: objopt = obj lig3Dopt = mol3D() lig3Dopt.copymol3D(lig3D_tmp) lig3D = mol3D() lig3D.copymol3D(lig3Dopt) tmp3D = mol3D() tmp3D.copymol3D(m3D) tmp3D.combine(lig3D) # tmp3D.writexyz('new') # lig3Db = mol3D() # lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) # lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D,r1,urot,theta) # lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db,r1,urot,-theta) # select best # The following block was commented because ub is undefinded after # someone previously commented out other parts of this function. # Note: this is not a "fix" of the problem and just the simplest # solution to stay consistent with previous behavior. # try: # rm0, rm1 = lig3D.centermass(), lig3Db.centermass() # theta, ul0 = rotation_params(rm0, r0l, r1l) # theta, ul1 = rotation_params(rm1, r0l, r1l) # th0 = 180*np.arccos(, ul0)/(norm(ub)*norm(ul0)))/pi # th0 = min(abs(th0), abs(180-th0)) # th1 = 180*np.arccos(, ul1)/(norm(ub)*norm(ul1)))/pi # th1 = min(abs(th1), abs(180-th1)) # lig3D = lig3D if th0 < th1 else lig3Db # except: # pass lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned, r1b
[docs]def align_dent2_catom2_refined(args, lig3D, catoms, bondl, r1, r0, core3D, rtarget, coreref, MLoptbds): """Aligns second connecting atom of a bidentate ligand to balance ligand strain and the desired coordination environment. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. bondl : float Target M-L bond length. r1 : list Coordinates of ligand first connecting atom. r0 : list Coordinates of core reference point. core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of partially built complex. rtarget : list Coordinates of target point for second connecting atom. coreref : atom3D atom3D of core reference atom. MLoptbds : list List of final M-L bond lengths. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. """ # compute starting ligand FF energy for later comparison corerefcoords = coreref.coords() dr = vecdiff(rtarget, lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords()) cutoff = 5 # energy threshold for ligand strain, kcal/mol lig3Dtmp = mol3D() lig3Dtmp.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3Dtmp, en_start = ffopt( args.ff, lig3Dtmp, [], 1, [], False, [], 200, debug=args.debug) # take steps between current ligand position and ideal position on backbone nsteps = 20 ddr = [di/nsteps for di in dr] ens = [] finished = False relax = False while True: lig3Dtmp = mol3D() lig3Dtmp.copymol3D(lig3D) for ii in range(0, nsteps): lig3Dtmp, enl = ffopt(args.ff, lig3Dtmp, [], 1, [ catoms[0], catoms[1]], False, [], 'Adaptive', debug=args.debug) ens.append(enl) lig3Dtmp.getAtom(catoms[1]).translate(ddr) # once the ligand strain energy becomes too high, stop and accept ligand position # or if the ideal coordinating point is reached without reaching the strain energy cutoff, stop if (ens[-1] - ens[0] > cutoff) or (ii == nsteps-1): r0, r1 = lig3Dtmp.getAtomCoords( catoms[0]), lig3Dtmp.getAtomCoords(catoms[1]) r01 = distance(r0, r1) try: # but if ligand still cannot be aligned, instead force # alignment with a huge cutoff and then relax later theta1 = 180*np.arccos(0.5*r01/bondl)/np.pi except AssertionError: # To whoever encounters this: Please replace AssertionError # with whatever we are actually trying to except. I am # pretty sure that np.arccos does not raise Exceptions. # RM 2022/02/17 print('Forcing alignment...') cutoff += 5000000 relax = True break theta2 = vecangle(vecdiff(r1, r0), vecdiff(corerefcoords, r0)) dtheta = theta2-theta1 theta, urot = rotation_params(corerefcoords, r0, r1) # rotate so that it matches bond lig3Dtmp = rotate_around_axis(lig3Dtmp, r0, urot, -dtheta) finished = True break if finished: break # for long linear ligand chains, this procedure might produce the wrong ligand curvature. If so, reflect about M-L plane lig3Dtmpb = mol3D() lig3Dtmpb.copymol3D(lig3Dtmp) lig3Dtmpb = reflect_through_plane(lig3Dtmpb, vecdiff(midpt(lig3Dtmpb.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords( ), lig3Dtmpb.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords()), corerefcoords), lig3Dtmpb.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords()) lig3Dtmp = lig3Dtmpb if lig3Dtmp.mindist( core3D) < lig3Dtmpb.mindist(core3D) else lig3Dtmp if relax: # Relax the ligand lig3Dtmp, enl = ffopt(args.ff, lig3Dtmp, [catoms[1]], 2, [ catoms[0]], False, MLoptbds[-2:-1], 200, debug=args.debug) lig3Dtmp.deleteatom(lig3Dtmp.natoms-1) lig3Dtmp, en_final = ffopt( args.ff, lig3Dtmp, [], 1, [], False, [], 0, debug=args.debug) if en_final - en_start > 20: print(('Warning: Complex may be strained. Ligand strain energy (kcal/mol) = ' + str(en_final - en_start))) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3Dtmp) return lig3D_aligned
[docs]def align_dent1_lig(args, cpoint, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, rempi=False, ligpiatoms=[], MLb=[], ANN_flag=False, ANN_bondl: float = np.nan, this_diag=0, MLbonds=dict(), MLoptbds: Optional[List[float]] = None, i: int = 0, EnableAutoLinearBend=True) -> Tuple[mol3D, List[float]]: """Aligns a monodentate ligand to core connecting atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. cpoint : atom3D atom3D class instance containing backbone connecting point. core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of partially built complex. coreref : atom3D atom3D of core reference atom. ligand : str Name of ligand for dictionary lookup. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. rempi : bool, optional Flag for pi-coordinating ligand. Default is False. ligpiatoms : list, optional List of pi-coordinating atom indices in ligand. Default is empty. MLb : list, optional Custom M-L bond length (if any). Default is empty. ANN_flag : bool, optional Flag for ANN activation. Default is False. this_diag : run_diag, optional ANN run_diag class instance. Default is 0. MLbonds : dict, optional M-L bond dictionary. Default is empty. MLoptbds : list, optional List of final M-L bond lengths. Default is None. i : int, optional Ligand serial number. Default is 0. EnableAutoLinearBend : bool, optional Flag for enabling automatic bending of linear ligands (e.g. superoxo). Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. MLoptbds : list Updated list of metal ligand bonds. """ if MLoptbds is None: MLoptbds = [] corerefcoords = coreref.coords() # connection atom in lig3D atom0 = catoms[0] # translate ligand to overlap with backbone connecting point lig3D.alignmol(lig3D.getAtom(atom0), cpoint) # determine bond length (database/cov rad/ANN) bondl = get_MLdist(coreref, args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, atom0, ligand, MLb, i, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, this_diag, MLbonds, args.debug) MLoptbds.append(bondl) # align ligand to correct M-L distance u = vecdiff(cpoint.coords(), corerefcoords) lig3D = aligntoaxis2(lig3D, cpoint.coords(), corerefcoords, u, bondl) if rempi: # pi-coordinating ligand if len(ligpiatoms) == 2: # align linear (non-arom.) pi-coordinating ligand lig3D = align_linear_pi_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms) else: # 5 and 6 membered rings dealt with here lig3D = align_pi_ring_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, ligpiatoms, u) elif lig3D.natoms > 1: # align ligand center of symmetry lig3D = align_lig_centersym( corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D, EnableAutoLinearBend) if lig3D.natoms > 2: # check for linear molecule and align lig3D = check_rotate_linear_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0) # check for symmetric molecule lig3D = check_rotate_symm_lig(corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D) # rotate around M-L axis to minimize steric repulsion lig3D = rotate_MLaxis_minimize_steric( corerefcoords, lig3D, atom0, core3D) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned, MLoptbds
[docs]def align_dent2_lig(args, cpoint, batoms, m3D, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, MLb, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl: float, this_diag, MLbonds, MLoptbds: List[float], frozenats: List[int], i: int ) -> Tuple[mol3D, List[int], List[float]]: """Aligns a bidentate ligand to core connecting atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. cpoint : atom3D atom3D class instance containing backbone connecting point. batoms : list List of backbone atom indices. m3D : mol3D mol3D of backbone template. core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of partially built complex. coreref : atom3D atom3D of core reference atom. ligand : str Name of ligand for dictionary lookup. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. MLb : list Custom M-L bond length (if any). ANN_flag : bool Flag for ANN activation. ANN_bondl : list List of ANN predicted bond lengths. this_diag : run_diag ANN run_diag class instance. MLbonds : dict M-L bond dictionary. MLoptbds : list List of final M-L bond lengths. frozenats : list List of atoms frozen in FF optimization. i : int, optional Ligand serial number. Default is 0. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. frozenats : list List of frozen atoms. MLoptbds : list Updated list of metal ligand bonds. """ corerefcoords = coreref.coords() r0 = corerefcoords # get cis conformer by rotating rotatable bonds # lig3D = find_rotate_rotatable_bond(lig3D,catoms) # connection atom atom0 = catoms[0] # translate ligand to match first connecting atom to backbone connecting point lig3D.alignmol(lig3D.getAtom(atom0), cpoint) r1 = lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords() # Crude rotations to bring the 2nd connecting atom closer to its ideal location lig3D, r1b = align_dent2_catom2_coarse( args, lig3D, core3D, catoms, r1, r0, m3D, batoms, corerefcoords) # get bond length bondl = get_MLdist(coreref, args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, atom0, ligand, MLb, i, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, this_diag, MLbonds, args.debug) MLoptbds.append(bondl) MLoptbds.append(bondl) lig3D, dxyz = setPdistance(lig3D, r1, r0, bondl) # get target point for 2nd connecting atom rtarget = getPointu(corerefcoords, bondl, vecdiff( r1b, corerefcoords)) # get second point target if args.ff: # align 2nd connecting atom while balancing the desired location and ligand strain lig3D = align_dent2_catom2_refined( args, lig3D, catoms, bondl, r1, r0, core3D, rtarget, coreref, MLoptbds) else: print('Warning: Ligand FF optimization is inactive.') # rotate connecting atoms to align Hs properly lig3D = rotate_catoms_fix_Hs(lig3D, catoms, corerefcoords, core3D) # freeze local geometry lats = lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[0])+lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[1]) for lat in list(set(lats)): frozenats.append(lat+core3D.natoms) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned, frozenats, MLoptbds
[docs]def align_dent3_lig(args, cpoint, batoms, m3D, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, MLb, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, this_diag, MLbonds, MLoptbds: List[float], frozenats: List[int], i: int ) -> Tuple[mol3D, List[int], List[float]]: """Aligns a tridentate ligand to core connecting atom coordinates Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. cpoint : atom3D atom3D class instance containing backbone connecting point. batoms : list List of backbone atom indices. m3D : mol3D mol3D of backbone template. core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of partially built complex. coreref : atom3D atom3D of core reference atom. ligand : str Name of ligand for dictionary lookup. lig3D : mol3D mol3D class instance of the ligand. catoms : list List of ligand connecting atom indices. MLb : list Custom M-L bond length (if any). ANN_flag : bool Flag for ANN activation. ANN_bondl : list List of ANN predicted bond lengths. this_diag : run_diag ANN run_diag class instance. MLbonds : dict M-L bond dictionary. MLoptbds : list List of final M-L bond lengths. frozenats : list List of atoms frozen in FF optimization. i : int, optional Ligand serial number. Default is 0. Returns ------- lig3D_aligned : mol3D mol3D class instance of aligned ligand. frozenats : list List of frozen atoms. MLoptbds : list Updated list of metal ligand bonds. """ atom0 = catoms[1] corerefcoords = coreref.coords() # align molecule according to connection atom and shadow atom lig3D.alignmol(lig3D.getAtom(atom0), m3D.getAtom(batoms[1])) # 1. align ligand connection atoms center of symmetry auxm = mol3D() auxm.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0])) auxm.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2])) r0 = core3D.getAtom(0).coords() lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) theta, urot = rotation_params( r0, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), auxm.centersym()) lig3D = rotate_around_axis( lig3D, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), urot, theta) # 2. align with correct plane rl0, rl1, rl2 = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords(), lig3D.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords() rc0, rc1, rc2 = m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords(), m3D.getAtom( batoms[1]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords() theta0, ul = rotation_params(rl0, rl1, rl2) theta1, uc = rotation_params(rc0, rc1, rc2) urot = vecdiff(rl1, corerefcoords) theta = vecangle(ul, uc) lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, rl1, urot, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, rl1, urot, 180-theta) rl0, rl1, rl2 = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords(), lig3D.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords() rl0b, rl1b, rl2b = lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords(), lig3Db.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords() rc0, rc1, rc2 = m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords(), m3D.getAtom( batoms[1]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords() theta, ul = rotation_params(rl0, rl1, rl2) theta, ulb = rotation_params(rl0b, rl1b, rl2b) theta, uc = rotation_params(rc0, rc1, rc2) d1 = norm(np.cross(ul, uc)) d2 = norm(np.cross(ulb, uc)) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one # 3. correct if not symmetric theta0, urotaux = rotation_params(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords( ), lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords(), core3D.getAtom(0).coords()) theta1, urotaux = rotation_params(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords( ), lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords(), core3D.getAtom(0).coords()) dtheta = 0.5*(theta1-theta0) if abs(dtheta) > 0.5: lig3D = rotate_around_axis( lig3D, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), urot, dtheta) # 4. flip for correct stereochemistry urot = vecdiff(lig3D.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), core3D.getAtom(0).coords()) lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis( lig3Db, lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords(), urot, 180) d1 = min(distance(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords( )), distance(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords())) d2 = min(distance(lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords( )), distance(lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords())) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one # 5. flip to align 1st and 3rd connection atoms lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) theta, urot = rotation_params(lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords(), lig3Db.getAtom( catoms[1]).coords(), lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords()) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis( lig3Db, lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords(), urot, 180) d1 = min(distance(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords( )), distance(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords())) d2 = min(distance(lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[2]).coords( )), distance(lig3Db.getAtom(catoms[2]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords())) lig3D = lig3D if d1 < d2 else lig3Db bondl = get_MLdist(m3D.getAtom(0), args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, atom0, ligand, MLb, i, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, this_diag, MLbonds, args.debug) for iib in range(0, 3): MLoptbds.append(bondl) # set correct distance setPdistance(lig3D, lig3D.getAtom(atom0).coords(), m3D.getAtom(0).coords(), bondl) # rotate connecting atoms to align Hs properly lig3D = rotate_catoms_fix_Hs( lig3D, [catoms[0], catoms[1], catoms[2]], m3D.getAtom(0).coords(), core3D) # freeze local geometry lats = lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[0])+lig3D.getBondedAtoms(catoms[1]) for lat in list(set(lats)): frozenats.append(lat+core3D.natoms) lig3D_aligned = mol3D() lig3D_aligned.copymol3D(lig3D) return lig3D_aligned, frozenats, MLoptbds
[docs]def mcomplex(args: Namespace, ligs: List[str], ligoc: List[int] ) -> Tuple[mol3D, List[mol3D], str, run_diag, List[int], List[int]]: """Main ligand placement routine Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. ligs : list List of ligand names. ligoc : list List of ligand occupations. licores : dict Ligand dictionary as in molSimplify. Returns ------- core3D : mol3D mol3D class instance for core. complex3D : mol3D mol3D class instance for built complex. emsg : str Flag for error. String if error, with error message. this_diag: run_diag run_diag class instance of the complex. subcatoms_ext : list Substrate connection atoms from TSGen. Deprecated. mligcatoms_ext : list Ligand connection atoms from TSGen. Deprecated. """ globs = globalvars() # load ligand dictionary licores = getlicores() this_diag = run_diag() if globs.debug: print(('\nGenerating complex with ligands and occupations:', ligs, ligoc)) if args.gui: args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGenerating complex with core:'+args.core + ' and ligands: ' + ' '.join(ligs)+'\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText()) # import gui options from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn # initialize variables emsg = '' complex3D: List[mol3D] = [] occs0 = [] # occurrences of each ligand toccs = 0 # total occurrence count (number of ligands) smilesligs = 0 # count how many smiles strings cats0: List[List[Union[int, str]]] = [] # connection atoms for ligands dentl = [] # denticity of ligands connected = [] # indices in core3D of ligand atoms connected to metal frozenats = [] # atoms to be frozen in optimization freezeangles = False # custom angles imposed MLoptbds: List[float] = [] # list of bond lengths rempi = False # remove dummy pi orbital center of mass atom backbatoms: List[List[int]] = [] batslist: List[List[int]] = [] bats: List[int] = [] ffoption_list = [] # for each ligand, keeps track of what the forcefield option is. # load bond data MLbonds = loaddata('/Data/ML.dat') # calculate occurrences, denticities etc for all ligands for i, ligname in enumerate(ligs): # if not in cores -> smiles/file if ligname not in list(licores.keys()): if args.smicat and len(args.smicat) >= (smilesligs+1): if 'pi' in args.smicat[smilesligs]: cats0.append(['c']) else: cats0.append(args.smicat[smilesligs]) else: cats0.append([0]) dent_i = len(cats0[-1]) smilesligs += 1 else: cats0.append([]) # otherwise get denticity from ligands dictionary if 'pi' in licores[ligname][2]: dent_i = 1 else: if isinstance(licores[ligname][2], str): dent_i = 1 else: dent_i = int(len(licores[ligname][2])) # get occurrence for each ligand if specified (default 1) oc_i = int(ligoc[i]) if i < len(ligoc) else 1 occs0.append(0) # initialize occurrences list dentl.append(dent_i) # append denticity to list # loop over occurrence of ligand i to check for max coordination for j in range(0, oc_i): occs0[i] += 1 toccs += dent_i if 'l' in args.ffoption: # ligands.dict control for force field option if ligname in list(licores.keys()): # ligand is in the ligands dictionary forcefield_option_current_ligand = licores[ligname][4][0].lower() ffoption_list.append(forcefield_option_current_ligand) else: # default to 'ba' for ligands not in ligands.dict ffoption_list.append('ba') if 'l' in args.ffoption: # ligands.dict control for force field option # Setting args.ffoption to the least-action option among the ligands. # So, if at least one of the ligands has 'n' as the forcefield option, no optimization. # Otherwise, if there is any mixture of 'b' and 'a' among the ligands, go with 'n' for consistency. # Otherwise, if there is a mixture of 'b' and 'ba', go with 'b'. # Otherwise, if there is a mixture of 'a' and 'ba', go with 'a'. # Only if all ligands have 'ba' as the forcefield option do we go with 'ba'. ffoption_set = set(ffoption_list) if 'n' in ffoption_set: args.ffoption = 'n' elif 'b' in ffoption_set and 'a' in ffoption_set: args.ffoption = 'n' elif 'b' in ffoption_set: args.ffoption = 'b' elif 'a' in ffoption_set: args.ffoption = 'a' else: args.ffoption = 'ba' # sort by descending denticity (needed for adjacent connection atoms) ligandsU, occsU, dentsU = ligs, occs0, dentl # save unordered lists indcs = smartreorderligs(ligs, dentl, args.ligalign) ligands = [ligs[i] for i in indcs] # sort ligands list occs = [occs0[i] for i in indcs] # sort occurrences list tcats = [cats0[i] for i in indcs] # sort connections list dents = [dentl[i] for i in indcs] # sort denticities list # if using decorations, make repeatable list if args.decoration: if not args.decoration_index: print('Warning, no decoration index given, assuming first ligand') args.decoration_index = [[0]] if len(args.decoration_index) != len(ligs): new_decoration_index = [] new_decorations = [] for i in range(0, len(ligs)): if len(args.decoration_index) > i: new_decoration_index.append(args.decoration_index[i]) new_decorations.append(args.decoration[i]) else: new_decoration_index.append([]) new_decorations.append(False) if args.debug: print('setting decoration:') print(new_decoration_index) print(new_decorations) args.decoration = new_decorations args.decoration_index = new_decoration_index args.decoration_index = [args.decoration_index[i] for i in indcs] # sort decorations list args.decoration = [args.decoration[i] for i in indcs] # sort decorations list # sort keepHs list and unpack into list of tuples representing each connecting atom### keepHs = [k for k in args.keepHs] keepHs = [keepHs[i] for i in indcs] for i, keepH in enumerate(keepHs): keepHs[i] = [keepHs[i]] * dents[i] # sort M-L bond list MLb = [] if args.MLbonds: MLb = [k for k in args.MLbonds] for j in range(len(args.MLbonds), len(ligs)): MLb.append(False) MLb = [MLb[i] for i in indcs] # sort MLbonds list # sort ligands custom angles pangles = [] if args.pangles: pangles = [k for k in args.pangles] for j in range(len(args.pangles), len(ligs)): pangles.append(False) pangles = [args.pangles[i] for i in indcs] # sort custom langles list # compute number of connecting points required cpoints_required = 0 for i, ligand in enumerate(ligands): for j in range(0, occs[i]): cpoints_required += dents[i] # load core and initialize template m3D, core3D, geom, backbatoms, coord, corerefatoms = init_template( args, cpoints_required) # Get connection points for all the ligands # smart alignment and forced order # if geom: if args.ligloc and args.ligalign: batslist0 = [] for i, ligand in enumerate(ligandsU): for j in range(0, occsU[i]): # get correct atoms bats, backbatoms = getnupdateb(backbatoms, dentsU[i]) batslist0.append(bats) # reorder according to smart reorder for i in indcs: offset = 0 for ii in range(0, i): offset += (occsU[ii]-1) for j in range(0, occsU[i]): batslist.append(batslist0[i+j+offset]) # sort connections list else: for i, ligand in enumerate(ligands): for j in range(0, occs[i]): # get correct atoms bats, backbatoms = getnupdateb(backbatoms, dents[i]) batslist.append(bats) if not geom: for comb_i, comb in enumerate(batslist): for i in comb: if i == 1: batslist[comb_i][i] = m3D.natoms - coord + 1 # initialize ANN ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag = init_ANN( args, ligands, occs, dents, batslist, tcats, licores) this_diag.set_ANN(ANN_flag, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag) # freeze core for i in range(0, core3D.natoms): frozenats.append(i) # loop over ligands and begin functionalization # loop over ligands totlig = 0 # total number of ligands added ligsused = 0 # total number of ligands used subcatoms_ext: List[int] = [] mligcatoms_ext: List[int] = [] if args.mligcatoms: for i in range(len(args.mligcatoms)): mligcatoms_ext.append(0) for i, ligand in enumerate(ligands): if args.debug: print('************') print(('loading ligand '+str(ligand) + ', number ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(ligands)))) if not (ligand == 'x' or ligand == 'X'): # load ligand lig, emsg = lig_load(ligand) # add decorations to ligand if args.decoration and args.decoration_index: if len(args.decoration) > i and len(args.decoration_index) > i: if args.decoration[i]: if args.debug: print(('decorating ' + str(ligand) + ' with ' + str( args.decoration[i]) + ' at sites ' + str(args.decoration_index))) lig = decorate_ligand( lig, args.decoration[i], args.decoration_index[i], args.debug) lig.convert2mol3D() # initialize ligand lig3D, rempi, ligpiatoms = init_ligand(args, lig, tcats, keepHs, i) if emsg: return core3D, complex3D, emsg, this_diag, subcatoms_ext, mligcatoms_ext # Skip = False for j in range(0, occs[i]): # The number of occurrences of the current ligand. if args.debug: print(('loading copy '+str(j) + ' of ligand ' + ligand + ' with dent ' + str(dents[i]))) print(('totlig is ' + str(totlig))) print(('ligused is ' + str(ligsused))) print(('target BL is ' + str(ANN_bondl[ligsused]))) print('******') denticity = dents[i] if not (ligand == 'x' or ligand == 'X') and (totlig-1+denticity < coord): # add atoms to connected atoms list catoms = # connection atoms initatoms = core3D.natoms # initial number of atoms in core3D if args.debug: print((ligand.lower())) print((args.mlig)) print((args.core.lower())) print(('mligcatoms_ext is ' + str(mligcatoms_ext))) for at in catoms: connected.append(initatoms+at) # initialize variables # metal coordinates in backbone mcoords = core3D.getAtom(0).coords() atom0 = 0 # initialize variables coreref = corerefatoms.getAtom(totlig) # connecting point in backbone to align ligand to batoms = get_batoms(args, batslist, ligsused) cpoint = m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]) # attach ligand depending on the denticity # optimize geometry by minimizing steric effects if args.debug: print(('backbone atoms: ' + str(batoms))) if (denticity == 1): lig3D, MLoptbds = align_dent1_lig( args, cpoint, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, rempi, ligpiatoms, MLb, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl[ligsused], this_diag, MLbonds, MLoptbds, i) if args.debug: print(('adding monodentate at distance: ' + str( ANN_bondl[totlig]) + '/'+str(MLb) + '/'+' at catoms ' + str(catoms))) print('printing ligand information') print((lig3D.printxyz())) elif (denticity == 2): lig3D, frozenats, MLoptbds = align_dent2_lig( args, cpoint, batoms, m3D, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, MLb, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl[ligsused], this_diag, MLbonds, MLoptbds, frozenats, i) elif (denticity == 3): lig3D, frozenats, MLoptbds = align_dent3_lig( args, cpoint, batoms, m3D, core3D, coreref, ligand, lig3D, catoms, MLb, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl[ligsused], this_diag, MLbonds, MLoptbds, frozenats, i) elif (denticity == 4): # note: catoms for ligand should be specified clockwise # connection atoms in backbone if args.antigeoisomer: print('anti geometric isomer requested.') catoms = catoms[::-1] batoms = batslist[ligsused] if len(batoms) < 1: if args.gui: emsg = 'Connecting all ligands is not possible. Check your input!' qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) break # connection atom atom0 = catoms[0] # align ligand center of symmetry to core reference atom auxmol_lig = mol3D() auxmol_m3D = mol3D() for iiax in range(0, 4): auxmol_lig.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[iiax])) auxmol_m3D.addAtom(m3D.getAtom(batoms[iiax])) lig3D.alignmol( atom3D('C', auxmol_lig.centersym()), m3D.getAtom(0)) # necessary to prevent lig3D from being overwritten lig3Dtmp = mol3D() lig3Dtmp.copymol3D(lig3D) # compute average metal-ligand distance auxmol_lig = mol3D() auxmol_m3D = mol3D() sum_MLdists = 0 for iiax in range(0, 4): auxmol_lig.addAtom(lig3Dtmp.getAtom(catoms[iiax])) auxmol_m3D.addAtom(m3D.getAtom(batoms[iiax])) sum_MLdists += distance(m3D.getAtomCoords(0), auxmol_lig.getAtomCoords(iiax)) avg_MLdists = sum_MLdists/4 # scale template by average M-L distance auxmol_m3D.addAtom(m3D.getAtom(0)) # TODO BCM definition slightly modified. Keep an eye for unexpected structures for iiax in range(0, 4): auxmol_m3D.BCM(iiax, 4, avg_MLdists) auxmol_m3D.deleteatom(4) # align lig3D to minimize RMSD from template auxmol_lig, U, d0, d1 = kabsch(auxmol_lig, auxmol_m3D) lig3D.translate(d0) lig3D = rotate_mat(lig3D, U) bondl = get_MLdist(m3D.getAtom(0), args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, atom0, ligand, MLb, i, ANN_flag, ANN_bondl[ligsused], this_diag, MLbonds, args.debug) for iib in range(0, 4): MLoptbds.append(bondl) elif (denticity == 5): # connection atoms in backbone batoms = batslist[ligsused] if len(batoms) < 1: if args.gui: qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) emsg = 'Connecting all ligands is not possible. Check your input!' break # get center of mass ligc = mol3D() for c_i in range(0, 4): # 5 is the non-planar atom ligc.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[c_i])) # translate ligand to the middle of octahedral lig3D.translate(vecdiff(mcoords, ligc.centersym())) # get plane r0c = m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords() r2c = m3D.getAtom(batoms[1]).coords() r1c = mcoords r0l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords() r2l = lig3D.getAtom(catoms[1]).coords() r1l = mcoords # normal vector to backbone plane theta, uc = rotation_params(r0c, r1c, r2c) # normal vector to ligand plane theta, ul = rotation_params(r0l, r1l, r2l) theta = vecangle(uc, ul) u = np.cross(uc, ul) lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) # rotate around axis to match planes lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, mcoords, u, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, mcoords, u, 180+theta) d1 = distance(lig3D.getAtom( catoms[4]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[-1]).coords()) d2 = distance(lig3Db.getAtom( catoms[4]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[-1]).coords()) lig3D = lig3D if (d2 < d1) else lig3Db # pick best one # rotate around center axis to match backbone atoms r0l = vecdiff(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[0]).coords(), mcoords) r1l = vecdiff(m3D.getAtom(totlig+1).coords(), mcoords) u = np.cross(r0l, r1l) theta = 180*np.arccos(, r1l)/(norm(r0l)*norm(r1l)))/np.pi lig3Db = mol3D() lig3Db.copymol3D(lig3D) lig3D = rotate_around_axis(lig3D, mcoords, u, theta) lig3Db = rotate_around_axis(lig3Db, mcoords, u, theta-90) d1 = distance(lig3D.getAtom( catoms[0]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords()) d2 = distance(lig3Db.getAtom( catoms[0]).coords(), m3D.getAtom(batoms[0]).coords()) lig3D = lig3D if (d1 < d2) else lig3Db # pick best one bondl, exact_match = get_MLdist_database( core3D.getAtom(0), args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, catoms[0], ligand, MLbonds, args.debug) # flip if necessary if len(batslist) > ligsused: nextatbats = batslist[ligsused] auxm = mol3D() if len(nextatbats) > 0: for at in nextatbats: auxm.addAtom(m3D.getAtom(at)) if lig3D.overlapcheck(auxm, True): # if overlap flip urot = vecdiff(m3D.getAtomCoords( batoms[1]), m3D.getAtomCoords(batoms[0])) lig3D = rotate_around_axis( lig3D, mcoords, urot, 180) for iib in range(0, 5): MLoptbds.append(bondl) elif (denticity == 6): # connection atoms in backbone batoms = batslist[ligsused] if len(batoms) < 1: if args.gui: qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', emsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) emsg = 'Connecting all ligands is not possible. Check your input!' break # get center of mass ligc = mol3D() for c_i in range(0, 6): ligc.addAtom(lig3D.getAtom(catoms[c_i])) # translate metal to the middle of octahedral core3D.translate(vecdiff(ligc.centersym(), mcoords)) bondl, exact_match = get_MLdist_database( core3D.getAtom(0), args.oxstate, args.spin, lig3D, catoms[0], ligand, MLbonds, args.debug) for iib in range(0, 6): MLoptbds.append(bondl) auxm = mol3D() auxm.copymol3D(lig3D) complex3D.append(auxm) if 'a' not in lig.ffopt.lower(): for latdix in range(0, lig3D.natoms): if args.debug: print(('a is not ff.lower, so adding atom: ' + str(latdix+core3D.natoms) + ' to freeze')) frozenats.append(latdix+core3D.natoms) # combine molecules core3D = core3D.combine(lig3D) core3D.convert2OBMol() core3D.convert2mol3D() # remove dummy cm atom if requested if rempi: # remove the fictitious center atom, for aromatic-bonding ligands like benzene core3D.deleteatom(core3D.natoms-1) if args.debug: print(('number of atoms in lig3D is ' + str(lig3D.natoms))) if lig3D.natoms < 3: frozenats += list(range(core3D.natoms-2, core3D.natoms)) if args.debug: print( (str(list(range(core3D.natoms-2, core3D.natoms))) + ' are frozen.')) if args.calccharge: core3D.charge += lig3D.charge if args.debug: print(('core3D charge is ' + str(core3D.charge))) # perform FF optimization if requested if args.debug: print(('saving a copy of the complex named complex_' + str(i)+'_'+str(j) + '.xyz')) core3D.writexyz('complex_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j) + '.xyz') if 'a' in args.ffoption: if args.debug: print('FF optimizing molecule after placing ligand') print( ('in the relax function, passing connected atoms list: ' + str(connected))) # (ff,mol,connected,constopt,frozenats,frozenangles,mlbonds,nsteps,debug=False): core3D, enc = ffopt(ff=args.ff, mol=core3D, connected=connected, constopt=1, frozenats=frozenats, frozenangles=freezeangles, mlbonds=MLoptbds, nsteps='Adaptive', spin=int(args.spin), debug=args.debug) if args.debug: print( ('saving a copy of the complex named complex_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j) + '')) core3D.writexyz('complex_'+str(i) + '_'+str(j) + '') if args.debug: print(('done with pair of inds '+str(i)+' and '+str(j))) print('**************************') totlig += denticity ligsused += 1 # perform FF optimization if requested if 'a' in args.ffoption or args.ff_final_opt: if args.debug: print('Performing final FF opt') # idxes midx = core3D.findMetal()[0] # If args.ff_final_opt is None (default) use args.ff ff = args.ff_final_opt or args.ff core3D, enc = ffopt(ff=ff, mol=core3D, connected=connected, constopt=1, frozenats=connected + [midx], frozenangles=freezeangles, mlbonds=MLoptbds, nsteps='Adaptive', spin=int(args.spin), debug=args.debug) if args.debug: print( 'saving a final debug copy of the complex named') core3D.writexyz('') # core3D,enc = ffopt(args.ff,core3D,connected,1,frozenats,freezeangles,MLoptbds,'Adaptive',args.debug) return core3D, complex3D, emsg, this_diag, subcatoms_ext, mligcatoms_ext
[docs]def generate_report(args: Namespace, ligands: List[str], ligoc: List[int] ) -> Tuple[mol3D, List[mol3D], str, run_diag, List[int], List[int]]: # load ligand dictionary licores = getlicores() ligs: List[ligand_class] = [] cons = [] # Bunch of unused variables?? RM 2022/02/17 # mono_inds = [] # bi_inds = [] # tri_inds = [] # tetra_inds = [] # penta_inds = [] emsg = "" complex3D: List[mol3D] = [] occs0 = [] # occurrences of each ligand toccs = 0 # total occurrence count (number of ligands) # catsmi = [] # SMILES ligands connection atoms smilesligs = 0 # count how many smiles strings cats0: List[List[Union[int, str]]] = [] # connection atoms for ligands dentl = [] # denticity of ligands # connected = [] # indices in core3D of ligand atoms connected to metal # frozenats = [] # atoms to be frozen in optimization # freezeangles = False # custom angles imposed # MLoptbds = [] # list of bond lengths # rempi = False # remove dummy pi orbital center of mass atom backbatoms: List[List[int]] = [] batslist: List[List[int]] = [] bats: List[int] = [] print('ONLY report wanted. Not building structure.') metal_mol = mol3D() metal_mol.addAtom(atom3D(args.core)) # CURRENTLY only works for molsimplify ligands... for i, name in enumerate(ligands): this_mol, emsg = lig_load(name) this_mol.convert2mol3D() this_lig = ligand_class(mol3D(), [], this_mol.denticity) this_lig.mol = this_mol this_con = ligs.append(this_lig) cons.append(this_con) if name not in list(licores.keys()): # ligand is not in the ligands dictionary if args.smicat and len(args.smicat) >= (smilesligs+1): if 'pi' in args.smicat[smilesligs]: cats0.append(['c']) else: cats0.append(args.smicat[smilesligs]) else: cats0.append([0]) dent_i = len(cats0[-1]) smilesligs += 1 else: cats0.append([]) # otherwise get denticity from ligands dictionary if 'pi' in licores[name][2]: dent_i = 1 else: if isinstance(licores[name][2], str): dent_i = 1 else: dent_i = int(len(licores[name][2])) oc_i = int(ligoc[i]) if i < len(ligoc) else 1 occs0.append(0) # initialize occurrences list dentl.append(dent_i) # append denticity to list # loop over occurrence of ligand i to check for max coordination for j in range(0, oc_i): occs0[i] += 1 toccs += dent_i # sort by descending denticity (needed for adjacent connection atoms) ligandsU, occsU, dentsU = ligs, occs0, dentl # save unordered lists indcs = smartreorderligs(ligands, dentl, args.ligalign) occs = [occs0[i] for i in indcs] # sort occurrences list tcats = [cats0[i] for i in indcs] # sort connections list dents = [dentl[i] for i in indcs] # sort denticities list cpoints_required = 0 for i, ligand_val in enumerate(ligands): for j in range(0, occs[i]): cpoints_required += dents[i] # load core and initialize template m3D, core3D, geom, backbatoms, coord, corerefatoms = init_template( args, cpoints_required) # Get connection points for all the ligands # smart alignment and forced order # if geom: if args.ligloc and args.ligalign: batslist0 = [] for i, ligandU_val in enumerate(ligandsU): for j in range(0, occsU[i]): # get correct atoms bats, backbatoms = getnupdateb(backbatoms, dentsU[i]) batslist0.append(bats) # reorder according to smart reorder for i in indcs: offset = 0 for ii in range(0, i): offset += (occsU[ii]-1) for j in range(0, occsU[i]): # sort connections list batslist.append(batslist0[i+j+offset]) else: for i, ligand_val in enumerate(ligands): for j in range(0, occs[i]): # get correct atoms bats, backbatoms = getnupdateb(backbatoms, dents[i]) batslist.append(bats) if not geom: for comb_i, comb in enumerate(batslist): for i in comb: if i == 1: batslist[comb_i][i] = m3D.natoms - coord + 1 ANN_flag, ANN_bondl, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag = init_ANN( args, ligands, occs, dents, batslist, tcats, licores) this_diag = run_diag() this_diag.set_ANN(ANN_flag, ANN_reason, ANN_attributes, catalysis_flag) # Unused return arguments subcatoms_ext: List[int] = [] mligcatoms_ext: List[int] = [] if args.mligcatoms: for i in range(len(args.mligcatoms)): mligcatoms_ext.append(0) return core3D, complex3D, emsg, this_diag, subcatoms_ext, mligcatoms_ext
[docs]def structgen(args: Namespace, rootdir: str, ligands: List[str], ligoc: List[int], sernum: int, write_files: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], str, run_diag]: """Main structure generation routine - multiple structures Parameters ---------- args : Namespace Namespace of arguments. rootdir : str Directory of current run to generate complex. ligands : list List of ligand names. ligoc : list List of ligand occupations. sernum : int Serial number of complex for naming. write_files : bool, optional Flag to write files. Default is True. False for pythonic generation. Returns ------- strfiles : str List of XYZ files. emsg : str Error message for structure generation. If True, has string. this_diag : run_diag run_diag class instance containing properties of structure. """ emsg = '' strfiles: List[str] = [] # build structure sanity = False this_diag = run_diag() if (ligands): if args.reportonly: core3D, complex3D, emsg, this_diag, subcatoms_ext, mligcatoms_ext = generate_report( args, ligands, ligoc) if emsg: return strfiles, emsg, this_diag else: core3D, complex3D, emsg, this_diag, subcatoms_ext, mligcatoms_ext = mcomplex( args, ligands, ligoc) if args.debug: print(('subcatoms_ext are ' + str(subcatoms_ext))) if emsg: return strfiles, emsg, this_diag else: print('You specified no ligands. The whole mcomplex is read from the core.') # read mol3D from core core3D = mol3D() if '.xyz' in args.core: core3D.readfromxyz(args.core) else: atom = atom3D(Sym=args.core, xyz=[0, 0, 0]) core3D.addAtom(atom) name_core = args.core if args.calccharge: args.charge = core3D.charge if args.debug: print(('setting charge to be ' + str(args.charge))) # check for molecule sanity if args.reportonly: this_diag.set_sanity(False, 'graph') else: sanity, d0 = core3D.sanitycheck(True) if sanity: print(('WARNING: Generated complex is not good! Minimum distance between atoms:' + "{0:.2f}".format(d0)+'A\n')) if args.gui: ssmsg = 'Generated complex in folder '+rootdir + \ ' is no good! Minimum distance between atoms:' + \ "{0:.2f}".format(d0)+'A\n' from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning', ssmsg) qqb.setParent(args.gui.wmain) if args.debug: print(('setting sanity diag, min dist at ' + str(d0) + ' (higher is better)')) this_diag.set_sanity(sanity, d0) # generate file name fname = name_complex(rootdir, name_core, args.geometry, ligands, ligoc, sernum, args, 1, sanity) if args.debug: print(('fname is ' + fname)) # write xyz file if (not args.reportonly) and (write_files): core3D.writexyz(fname) strfiles.append(fname) if write_files: # write report file this_diag.set_mol(core3D) this_diag.write_report(fname+'.report') # write input file from command line arguments getinputargs(args, fname) # (Possibly breaking change) Copy core3D into this_diag core3D_copy = mol3D() core3D_copy.copymol3D(core3D) this_diag.set_mol(core3D_copy) del core3D # Legacy code, unsure if needed pfold = rootdir.split('/', 1)[-1] if args.gui: args.gui.iWtxt.setText('In folder '+pfold+' generated ' + '1 structure!\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText()) print(('\nIn folder '+rootdir+' generated 1 structure!')) return strfiles, emsg, this_diag